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Everything posted by HuskyMom09

  1. I think the one thing that needs to be remembered is any of us are able to sit back and 'armchair' quarterback the dog show, but none of us actually put our hands on any of the dogs. Who knows what faults and what points of merit the judge saw and felt. Show dogs are not supposed to be stone silhouettes and some judges appreciate playful attitudes. What some may see as 'general disobedience' others may see as a dog that is actually relaxed, having fun, and most importantly showing some sort of personality beyond 'serious show dog'...
  2. If you are watching to be sure the puppy is having bowel movements you would not be able to miss if worms are being passed. I'd do a followup with the vet and probably another worming round sooner vs later.
  3. Puppy tummies do swell some after meals, but that bloated makes me wonder if the worming meds may not be working? Has he been passing worms in his stool since the worming treatment?
  4. Does she get any meat or only veg? She really needs to have more protein and less carbs-
  5. I echo the others with twice a week is excessive and will likely make any dry skin issues worse if it's not the underlying cause...Huskies are easy keepers and really unless they decide to roll in something putrid twice a year is more than adequate for a pet Siberian. You need to use high quality shampoos. For the in between puppy wipes work wonders.
  6. Well between work and the kennel I have very little time LOL, my hobbies include my dogs with Conformation Showing, Dog Sledding/Carting, and Weight Pulling. We'll be adding hiking for our working pack dog this summer, and continuing my own physical training for work
  7. yep, shedding comes with the breed! I'd stay away from the Furminator since it is detrimental to the coat, invest in a pin brush, undercoat rake, and slicker brushes. Also when the undercoat is loose you can take the dog in for a grooming (either professional or self), warm bathe and high velocity blow dry really helps tons and saves the coat.
  8. You don't shave or even trim a Siberian Husky! Unless it's for medical reasons, only then it is acceptable. The Siberian Husky is a very adaptable breed, and though they are built for cold weather- hence the ample undercoat- they can and do live well in warm climates as well without needing to be shaved. The guard hair is designed to insulate from heat as well as the cold- by cutting, trimming, shaving, even using the furminator it breaks the guard hair and renders the hair non-functional. The guard hair also keeps the skin, which in a Siberian is lacking melanin, from burning and from sun exposure caused skin cancers. The main thing is to be sure your dog has ample access to cold fresh water and shade. My first two lived with me for years in Phoenix AZ, never shaved no issues.
  9. I'd somewhat agree, but also disagree. When I look at show lines from various places in the world there are some very distinct similarities and some differences as well. But you can see that from kennel to kennel even within the same country. I have friends that can take their Am CH dog and go show in the Philippines and get their dog titled there, then off to Europe. This only happens if the dogs are comparable in some form. Where the biggest difference I see, country to country or even kennel to kennel is in the pet lines and of course pet line vs show line.
  10. In my mind we need to stop this distinction working dogs vs show dogs. The breed was built to work and to have a certain characteristic look. They should be able to do either or what exactly are we doing to the breed?
  11. HA! I wish! Maybe someday LOL but yeah one of the many joys of having a large number of dogs- we go through a lot more food than the average home
  12. Ask your local suppliers. I got a sweet deal from a local guy who will sell me TOTW by the pallet or half pallet (1 pallet will last my kennel 1 year). yes it is an upfront shock cost, but in the long run I would spend way more per year if I was buying like I was 3 bags every 2 weeks
  13. Most carts are made for 3+ dogs, generally they are too heavy for less than 3- scooters on the other hand are perfect for smaller teams My goal is to have dual purpose Siberians. Those that can show as well as work. I have a nice solid foundation stud in Denali, the girls' verdict is still out. Someday I'll have the foundation I need to start my own line until then the search for additional team dogs continues!
  14. I am beyond pissed. We are supposed to all be trust worthy people, we are routinely in people's houses providing care. What happens when this sticky fingered individual decides there is something of our patient's they want? I went and looked today where the case was found, there were no signs of the phone, not even a piece of glass. The one who mentioned they might have seen the case was questioned, though I know he wouldn't have taken my phone he has an iPhone already. However there is one person who immediately started making claims of seeing my phone someplace it wouldn't have been, which is interesting since he was out the door before us on another truck...that person is going to be questioned.
  15. The breed standard is the breed standard no matter what country you live in. The standard is to ensure the breed maintains a certain characteristic identifiable look as well as retain the functional ability the breed was intended for. This is how dogs are imported both in and out of where you may live and still be able to have successful show careers. As for the video, gating on lead would be more beneficial than running/playing. As well as a still standing shot.
  16. You are absolutely right, trust isn't something that is easily rebuilt. The fact this is not the first problem I've had at this station just heightens the stress. The phone still hasn't been turned on, so I'm guessing they ditched it. I'm going back to look where the case was found to see if the phone was overlooked.
  17. You shouldn't take a puppy that doesn't have their complete round of vaccinations, the first set is just 1 in a series of boosters. The pup won't be protected until the series is complete. Also the week following the vaccine they are highly susceptible to picking up diseases.
  18. Running single dogs I've always waited until 15-18 months. You want to be sure the growth plates have time to close and the joints to stabilize from the growth changes that puppies go through.
  19. We'll just be back on the cart until the weather gets too hot to run, then they'll be getting time off- unless I do midnight runs which I'm not opposed to doing. Got to start training the girls more, and looking for additions in the near future
  20. Yeah we were actually going to be there But you are right there is always next year! We're back to dryland training now and building my 2013 race and show schedules LOL
  21. We don't leave the doors open when we leave- the bay doors go down after the apparatus leave and the station is locked and only firefighters know the door code to get in. So no, it wasn't someone off the street. This is something that someone will lose their job over if we ever find out who did it. It is a Class C felony, so automatic dismissal for being charged with a felony can't hold a public officiating job with a record, plus the possibility of 5 years in jail and up to $10,000 fine if charged.
  22. I was just about to ask if this was in Logan! I literally had just decided to pull my entry since we had an unexpected death in our 'family' (fire family), we decided to keep the team home and offer support. I've heard such good things about the race and the location, glad you had a great time!
  23. The point of conformation showing is to determine how closely your entry meets the breed standard and ultimately to judge breeding stock. Therefore the participating dogs are intact. Though UKC and other registries offer a spayed/neutered class this is just more of a 'fun' experience for new handlers. You do not need to have the eyes and hips scored to participate in a show, but they should be done prior to breeding. Is the dog from show stock? If you would like some honest evaluation of show potential I'd be happy to assist either here or through private message. I'd need a stacked photo from the side and preferable some movement photos or video (pref).
  24. I do have the App, and it is actively being watched. To this point the phone has just remained offline- I have it programmed to erase and lock upon internet connection- so yeah they got themselves a fancy paperweight.
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