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Everything posted by HuskyMom09

  1. Thanks, I really need to remember a camera....the cell phone takes OK pics but I know a camera would be better.
  2. It is! Denali in lead, Dakota and Juneau in wheel. I'm not sure a snowboard would be the safest idea since you are turned sideways on a board...you'd have to keep 1 foot out of the binding in case you need to catch yourself. I used to use cross-country skis and have them pull me, then I learned that was called Skijoring LOL
  3. [MENTION=8823]Niki[/MENTION]- Yes Timber's passing was sudden, and near the end he even tricked me into believing he was getting better. The last time I checked his temperature I was pleased he had more fight in him and his temperature actually dropped. I was sure we made the corner to recovery, even though my gut said otherwise....then I came downstairs after hearing him paw at his water bucket to find him lifeless. The more I research and after talking to our vet (who we LOVE, he's a great vet) we're sure it was a tumor that had burst....we opted not to disturb his body any further by performing a necropsy. I figured he'd gone through enough in his lifetime. I will say that since his cremains have been returned it feels like a weight has been lifted from my heart and the tears don't flow quite so often...though when I took delivery of the urn there was no problem shedding tears. I couldn't be more pleased with how it turned out and how incredibly compassionate the entire Pet Memorial team was through the whole thing. The pack is definitely in full acknowledgment that there is a void here. Rockie's mournful howls kept me up all night last night. He's so discontent inside though, it's too warm for him even with all the windows open I've spent some time with him outside between rain pours. I'm just hoping that we don't get any fights between members as we all heal and rebuild.
  4. These are some of my most favorite pics of my pack- Dakota Juneau Denali Enya Kenna Diamond Rockie Timber Tikaani Aspen Riley
  5. 4 miles logged tonight with the 3 dog Team Keahi!
  6. Mine too [MENTION=7782]Osinn11[/MENTION]
  7. Tonight I ran a 3 dog team, I will run 4 dogs in the race...I'm borrowing a 4th from my breeder/friend and will be receiving a 4th soon from her (an adult male) as well as buying a Gee/Haw trained lead dog from a well established musher. So excited! We're working hard to get 8-10 dogs trained this coming season.
  8. Thank you all. Timber's story may have started out rough but ended with him being the happiest he had ever been. I'll love that boy to the end of my days. It's getting easier to remember the good times, now that he's back home with us.
  9. Congratz! She is lovely and keep up the good work with her We're done showing Denali for the year too, time for carting/sledding fun! What are your plans for the 'off' season?
  10. Took the team out carting tonight now that Denali's back! It took a bit to get the whole team to work well together but once the worked out the kinks it was smooth riding from there out! 4 miles tonight and tired musher and pups now!
  11. Bittersweet indeed...For all the horrible things that boy had been through in the start of his life he deserved more than 4 happy years....but whats done is done. I got word officially Timber is ready for delivery which we have set for Monday when I get back into town.
  12. I thought I would give this thread a bump since Timber's story has come to an end. His cremains will be back home with us any day now and the final chapter closed. Thank you all for sharing in the love and story of this wonderful boy that graced our lives for far too little of time.
  13. I'm sorry you have to go through this with your vet! I agree the vet should be a positive welcoming place, and for God's sake they should be able to remember you and your pet! Each time we go in they always are happy to see whoever it is we're bringing and ALWAYS ask how everyone else is doing. They always take the time to make sure everything is going well, no concerns at home, ask about our exercise routines and diet. I love our vet, but we too had to sort through some 'bad apples' to find our great vet!
  14. Some people will tell you its because there is a void in nutrition in the diet...and it could be without knowing what food you are on. It's possible there is a parasite issue, so have a stool sample tested and probably a round of de-wormer for safe measure. But I will tell you that some do it because they enjoy it. Gross right? I have one who will rush to a poo-ing member of the pack to get it fresh from the source. Eeewww, but we feed a high quality food, even switched for a while to make sure it wasn't that, tested for parasites and overall health...and though nothing is wrong or missing he lives to poo eat.
