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Everything posted by HuskyMom09

  1. Denali 6mos 1st win Denali 17mos Best of Breed Denali 18mos Denali 23mos
  2. LOL, I was the exact opposite, I never wanted reds...then I met and fell in love with Juneau, now we have Enya as well
  3. Thank you all! The snow has yet to let up today, I feel it's safe to say that winter has officially arrived here! Pups are having a blast, but I don't even have the sled down from the rafters yet! LOL Thanks again for enjoying the pics
  4. Yeah Mals run on some teams here, but they are certainly not as fast as the Siberians are! I'm going to keep running my purebred Siberian team and keep on training for the next one! can't wait!
  5. Just two, my regular training buddy Naomi and her 4 Siberian team, and Jill who is like a mentor to us we are trying to train more with...she lives an hour away from us so it's a little more difficult. But I love training with other teams, so much you can work on and help each other with!
  6. Took the teams out for a training run today! We logged 5 miles and worked on some passing and overall endurance building Such fun! We'll be headed to LaPine OR this weekend for continued fun!
  7. 1) most of those 'jobs' created were in companies that flopped before his first term was served, but that was kept hush-hush. The reason unemployment numbers went down was largely in part due to people being unemployed so long they fell off the eligibility list for unemployment benefits. 2) they didn't bring our troops home, they shifted them from Iraq to Afghanistan putting our men further in harms way. My own brother was involved in a green on blue shooting because it is our 'responsibility' to teach them to fight their own war? Oh that back fired when they turned on those who were training them. My baby brother did not deserve to get shot or lose his friends. He will be re-deployed as soon as his leave is up. That is not what was promised. 3) Seal team 6 brought down Osama Bin Laden, not Obama....then the Obama administration outed the Seal Team members ultimately causing their deaths, then sat by idly while our own consulate fell under attack and denied requests for more security and military assistance in their time of need, letting more Americans die needlessly. NOT at all what was 'promised' 4 years ago, but we still fall for the lines. I guess handouts are the important things to us these days.
  8. There is no such thing as too old to learn. We just started a 4 dog team, my oldest novice dog is 8 years old and he is just as eager to get out there and learn as both of my 2 year olds are. There is nothing wrong with enforcing directional commands now, and minimum or no resistance training....but I don't believe in pulling before 18 months, besides that most x-back harnesses are custom fit so if you buy a harness now by the time he's 2 you'll be buying a new harness anyway.
  9. Totally agree, most quality carts come in at around 80lbs. I can't run my cart with just 2 dogs I have to use 3+ and before I'd consider them going out with kids at the helm I'd be sure they were rock solid on commands first.
  10. Scooters and bikers use a different type of harness than sledders and carters use. The harness that Stranger posted is more common for bikejoring and scootering since there is a height difference between attachment on the bike and the dog. H-backs and X-backs are used for carting and sledding since the connection is more level. The main difference is H-backs tend to fit more robust dogs better and X-backs for more of a standard or thin build. Regardless I do not recommend starting pulling until they reach 17-18 months as there is still growth happening and you don't want to overly strain the growth plates. These are the harnesses I use for cart/sled with my team- http://www.alpineoutfitters.net/secure/scripts/prodView.asp?idproduct=17
  11. Not sure if there is a 'standard' distance, I felt this was a comfortable distance for my novice team though Yes Seal is new to us, he's 2 years old (4 weeks older than Denali) and is from Ziemabora lines. Very nice little boy, quite the worker and cuddle bug.
  12. We covered 2.1 miles in 16.49min day 1 and 21.33min day 2 (it was considerably warmer day 2). My team is made up of Juneau and Seal in wheel and Denali and Dakota in dual lead.
  13. You should use the universal commands so if you ever decide to add a trained dog to your crew at any point you don't have to retrain or confuse the dogs.
  14. Thanks! We had so much fun out there Can't wait to go out again!
  15. I started mine while walking and using the commands while we walked...switched to walking in harness at about 15months and continued to build the commands, I'll warn you it was almost like starting over LOL. But have patience and practice often
  16. What is up with that forum lately!?!? Every single day there's either a new idiot insisting on breeding their pets or pushing their irresponsibly bred puppies....ugh
  17. Great results for Team Keahi this weekend at our first cart race! We placed third overall in the 4 dog sprint and 2nd overall in the purebred 4 dog sprint class. I could not have had more fun or be more proud of my team!
  18. They shouldn't be pulling until they are 18 months, command training can start at any time though
  19. I'd like to introduce my new 4 dog team! Seal is a new addition to the family, he's a Galena Creek dog and we're very excited to add him to the team! Juneau and Seal in wheel position, Dakota and Denali in lead
  20. I'm currently looking at the AW100 Nikon, it's shock and waterproof which I figure would be good to take sledding/carting in the event I crash LOL. Right around $250-$300 16megaPixles HD video capable...in my dog yard I use my DSLR Nikon D300s, but that is a pricy unit before lenses.
  21. [MENTION=2509]HuskyHijinx[/MENTION] I do feel a bit more at peace, thought I can't sleep with the lights off yet for some reason...maybe it's because it was the middle of the night when he went and I was in bed. A weight was lifted when he was brought home....but now Rockie mourns every night all night the most mournful howls I have ever heard. I think his heart is broken it makes me so sad to hear his howls for his missing kennel mate. We went and picked up a potential new member of the pack tonight, his name is Seal and we're giving him a 'test fit' with our pack. He belongs to my breeder, but he's been picked on for so long in her kennel she didn't feel it was a good home for him any more. We'll see if it works and if he can help us heal.
  22. I know teams that are more female than male, more male than female, even splits, etc. Gender doesn't necessarily have anything to do with it. I can see my team is for now already going to be male heavy. But that's just how it happened. Looks like I may be getting a trained leader soon and I am adding another male to my working/show kennel....we're going to be dog heavy for a while it seems
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