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Everything posted by HuskyMom09

  1. Our weather is broken here as well. I've completely given up on seeing any decent snow this "winter?". Right now the sun is shining bright in the sky and my thermometer reads a lovely 45*. Yuck!
  2. Wonderful picture! Mine almost never all crash out together like that. There seems to always be one that's still wanting to not miss a thing!
  3. I had the same thing happen with my first. At first he was a kibble sorter. Then he became a nibbler. Then snobby eater. I got some very similar advise that SolitaryHowl has given here and problem solved! We feed Wellness Core 2c a day with a touch of salmon oil for coat. Everyone eats enthusiastically now. I hope your feeding issues are solved as effectively
  4. Oh yes, my comment was more in joking than anything else, but with 9 it seems like a never ending process, it seems that someone is always dropping a little here and there. When it's actually shedding time for everyone you know it...the husky tumble-weeds get huge around here!
  5. I'm surprised that mine aren't blowing coat right now! It's been in the 50s! Extremely odd for a Northwest winter...either way I never get out of the house without husky hair on my uniform....which begs the question do they ever STOP shedding? LOL!
  6. Ha-ha!! Too funny!!! He was trying to save your foot from the furry beast trying to eat it lol!!
  7. Non-erect ears are an unacceptable fault in the standard, but it doesnt necessarily mean they couldn't be purebred. Just not well bred perhaps. From the Siberian Husky breed standard: Ears of medium size, triangular in shape, close fitting and set high on the head. They are thick, well furred, slightly arched at the back, and strongly erect, with slightly rounded tips pointing straight up. Faults--Ears too large in proportion to the head; too wide set; not strongly erect.
  8. That is something to be proud of
  9. Hello!! And welcome . Shadow is mighty handsome!
  10. Amen from Wasington state!!!! We always have had wonderfully snowy winters. This winter nothing, notta, zip!!! of course I got a dog sled this year too...right now I'm watching it RAIN and stare bleakly at the 41*F reading on the closest temp gauge. Did I miss something?? Where is the SNOW!!!!
  11. I had an odd thing happen right after we moved we got big plastic buckets for their water in the yard and kennels. Everyone started getting pink spots that turned into stripes. Even my boys that never got snow nose were getting it. The first question my vet asked was if we were using plastic bowls. Apparently they are prone to growing an alge that discloses the nose and lips. Stopped using the plastic and everyone's pigment returned. Even my almost 9yr old still has a black perfect nose.
  12. She was an easy foster fail we were happy to have done it. I will be posting plenty of pics in the near future!
  13. Thank you all for taking the time to read Diamond's story....she has been our princess from the moment we brought her home and with any luck for many years to come
  14. How fun!!! It looks a lot like my new sled! Unfortunately my winter was a complete bust this year....it hasn't even made it out of the garage.
  15. Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! Husky people rock I just updated my Member Map Now on to build a signature
  16. This is the story of how Diamond came into our family. It was Valentine's Day 2008 when the rescue group I had been working with got a call about a 9mo old Siberian Husky female that had been hit by a car on the other side of the state. Her owners were a non-savvy Husky family that let their deaf Sibe puppy wander the neighborhood while they weren't home. She was struck by a car on one of her excursions, and drug herself home. She lay in the yard screaming until a passer-by found her and rushed her to a local vet. Her owners didn't deem her worth saving and told the vet to put her down. The vet could see this little one was a fighter and begged them to release ownership of her to give her a second chance. They did and never looked back. The vet started working to stabilize her and find a rescue brave enough to take her on. They found us and her journey from Seattle to Spokane started. Diamond was taken to a local vet clinic that had a vet with a lot of skill and more heart to match. He offered to donate his time to save her life, so the cost was minimal. She was taken into surgery before we could make it to the clinic...a surgery that took many hours. Her front legs had to be surgically put back together but leave enough room on the growth plates to not hinder her long term. We finally got to meet her the next day when she came out of sedation. She was all smiles and tail wags even heavily medicated. After she was stable and ready she was sent to our house for 24/7 foster care...which included carrying her and holding her to potty and keeping her mostly confined. This is the dog that came home: Diamond was a mess. She was deaf from birth. Grossly underweight and had very poor coat quality...something we deemed "Ol' Roy Coat". She had road rash and read itchy inflamed skin. The fur around her eyes had fallen out and deep black circles surrounded her eyes making her look like she had two black eyes. She was already showing signs of advanced hip displaysia. Her front legs were severely fractured and placed in giant heavy casts. Her spirits were always high though! Every morning we would come downstairs to the round pen she was calling home in the middle of our living room. Each morning we were greeted with a woo-woo husky smile and tail wag. She stayed in the large casts for 4 weeks, then was able to go back and get smaller casts that she would be able to walk in. Also a medication reduction, which was a blessing since she was on multiple pills numerous times per day. After the new casts were placed it looked as though things would continue to go upward for this little girl. Then she took a turn for the worst. She started screaming in pain every time she moved, and she started to lose that smile that had until this point never wavered. We rushed her back to the vet where a second set of X-rays were performed where it was discovered that she had a fractured rear leg and spine. The vet upped the pain meds again and thought with limited mobility the fractures should heal on their own. Our happy Diamond with zest for life returned. 4 weeks later the casts could finally come off. Her weight was coming up and her coat was improving with the new diet we put her on of all natural holistic food. Her itchy inflamed skin persisted...it was then we realized the peanut butter that was the treat that contained her pills was actually causing the itchiness...she was allergic to grains, nuts, and just about every dye and preservative...it was probably a blessing she got hit by that car and dumped, her lifestyle would have got her dumped or dead. It was then the final blow came. Diamond developed an infection in her only unharmed limb. The vet was worried that it could cost her the leg, but with aggressive antibiotics and another stay in the clinic she only lost two toes. It was after 3 months of foster care and careful evaluation of her potential adoptability we realized she found her home. She was home the moment she was carried through our door. Today she runs around the yard with the rest of the kiddos and plays just as hard as they do. She doesn't tolerate cold well with the metal plates in her legs so it's short play times in the winter months. She's our special girl.
  17. I just need to figure out where to start the thread!
  18. Hello Rosemary! I can't wait to get started on this forum and sharing the story of my pack I already LOVE the group
  19. Oh yes blessed with 9 wonderful fur babies! They are my entire world My Diamond is a story all on her own....I will eventually share how she came into and changed our lives just a couple years ago.
  20. Yes of course! How rude, still figuring out the site LOL! Denali- 14 mo old Male Juneau- 6yr old Female Diamond- 4yr old Female GSD x Husky Dakota- 8yr old Male Rockie- 8yr old Male Mal-mix Tikaani- 3yr old Male Mal-mix Timber- 6yr old Male Mal-mix Riley- 3yr (?) old Male GSD x Husky Aspen- 15mo old Female Mini Aussie
  21. My family says Woo-Woo from WA! Denali, Juneau, Diamond, Dakota, Rockie, Tikaani, Timber, Riley, and Aspen!
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