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Everything posted by HuskyMom09

  1. As some of you know we are in search of our next show Female to add to our predominantly male kennel. Sadly the first female we looked at did not turn out for us, but she is going to a LOVELY home near us! The second litter we were waiting on has finally arrived and Starry gave us quite a lovely selection! The ones with the teddy bear are the Females-
  2. DO NOT TRIM the hair!!! The guard hair serves not only to keep the dog warm in the winter, but to cool in the summer months. By trimming the hair you destroy the functionality and ruin the coat. Welcome to life with Siberians! Regular (daily) brushing helps a lot, not a fan of the furminator but to each their own on that tool. Adding oils and maintaining quality diets help keep the hair on the dog not everywhere else. Regular grooming is ok, but limit bathings as over bathing can strip the oil off the coat and skin/coat do suffer.
  3. Thank woooo all so very much for the Birthday Wishes!
  4. I am an Advanced Emergency Medical Technician with American Medical Response in Spokane WA and Volunteer Firefighter with Stevens County Fire Protection District #1. I hope to one day be a Paramedic within the system Prior to this I was a BMW master tech, just no work here in Spokane to sustain a paycheck so I moved on!
  5. 9 years ago today our Dakota was born. He changed our lives in so many awesome ways I just wanted to share some pics of him through the years. Happy Birthday bubba!
  6. Awesome lists! Glad to see the one I have picked out for my girl hasn't been mentioned yet....will announce when we have her and its official
  7. Well she certainly isn't 'my' style, but it appears she is over seas? Perhaps Asia? What we see here in the US and what is being shown elsewhere varies quite a bit just from what I've seen. I do agree that the open face and blue eyes would be a hurtle to overcome with her. But without better photos of movement, free stacking, etc it's hard to really say...live movement evaluation and hands on evaluation would be the best.
  8. The only thing I would change would be they would live forever! Not looking forward to having to say goodbye
  9. NAY! I hate the Furminator!! It really can destroy the coat, all it is is a 40 blade on a handle...that's the same blade your vet uses to shave surgical areas, so no way am I going to us it on my dogs coats.
  10. Its so amazing that they asked! I hardly ever get the courtesy of asking I don't mind the dogs getting positive attention, but it should be common practice to ask first. Glad you had such a positive experience all the way around
  11. We have 5 acres, most of which is taken up by the horses. But the dog yard is going to double in size this summer from what they have had for the last 3 years. My pups aren't spoiled at all
  12. I was originally planning on turning my garage into indoor/outdoor kennel runs (since neither of our trucks fit!)...but instead I'm running my new fence to the rear door of the garage and installing a doggie door for an open indoor cooling zone. We're building 25' kennel runs on the opposite side of the house. I'm going to be keeping my kennel panels and putting up a 10x10 holding area in the garage. We'll be starting the build end of the month/beginning of June and I'll be posting pics as we go
  13. Those look like they are going to be blue eyes. You can usually tell by 6-8 weeks for sure which direction they will be.
  14. We've recently started biking, we're up to 4miles per day...but now as we approach summer weather I realize it's going to get more difficult to run Denali. Working the night shift I leave for work by 4pm and get home after working 12 hard hours at 6am....I just don't have it in me to exercise when I get home most mornings It was almost 65F when we went today, kept it short at 2 miles, he seemed fine afterward and didn't lag through the ride but I didn't want to push it.
  15. There was a child that was taken into protective custody at the same bust...something must have gone terribly wrong in this person's life. So very very sad...I'm wondering if this could have been the same kennel I saw on facebook for sale a number of months ago, I know that it was a WI kennel but not sure if they are in any way related.
  16. I too had the same issue with the blue box....really irritating!!! I was finally able to click on the link but it took a couple more tries to avoid the blue box to input the appropriate info it 'required'.
  17. We put in another 4 miles today! We're having so much fun and getting some great outside time together
  18. New pics from today! We did 4 miles today! He really loves his bike time!
  19. People like that have no concept what it would actually be like raising 5 puppies all at the same time...and have no idea the responsibility breeding really is. Sometimes you can talk some sense into them and sometimes you cant...but I'm like you it does change my friendship feeling toward the people who can't be reasoned with. Its one of those things that I feel strongly about so it's no surprise that I have strong reactions to those around me that are so careless or ignorant.
  20. I miss the likes! Whenever someone comments on one of my threads I like to 'like' the post so you know I acknowledged and read what you said. Also I liked to 'like' posts that I agreed with in other threads or ones that made me smile.
  21. We did 4 miles today! He's really is loving the bike!!!
  22. It really did work! Our first ride Denali got distracted by a large flock of birds landing in a field to our left (the side he gaits on), he tried to jump toward the birds but I hit the brakes, gave him a verbal leave it command, and the resistance of the spring brought him back in line. The other thing I learned was keep the lead short to him so he can't cross in front of the bike. But now on our 4th ride he's got his working brain on and isn't as easily distracted, we'll see how it continues to go though! Still lots of room to learn for both of us!! Oh and I didn't trust the piece of plastic and braided rope that is supposed to attach the dog to the bike that came with the springer set up...so I opted for a climbing carabiner and graded climbing rope.
  23. Next time the other half is around the same time I am I'm going to have him take some better pics.
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