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Everything posted by HuskyMom09

  1. I use a springer on my bike with Denali, I choose to bike him in collar to train gaiting other wise we'd use a harness. He needed no training, was a bit scared of the bike at first but got over that quickly. He's a dream to bike now! It has also helped train directional commands for his carting/sledding career we're starting on!
  2. There will be a drastic difference in feel and texture of the coat from puppy to adult. Siberian's should have a fairly coarse coat. Tear staining can also be caused by minerals and chemicals in drinking water- Just some informational items We've been very happy with TOTW, I have a red that has tear stains but I have found with her it's environmental allergy related as it's far worse in the spring than any other time of the year.
  3. I'm currently feeding Taste of the Wild to my entire crew (11). I'm really pleased with the results, and no matter what we're doing with the dogs I don't really have to adjust drastic amounts to keep them in top condition. I add supplements specific for coat on my show dogs, it all depends on what you're wanting and if it's even realistic. Prior to TOTW, we fed Wellness Core and were equally as pleased it was just the $10-$20 increase in the food in barely a month that really got to us. TOTW is the price we were paying for Core and a larger bag. I do feel the coats on the dogs have improved since the switch. Prior to Core we tried Merrick, and again pleased until one of my males started peeing blood. Emergency vetting, ultra sounds, blood work...found the food had made his urine too basic and his bladder had filled with crystals. That food did not work for us, but I have heard they have changed the formula since we were on it. Prior to Merrick we were feeding Purina Performance as recommended by our breed mentor. After research I discovered there were better choices out there for us.
  4. So far it's been a dream 5 years in the making! But oh so worth it
  5. Thanks! We're still working on our little piece of doggie paradise We'll be adding a permanent pool next summer, new dog houses, and a den structure underground! Can't wait for the kids to have more options and play experiences
  6. Thanks Michelle! Both of my red headed girls grabbed my heart from the beginning Got a pic of them together today!
  7. Siberian Huskies For Dummies (seriously no lie- got the book as a gag gift one of the best reads I have had!) Siberian Huskies- A New Owners Guide by Kathleen Kanzler (founder of Innisfree Kennels one of the most well known/respected Siberian kennels in the US) The Siberian Husky by Lorie Long Siberian Huskies a Complete Pet Owner's Manual from Barrons The Essential Siberian Husky These are all books I have collected and read through the years, any/all of these would be great starters!
  8. Sounds like he's intact? Any chance of getting him neutered? That will help with the territorial marking. As for 'walk with ease' harnesses, personally I am not for them since I work my dogs in harness and want them to use their natural ability and not be discouraged from it by a harness.
  9. Cherish the moments while they last!
  10. Hardy? Of course! I know a number of purebred Siberian sled teams that run the Iditarod, often completing with 15 of the 16 starters and using 1/10th the number of boots as the teams that run 'other' breeds. I'd call that pretty hardy. Sensitive stomachs can be an issue but in my 11 I only have one (a mix) who has any issues with foods which resolved after coming here and being put on a grain-free food. Weather wise? I've lived in Phoenix Arizona (120F high) and Montana (-50F cold) with my Siberians and they adapted to both situations with out issue. Provide their needs in either climate and have little worry. I've noticed though just because we think it's getting cold outside doesn't mean we're going to have an extreme winter but they seem to know what they need to grow for the winter. Whereas other years I thought they were growing coat too thick and heavy too early to find we had the worst winter I have seen in years. It's funny how they know. Recovery? When we started in rescue we took in a 9 month old Siberian female that had been hit by a car, her front legs shattered, fractured rear leg, fractured spine, major skin and coat issues, the list could go on and on what she was dealing with. Today (4yrs later) you'd never even know she was ever broken. It took 3 months to heal from the major fractures and breaks, a year to sort out the coat/skin conditions. Emotionally? Of course dogs grieve. My friend Susan recently lost her boy at 16yrs old, she said when he took his last breath the entire kennel let out a mournful howl like she has never heard before. They still search for him around the kennel, it's been 3 months since his passing. Geriatrics effects both mind and body. I'm starting to see it in my oldest boy, I believe he's developing a form of dementia. He wanders the yard he's lived in for years looking lost all of a sudden...then other days he's totally fine. I too believe that your dog is only as hardy as their human allows them to be. Too many people baby their dogs and seem to forget to let their dog be a dog.
  11. Thanks! I'm really pleased with it, can't wait to get Denali home so we can try it out! it is an Arctis Cart, it is gently used but will be a perfect starter cart for my team http://www.arctis-carts.com/
  12. That's probably what's prompting the desire to 'run'. Harnesses encourage the natural ability of the breed to do what they were bred to do, which is fine if that's what you are wanting them to do but not at 3 months. Martingale collars will give a slight snugging which will encourage them to want to walk nicer without harm. Don't worry about neck damage, this is a working breed not a toy breed or delicate neck breed like greyhounds.
  13. Thanks Rosemary They are changing so much it's been quite a trip! Thank you SneakySnufflez Thanks Leyka&Diva! Don't worry too much about your girl, each line has a different development rate! My girls seemed small at 8-14 weeks now they are totally on track
  14. The only other thing I would suggest in invest in a martingale style collar to walk your pup, not sure what you are using now but harnesses encourage pulling. I walk all of mine in White Pine collars with great success.
  15. Are you enrolled in puppy obedience classes? I'd suggest starting early and trying to instill a walk loose leash and in a heel position.
  16. Structured exercise from 4-6mos should be kept to 20-30 mins. Running should be put off until 12 months, pulling weight 12-18 months. This is to protect the growth plates from damage.
  17. After searching and researching we finally purchased our new (to us) dog cart! We got the cart from a local musher who's been driving dogs for 20+ years that had a dog cart to get us started Can't wait to get training!!!
  18. It certainly takes the right dog for this sport! I saw ones that didn't want to work that day, so they didn't! Just ran around like spazzy Siberians LOL! I may try agility as my fur-kids grow up some
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