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About shellbateman

  • Birthday 03/29/1990

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    West-Midlands. UK

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  1. I've had to watch that several times and called people over - Brilliant!!
  2. Yeah I agree - having more than one you can sometimes think they are all the same, their exercise levels are the same and what not but it isn't always the case - maybe go that little big further on walks or have a good play before you leave him. My one needs more mental stimulation than the other else he gets really bored and stroppy so maybe try some games with him before you leave? Just some ideas. I can't help you more than that sorry. When I adopted my boy he was very destructive in his first home - ripping the fences apart, breaking metal stair gates, defecating at every chance and just naughty. With a change in his diet and regular training games and excerise (touch wood) he has been brilliant. I like to make sure they will sleep after their walks, I know I've done a good job then
  3. How sad, poor baby run free little one - taken away too soon xxx
  4. I think they are so happy to have silence from me talking to them all day they think if by being good I will shut up then they will take it
  5. I thought I would share this with you fine people as I found it interesting - plus no one I know really cares about these kind of things who I see in person. So I have had a throat infection the last couple of days, it getting considerably worse over time, and finally today I am unable to speak as I fear the contents of my throat might fall out my mouth... Like every day I walk the dogs in the morning but today I am unable to talk to them. Sam, my oldest boy, is pretty well trained and pays attention a lot of the time but Storm, the younger boy, can be a pain in the brain when walking and still has quite a way to go for training seen as we haven't had him long. However, today they were amazing!!! I couldn't tell Sam 'here' to walk beside me and I couldn't train Storm the way I usually do. Instead, I had Sam constantly walking to my right side watching my every move and Storm happily trotting to my left... When I got to roads, as always, they both turn to me and I used hand gestures only to wait and sit, and got brilliant responses. When we got to the fields, where we usually train and play, I decided to still do our usual work but with me just smiling, treating and giving out good vibes and they loved it!! I am usually very vocal with my boys - encouraging them, playing and generally making noises. I don't know if they were just happy not to hear my voice but they worked so much better than usually, both tails wagging and we all had lots of fun. I might have to stay silent more often if these are the results I get . Then again they might just be feeling sorry for me. Very pleased with the boys today I just thought it was really interesting.
  6. How long have you had them both? I had similar problems when I was fostering Storm - being fully intact he tried for top dog - my boy Sam, who likes to be alpha and is somewhat bigger, wasn't having any of it. I got Storm done that week and a few days after the mounting, peeing over each other pee and pretty much most of their behaviour calmed down. They still have their moments and it has been two months but by getting Storm done it saved a LOT of hassle. I also found looking at the situations they are in before they start to fight helped, there is usually something which is a sign of them going to start - for example Storm would stare in Sam's face, not overly close, but Sam being almost blind in one eye it is his weakness so he would go off from that. I would then tell him away if he did this while distracting Sam so he wouldn't go off on one - I would highly praise him if he walked away so he would be rewarded for the good rather than the bad. Food might be an issue, if that's the case then try to train them into sharing, separate them around food if you have to... Closed spaces might cause issues or pretty much anything, a bed, their possesions or even being around you. I found watching them closely helped me sort out the issues - at the early stages it was being around us that started it so I distanced my self from them, not giving contact and ignoring them somewhat so they had to go to each other to play etc, creates a lovely bond. Oh, and if they do get into a fight try to remain calm - difficult I know - if you go inthere guns blazing it will add to the atmosphere and most likely fuel the fire so to speak. Hope this helps - it helped me understand them You might just think I'm rambling about crap though ahha.
  7. Always a good precaution for first few meets, it will let you relax as well so will be far less stressful for you all. If she is not already, train her into wearing one and getting used to rather than just putting it on her when the pup comes. Make sure she knows it shouldn't be a bad thing that she has to wear one, basket ones are more comfortable and she can still eat/drink in it too
  8. I also think the idea is great - just this morning I had two dogs darting around my legs while I had to calm down my boys, no respect of fellow owners and when someone gets hurt we are to blame! Hope it take off
