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Everything posted by HuskyMom09

  1. I agree, just too bad he's a boy!
  2. The 4 week update pics came in. Have decided not to get her, her face is lacking markings and now her color seems to be headed toward dilute. She's awfully cute and will make someone a wonderful companion
  3. It is safe as long as you condition them properly. The top Siberian weight puller pulled far more than Zap just did (near 1800lbs if I recall). Its like when we go to the gym, you don't just go for the biggest heaviest weights in the gym and expect to lift them without injury, we start small and work up to our desired goal. These dogs were built for pulling and none of the dogs that the owner of this dog have any prolonging issues due to their weight pulling achievements. You have to be smart about it and know your dogs limits. If they look like they are straining too much, call it quits. It is supposed to be fun for them too after all. Also the harnesses don't put strain on the back, but rather distributes the weight through the large muscle groups. Zap uses his massive hind legs, chest, and digs in with his front legs
  4. Zap is a born puller, he has so much fun out there...and you can easily see what a blast he's having too I shot these with a Nikon D300s with a 70-200mm 2.7f lens
  5. Diamond is an extreme special needs dog. She is deaf, so being on high alert while we are out because she won't hear things like cars approaching while we are out walking. She was also hit by a car when she was a pup, it's how she ended up in our rescue, so now she can't tolerate being outside for long periods of time when the temps are down. She can't go out with the rest of the pack when we go sledding or skijoring. She spends a lot of time inside. But she gets spoiled in that regard!
  6. This is my first Siberian Dakota. He's now 8 years old, and we just recently found the box of puppy pics we were sure we had lost in our many moves- DDA Changes AdviceF.pdf
  7. Thanks Christine he's developed even more in this last month, I'll be taking some updated photos soon
  8. Husband is in the same boat...for 2 years now. Plenty of ads in our local paper for "cardiologists" and personnel with extended degrees and experience required. So stupid Hope things work out for you!
  9. You realize that these positions all are testing based...you don't just walk up to the fire station and drop off an application. The last time I tested for fire I was competing against 4,000 other equal or greater qualified people. Not an easy field to break into.
  10. This is my Denali's mask evolution
  11. It was originally a way for mushers to compete and keep their dogs in condition in the off season. Today it is overrun by a bunch of muscle heads and their non-pet Pitbulls...but the original breed that started it, the Siberian Husky, still functions as a working dog of merit. Not everyone works their dogs, that's fine but there is an aspect to the breed that many don't know about or bother to touch.
  12. idiots...cant believe some people are so stupid and that others would actually believe them
  13. Dakota- I thought I had lost his puppy photos! So happy I found them
  14. Having 10 dogs its hard not to have a different relationship with all of them. I don't really feel I favor any one over the others, but each one holds a special place in my heart for their own reasons.
  15. What do you mean WAS!! he still is a handful! LOL, j/k of course he has my heart in his paws I do kinda miss his more pronounced rings but his face is very balanced color wise now.
  16. Mine have free roam of their play yard all day, kennel runs for the times we aren't home...for structured exercise Denali gets biked 2-4miles daily...my older kids seem content with a nice easy walk unless the temps get up there.
  17. We have a husky proof play yard, when we are only going out for a few hours they can stay loose in the yard...if it's all day or over night they go into their kennel runs....longer we have a pet sitter that comes to make sure they have food/water and exercise/play. We Love our pet sitter, she's the best she'll spend all day with them just to make sure they aren't bored she loves the dogs and cares for them almost as well as we do, couldn't ask for more!
  18. That's where my boy is at 16mos....can't put an ounce on him right now, but that coat is finally deciding to fill back out after the dreaded first shed! He is a muscular squirt, wish he'd fill out some more :/
  19. Depending on your huskies lineage each one develops differently. Expect adult height to be obtained between 15-24mos, but maturity and full adult weight/build can take years. Tiko, the grand-sire to my line didn't come fully into his own until he was 4yrs. Denali is developing like Tiko, but Takoda his brother developed quickly and is just about adult dog at 17mos. A female Siberian should weigh between 35-50lbs. Any heavier and you have either a very over standard female or a sausage.
  20. Huskies are "cheeky" dogs....they are supposed to have a rounder face, and that tends to happen as they mature. Here's a pic of Drifter (my Denali's Great Grand Sire) See how much cheek he has:
  21. I went with a fairly cheap adjustable collar for all of mine...this way if they chew it up there's no worry really.
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