  15. It still really hasn't sank in that he's really gone. Maybe it took the pack a while to realize it as well. Last night, for me, was at least busy enough that I was able to not think about it until it was time to shut off and go to sleep, still can't sleep with the lights off....but this morning as I got ready I caught myself playing the 'what if' and 'did I miss something' game....how did I not see how sick he was? Did I just not want to see it? Was it not there to see? I can't think straight most of the time and feel empty inside my soul. When I don't feel that I am just angry. I just keep playing everything over and over in my mind. What was it that I overlooked? I mean my pet sitter called to tell me Timber was acting mopey and didn't eat all of his food, but when I got home he was his normal self again. We all thought he was depressed it was the longest both my husband and I had been away from him. Especially since he seemed to improve once we got home. But then I wonder was he laying around more than he usually would? Was he not as perky as his normal self? Was he grouchier with the puppies than he was before? Should I have taken him in just to be checked after the initial worry? I don't know, and that makes me feel guilty. I wish I would have been able to do something, to change the outcome. Everyone says he's in a better place and it was his time to go...but I wasn't ready for him to leave me. Not yet and not this way.
  16. I was too beat to bring Rockie in last night and I kinda regret that. But it was in attempt to get some quality sleep (ha! right!) since I had to be up early for work and I'm off to Vancouver after work tonight (6hr drive) to pick up my Denali this weekend...my sleep was disrupted anyway when the pack let out the most bone chilling mournful howl last night, Rockie started it and the rest joined in. I think they were mourning since usually they only howl when the sheriff runs through the area with sirens going or when the coyotes start whoopin it up and neither was the case last night.
  17. I had thought about getting a pup, but I might wait. There will never be another Timber for me, there will be and are others that share my life but never another Timber. His loss shrunk the pack to 10, so I'm in good grieving company. I've been occupying my time biking/carting with my Siberians, one is out showing still, playing with my puppy girls (5mo sisters), and mostly just loving each one as much as I can...because I have learned the hard way when it's time it's time and there is no way to make up for lost time. I should bring my big guy Rockie in, he was Timber's kennel mate and would be a good cuddle buddy. That might be the plan tonight if he's not too soaked and muddy from all the rain.
  18. Last night was hard, I couldn't bare turning out the light so I slept with the light on. Being alone was hard, I woke up in tears a few times so I know there's still more to go. I've decided that next spring we'll be getting a Japanese Maple tree to plant in the dog yard special for Timber. This tree has the most vibrant fall color I have ever seen and will be a good tribute to the most vibrant soul I have had the pleasure of sharing my life with. My husband is having a memorial stone made for my rose garden as well. He will always be a memory, just want it to not hurt so much and be able to remember the good times without crying.
  19. The higher elevations are getting snow, not much yet and it's not sticking long. We're lower and we've been getting rain for days. I hate the rain > I don't enjoy going out in it at all. Hope next week normals out some and it doesn't rain for the race!
  20. [MENTION=8823]Niki[/MENTION]- I live in a snow region, bought sledding equipment finally last year after having Nordics for the past 8-9 years and guess what....no snow worth a darn last year! So this year I got a cart and fingers crossed we get some snow this year so we can start sled training! We're hoping to get a Yukon Quest run in 2013-2014
  21. [MENTION=8823]Niki[/MENTION], what you wrote is beautiful. Thank you, and ring more true than you may know. Today hasn't been too rough, I finally was able to sleep last night and work has thankfully been busy enough that I haven't had much time to sit and dwell on things. I fear tonight might be a different story though. Tonight my husband works the night shift and I'll be home alone with my thoughts...He was my baby, my fur-kid, and losing him has been one of the most difficult things I have ever had to endure. I'm glad to know I'm not alone, thank you to all the wonderful fellow dog parents here To everyone else that replied, thank you for letting me vent and not judging and helping me through such a difficult time. For those of you who may not know Timber's story we rescued him from a breeding operation (a horrific one) and a couple years ago we were blessed to have found what we believe to be a Timber son. A piece of me smiles to know that even though Timber left us, his son still romps and plays with the pack.
  22. HuskyMom09

    Bucket List

    I've been blessed with having gotten so many opportunities to do different things in my lifetime....but if there is anything I want to accomplish before I check out is as follows- 1) complete the Iditarod 2) See Germany 3) see Italy I can't think of anything else right now...
  23. He's holding onto a lot of guilt. He was at work when it happened and he really didn't even say goodbye to Timber when he left for work. He would give anything to have a do-over. I feel guilty for going to bed instead of sitting with Timber just a while longer. We're both feeling a lot of regrets, guilt, and overall loss. I know we shouldn't dwell on things we can't change but this is too much.
  24. Thank you all, I feel a little less crazy seeing so many posts that describe exactly what I'm experiencing. I finally got some sleep last night, not nearly enough but I'll take what I can get today. So far I haven't felt like I'm going to burst into tears, but one step at a time.
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