  9. So today my dad decides to have one of his mad moments. He has fit every so often and when I came back from walking the dogs my mom screams at me as he screamed at her - I answered r a question which he asked me to which I found on google that he apparently didn't like - about a chimney pot ... He then goes on about the dogs - who have a go now and then as they are still getting used to each other - and everything is now THEIR fault. It makes me sick. All he can pick on is the bloody dogs, its not like they have a choice who they have to live with, now he has locked one out ande ignoring the other like a child!!!!! I hate to bitch about my parents but I am so mad and I would rather this than commit murder by slapping him to death with his uneaten fish and chips!!! It infuriates me as I only work part time at the moment having recently finished uni and try desperately to get a half decent job so I can take my boys away from this constantly hostile environment, but failing. Hmpf... I just want to take the dogs, rats and a tent and run far away ahha. Anyone fancy a garden lodger?? I have two beautiful fur-babies to sweeten the deal :-P Rant over!!
  10. My BIGGEST pet peeve is people allowing their dog to come to mine then telling me "oh leave them to it" when things start to get heated.You WILL be paying my vet bills if your dog causes damage!!!!!! Also people allowing their dogs to drag them around and then scream in the middle of the street because they aren't doing what they ask... Oh and people feeling the need, when petting the dogs, to pull their heads/noses up in order to look into their eyes!!!! Don't touch the thing that can bite your face off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  11. OK, so I have taken in a foster male for around two and a half/three weeks now. After the first week with my boy Sammy I thought they weren't going work, they had a fight on the saturday which seemed to have put them in their places seen as neither came ontop. The following week they settled a lot more but Sam gets very jealous of Storm even if he is just walking through the house which results in him being pushy and bullying him almost. Poor storm is unsure of Sam now, he will go out of his way to get away from him when in the house or if he is near us. Sam himself has only been here 6 months so understandably is a little unstable. I have been equally training the two, also praising Sam for not reacting when Storm comes close up. I will also distract him when I see him baring his teeth, make him sit and praise him again if he doesn't follow through with a threat. I want to get Storm to be confident too as him creeping around doesn't help, nor does hinding under the coffee table!!! Outside Storm will give as good as he's got, they will play lovely and Storm will be full on with him so he isn't scared as such... On the walks they are brilliant, they work together in training and Sam really shows his leader role. I ran them together last night and they were amazing, Storm also helps Sam with his SA and get on beautifully when they are alone. So it is literally to do with us, I am alone with them most of the day and have very little issues as I ignore them most of the time so neither has my attention and them trying to get it doesn't happen, however, when it comes to others that's when problems start. My parents don't pay much attention to my training methods as they feel it is just down to me!!! I have been thinking adopting Storm full time, but I don't want him living a life where he feels this isn't his home as much as it is Sam's. Does anyone have any training tips for me to stop Sams aggression towards Storm? I am working his aggression in general, he is very possessive , being starved and abandoned previously plays a part, but I feel I need some feedback from other owners to see what I might be doing wrong. Any info would be brilliant!!!
  12. Urgh. I love the possitive attitudes. It is my first time having two huskies introduced together, only done huskies and other breeds, I am glad I read this as it all seems more normal than I thought now!!!
  13. I know what you are going through!!! I have been fostering a rescue for three weeks now and Sam still feels the need to bully him!! They are ok at times, get tired and sleep most of it but Storm will crawl away under the coffee-table away from Sam and Sam thinks he's a big man by making him go under there... They aren't fighting much but Sam just constantly intimidates him grrr. Sam is very unpredictable and I feel so sorry for Storm I wonder if me keeping him because I love him is best for my boy, I think he needs a big girly to sort him out and keep him in line The first week I was sleepless but it does get better You start to blurr the days together and get too tired to care ahha. I sure they will sort it out, think possitive.
  14. He is such a friendly little guy, when I first visited him to collect him from his home he was manic. He was constantly barking and crying, head butting and breaking stair gates, ripping holes in the fences outside so was expecting him to be hard work. When he finally came to me (he was too loud for a foster...) he was golden, likes his talking but nothing worse than my first girl and that's his lot. Very cheeky, especially with Sam, but I could just munch him. Ahha, that's quite good. Sam grew into his name, came to us with it and suits him so much.
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