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Everything posted by HuskyMom09

  1. I am confused, a number of threads I had started in Showing/Working have disappeared? Not sure as to why and it's without warning....Am I missing something?
  2. I'd like to suggest a different protein as well, I have a Siberian that is intolerant to fowl (chicken, duck, turkey, etc) it causes massive loose stools and more. I'd go grain free with alternate protein and start fresh.
  3. Many Siberians will blow coat spring/summer AND fall/winter as they roll out new coat for the big changes of weather.
  4. LOL the more the merrier Lee and thank you all for the comments The kids are loving their new toys and the rest of the pack is finally getting brave enough to explore them too
  5. She certainly could be submissive urinating! She's in a new territory, with new unknown expectations, and if there is frustration that she doesn't understand where it's coming from could add to the angst. Still totally agree vet to rule out health related causes first.
  6. I think a vet check is perfectly in order. It really sounds like she is unable to hold it....is she spayed?
  7. It really is amazing! We tried a pool a couple years ago and it became more of a chew toy than used as a pool....so we didn't get another. But the girls have introduced the pack to what the pool is for! Everyone is having a lot of fun
  8. I noticed my young puppy girls do this, by my older ones don't...I'm sorta hoping its just a phase they'll grow out of!
  9. It really depends on what you expect from your camera. If you want faster shutter speeds and low light functions you can't get the base model more simplistic 'point and shoot' DSLR, you won't be happy with the performance. Evaluate your expectations of functionality and find a camera to fit those expectations. Honestly there are some phenomenal point and shoot style cameras that will give you the clarity and quality photos without being overly technical to use. Is there a specific reason a D-SLR is a must?
  10. I have always gotten excellent results with just a regular undercoat rake and pin brush, used daily in conjunction with a warm bath toward the mid of the blowing to loosen what is left and blow dry out. I am completely against the Furminator, I've seen first hand the damage that rake causes on double coated breeds. The Furminator is a sheer blade on a fixed handle, a 40 blade to be exact. This is the same blade the vet uses to shave the areas for surgery. It does cut the guard hair which a Siberian needs to remain intact for proper function of the coat which is my main dislike of the brush.
  11. Congrats to the winners! However I am really displeased to learn that either maliciously or not the competition has been rigged in such an unfair way as it appears to have bumped one of my photos out of the running as well. Whoever did this should be ashamed!
  12. After seeing how much Enya wanted to swim in the water bucket we decided to try another pool....and it was a success! She had so much fun and eventually Kenna joined the play
  13. I've always soaked my puppy food, it softens it for puppy teeth and does make it more appealing, it also slows down the hoovering. I see no issue with the soaking....however it doesn't take an expensive food to raise a Siberian! As long as your pup is thriving on a food and you are getting the results you want from the food stick with it. Yes Siberians are prone to having sensitive stomachs but that does not mean they all have sensitive stomachs. Out of 11 I have 1 with special food needs that are met by the food I have been feeding my pack for years.
  14. My girls had their first outing this week, I got everything to Are they shepherds? Are they wolf? Are they Malamutes? That one's not a husky there's no blue eyes! Why is one brown and one gray? On the up side the girls got amazing socialization time!
  15. The dilution is on the bottle, that of course I can't find! But I have used any where from straight no dilution to best guess a 3:1 mix (maybe lighter) and I've yet to have any issue with any of my 11 dogs (including the young puppies) or 4 indoor cats. It's really been one of the best cleaners I've used without worry.
  16. For quick spot cleaning I use Simple Green which is an all natural cleaner and biodegradable. Full cleaning I get a product called Method wood floor cleaner, no wax (which is great for my bamboo floors!), non-toxic, and biodegradable.
  17. Oh my girls gave me the worst migraine one night when they discovered my pony-tail. That quickly became their new most fascinating tug toy....ouch! Very normal husky behavior. Monitor play with the child, as mentioned if the child is squealing loudly it only ramps up the excitement for the pup who is in a chewing phase it sounds like.
  18. Thanks everyone Yes I am very proud of them They loved all of the attention and are doing well with the start of training for the future! Couldn't be happier!!!
  19. The girls had their first outing since getting their final vaccinations! We went to Petsmart and Big R (Ranch supply store) and they were a big hit with everyone They behaved very well and loved all the new attention, it was quite an adventure! Later in the day we started some stacking practice with the girls prepping them for their future show careers! I'd have to say not bad for their first try!
  20. Thank you all Denali seems to have a fan club LOL, he's pretty special to us too...as are all of our kiddos of course Thank you for enjoying our pictures!
  21. Not a problem, my husband can't get their names strait either! LOL, Kenna is the gray and she is bi-parti eyed one blue eye one brown eye both with specks of the opposite color in them. Gives her a most unique look! Enya the red girl started with green eyes and is slowly going either amber or light brown either way is giving her a very nice soft look to her face
  22. I'm bad, when I bike Denali I don't wear a helmet and I should know better! LOL, but I have been thinking about wearing a helmet while training my dogs to the sled, I think it would be a good idea. I can't say if it will become a permanent part of the attire or not only time will tell.
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