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About Seppun

  • Birthday 08/04/1986

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  • Location
    Arkansas, USA
  • Occupation
    Dog chasing and child wrangling
  • Interests
    Graphic design, wire jewelry, computer and console gaming, hiking, swimming

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  1. My upper back, right over the spine is where my tattoo is. It's from the cover art of "our song". I wouldn't stay that it hurt at all, per se, it was more of a buzzing sensation and I went numb pretty quickly. The worst part of a tattoo, honestly, is the itching as it's healing. You can't scratch it so I remember walking down the hallway and slamming myself into walls to get some relief. lol My husband and I have had this conversation: "Just...JUST SLAP IT." "What? No. I'm not going to slap you." "Just slap it!" If you have high pain tolerance you're going to be fine. It's not even a bee sting in pain level.
  2. I've struggled with Depression and Anxiety since I was a toddler, so I'm not just telling you this to make you feel better; depressions, anxieties and other mental problems are not something that need to be qualified nor quantified. Something in your mind is unhealthy and that is a very large obstacle for you, it doesn't matter if other's have a mountain, jumping your wall can still feel just as insurmountable. Think of it this way, if you hadn't eaten in a week and then found out someone in China hasn't eaten in a month, does that suddenly fill your belly? No. The type of people on those forums are people like you, and like me, and they generally are going to be understanding of that fact. Let that community help you through your issues and when you get better you can pay it back in kind.
  3. I have played WoW for the past 6 years. Raiding mostly, some PvP. (See signature. ) I dabble in Aion. I have played Everquest II, Lord of the Rings Online, Allods, Lineage II, and a lot of the free-to-play Asian based games. Diablo III/Starcraft III/League of Legends if you would like to technically count those.
  4. This is Zelda at 10 weeks, and yes, she still loves any bit of water she can get to!
  5. Oh, don't worry about the leggings, I have my son wear them for the same reason. Wait for sales at Baby Legs and they have lots of "boyish" leggings that are at least a little better. Aiden's eczema sits in around his ankles and his arm pits the worst, those fat rolls are impossible to keep clear, aren't they? I haven't paid attention to the chlorine, though I certainly will next time. I have noticed that Dandruff shampoo of all things brought some relief (tested this on myself, not him) but I have no clue what ingredient in there is doing it.
  6. Our son has bad eczema as well (he's just about to turn two) and I'm afraid that I'm going to have to tell you that the steroid cream is the only thing that has helped. If you're worried about it, just get the script and only use it on really bad patches. It clears even the nastiest stuff up in a day or two. Try removing foods from his diet for a week at a time (unfortunately with breast feeding that means removing it from yours, too) Wheat has turned out to be the culprit for our son, gluten free lifestyles are a bit easier now than they used to be, thank God. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy SII using Tapatalk.
  7. Seppun

    Project Poo

    http://gizmodo.com/5905094/would-you-scoop-dog-poop-for-free-wi+fi I think this is the coolest idea, they need these at all of the major parks. Though I wouldn't be surprised if idiots tried to do stuff like toss rocks in there or something.
  8. I also have Photoshop skills that I'd be willing to lend. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy SII using Tapatalk.
  9. My eyeballs shot out of my head when you said 262 pounds! That's more like 119 kgs. Lol I was about to question where you find the Godzilla of Huskies! She's a lovely girl, whatever she may be mixed with. Sent from my Samsung Galaxy SII using Tapatalk.
  10. You can try the bitter apple stuff, it worked great for Kira, but with Zelda it actually attracted her to chew more. She loves the taste! How much time do you spend training for mental stimulation in a day? Even at 3 months we've noticed that Zelda is a perfect angel on her class days, she gets worn out and just wants to lay on us.
  11. Welcome! Our pack is located in northern Arkansas. He's a lovely boy! Sent from my Samsung Galaxy SII using Tapatalk.
  12. I am by no means an expert but she doesn't look like a husky to me, floppy ears aside. Maybe someone can shed more light on this, and hopefully I'll be wrong on the matter. Whether she is pureblood or not, she's very pretty! Sent from my Samsung Galaxy SII using Tapatalk.
  13. Ears back? Sent from my Samsung Galaxy SII using Tapatalk.
  14. Love the pictures. Zelda has same nsty habit, but she does it by latching onto Kira's collar and trying to drag her.
  15. A hookah hose is a strange prop for puppy pictures. She's gorgeous though!
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