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  • Birthday 01/16/1996

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  1. My 4 year old Husky, Saria, began acting odd a few days ago. She began by whimpering often and wanting attention more than usual. She also would hide under the bed for no apparent reason- she only goes there when she has a toy or treat that she didn't want any of our dogs to get. I thought she was behaving that way because I haven't been able to walk her lately or take her outside to play. So I bought toys, took her out for a walk to see if that would resolve it. I noticed she was more upbeat with a new toy, and I was happy to see that improvement. As of a few minutes ago, her behavior completely shifted. She began whimpering even more, and would grab a bigger squeaky toy and whimper while it is in her mouth. Her tail is also down which is something I haven't ever seen in her. Everywhere I allow her to go, she takes her toy and begins whimpering again. She is not in any physical pain (which is why I haven't taken her to a vet) and maybe think she's going to be in heat soon. I also was rubbing her belly yesterday and accidentally squeezed her nipple to find a good amount of white liquid/ milk (?). I've read about false pregnancies among dogs and it seems like she could possibly be going through something similar. Anyone has been through this situation and would be able to provide any help? She isn't pregnant (not spayed though) and I don't know what could've triggered this.
  2. She's around 60 pounds at the moment. I weighed myself and then weighed myself holding her and just subtracted it to find her weight , since it's the only way to get her on a scale lol
  3. Saria is my 1 year and 4 months old Husky and I've had her ever since she was 2 months old. She has gone through many different dog foods (depending on availability) and she has not had any bad reactions, like diarrhea, to any of them. Her digestive system is pretty well, and has not had any vomiting other than car rides. At the moment, because I am not home too often, I leave her food bowl and water bowl full at all times during the day, but someone's always home. There's also many food bowls around the house (because she's not my only dog) that contain the same dog food since I buy the big containers. So I'm not completely sure how much she eats a day, but I do know that she fulfills herself and poops/pees regularly. Recently, a friend came over who used to have a huuuge Malamute and a Husky and commented that Saria looked too thin and that I was a terrible owner for letting her starve. Personally, I believe that Saria is perfectly healthy and fine, because she has not shown any sign that makes me think she's unhealthy. Is Saria thin for her body build and for her age? Or is she perfectly fine? The first picture of her is when she was a puppy at 2 months old. The rest are recent as a 16 month old.
  4. I thought about naming my husky Zelda as well! Good names aren't they? After some time of thought, I thought Saria would be a better name.. sounds more wolf like
  5. It was my intention to actually get a male husky- but my friend only had a female left. She had the cutest personality and couldn't say no.
  6. They definitely are snappy- it's been a week and a few days since I've gotten Saria, and she's making progress (knows where to poop, and when to pee) but my dogs aren't so afraid of her anymore. They are afraid, though, when they see her running after them. LOL!
  7. I'm in the same situation- although we don't live in the country, our dogs rarely went out (since we lived in an apartment) so they aren't really experienced with dogs that are bigger than them.
  8. My 2 1/2 month old female husky is acting very odd today. She's panting when she hasn't even ran, she whines for no reason, and earlier she was running around the yard in circles around our car for no apparent reason. She has also been very destructive- she bit my chihuahua really bad, and she was biting the wall (on a corner.) also, when I took her outside, she normally would pee and play with the toys that are outside, but today she was jumping to bite my arms and my legs. I'm beginning to think that it's probably her teething, but it's very unusual and over exaggerated today. I'm really concerned- I searched for possible wound yet may be annoying her. She also just threw all of her food out of the container, ate a few kibbles, and decided to bite the container instead. I'm really worried, any help will be appreciated.
  9. Definitely will do that and will encourage my family to do so as well. I haven't been around my chihuahuas in awhile because Saria seems to have separation anxiety. She follows me a lot, and my chihuahuas seem to show no interest in her unless she gets close to them. That's when they begin to bark like there's no tomorrow and I have to put her in my room just so nothing happens. My smallest chihuahua yesterday bit Saria because she thought Saria would hurt her, but it's just rough play for Saria and my chihuahuas will have to adjust with Saria and her way of playing..
  10. My chihuahuas have been exposed to dogs the same size as them, or only a little, but nothing as big as my husky that seems to be growing every day! I'm hoping as well that with time, they'll learn to live with each other and play without a problem.
  11. That's good. I'll try to be more attentive next time as to what she's eating.
  12. that's a relief.. at least for now.. but I wonder why they began having it at the same time although they are different ages..
  13. I think she might of had 1 or half of one. I basically ran to make sure she didn't have any in her mouth. She had one but I removed it and it was still complete thankfully. As for the spaghetti, she had 1/3 of a plate I normally would have. As for the shot, she actually acted normal and showed no signs of pain or discomcfort.
  14. She received the basic puppy shots, and was given meds to get rid of worms. She only pooped one worm so far, but that's not my concern. I was directed to give her puppy food ONLY and other cautions. My family accidentally left over some onion rings and spaghetti and she got to them. I'm really concerned because I know that these foods are really unhealthy for her since she's only 10 weeks old. Will she be fine? Will the shots do any effect? Thank you in advance!
  15. It doesn't bother them at all. Only my two short haired chihuahuas have it. My youngest is approx. 2 years old and the other is maybe 3 1/2.
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