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  1. thanku 4 puttin this on here, i saw it on the sun online n totally 4got 2 watch the vid. That is brilliant, very clever 4 a cat 2 bark in the 1st place but when it turned round n was like meow busted
  2. i want to send a msg but i dont want it just on the wall of their pg, is there somewhere to go etc etc ???
  3. So sorry Rach big hugs 4 all of u xxx
  4. Only just seen this thread......................... Im so glad hes perking up, i hate to c a Husky poorly. Give him a big gentle hug from me.
  5. I know this should be in the drops of happiness thread BUT............................................. Look wot Steve got me N yes i know its not in the middle u can thank my mother 4 that 1, i was the one balancin on the bonnet n stretchin like a weirdo in front of all the yocals, all she had 2 do was get it in the middle !!!!!!! ive tried to make it a bit better wit some more wolf prints, i tried 2 recentre it but the sticky stuff came off................................................ THANK YOU GRUMPY LOVE U LOADS N IM SORRY ITS NOT IN THE MIDDLE XXXXXXXXXXX:thankyou: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  6. 4 those of u who havent seen my f/b pg................ Its back full force now n £109 later hes on pills 4for 6wks so fingers crossed this will work, poor little mite n if they dont work well im just gunna do this
  7. pete louise riot chaos demon +sheba (caravan) me (probably my other half) maaaaybe my sister... and my pooches in a tent (Sarah, Nukka & Shadow) Val, Grumpy, Myshka & Diesel in a caravan (car with towbar permittin ME my partner, 4 kids aged 9,7,5 and 3, oh and Marley and Rosie (Marley & Rosies Mummy Louise, Alex, Storm and Angel. Lee B & Polee possibly A N Other + Dog in tent with (EH) Hannah with Oisin and Paolo, Possibly Indie aswell if somebody else comes with me! Steph & Kiska in a tent (though can't book until nearer the time!) Dani and the monster in an ever so slighltly bigger tent than the kiddie one I had last time. Linda, Dave = Odin, Thor an Loki SARAH with Marc and 2 kids aged 14 and 9 and Kimba+Kaiser Christie and one of the pups ever ice or jasper if claire can still take me and somewhere to sleep Sid, with the 3 huskateers if we can hire a van, if not just Kizzy probably, in a tent with Hannah Emily, Scooby, Nanook, Mushu n Shadow in the Husky mobile
  8. Walkin my 3 n Floyd 2day n Mushu is sayin hi 2 a tiny Jack Russel pup n behavin himself then the bloke says 'my friends have got 1 of those, cant look after it tho, they say its 2 hard so they r sellin it.......... its only 4 MONTHS OLD' ok here comes the steam....................................... 4 MONTHS EFFIN OLD.............. ITS STILL A PUPPY FFS SO U SAY A FEW MORE NO'S THAN NORMAL............ THEY CANT WALK IT LOOK AT ME IM WALKIN 4 DOGS 3 OF WHICH R HUSKIES ARRRGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Y DID U GET THE DOG IN THE 1ST PLACE U WANT EASY GET A LABRADOR ARRRGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Poor little guy i hope a responsible Husky owner gets it. Thanks 4 the steam
  9. Nook hasnt got 1 vote PEOPLE IT WAS FOX POO NOT MUD THATS IMPRESSIVE n very stinky bloody Huskies. Siku 2 win
  10. hey hun, welcome back missed ya........... uv missed Mushu bein poorly n Chris is sortin out my pitch 4 me at camp wit elec hook up so i can watch as much disney as i want xxxx
  11. thank u hun, chris is sortin out 4 me but that was a lovely offer xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  12. HE HAS SAVED THE DAY AGAIN Chris is gunna sort my bookin 4 me, yey (sent a pm 2 him biggin him up way more than this) THANKYOU u r a star xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  13. Im sure alot of u have seen my fb status regadin Mushu. I came home mon after work n mushu was in the garden he just walked over to me with his ears down so striaght away i knew somethin was wrong. Checked his capillary thing on his gums n they were so pale i crapped myself his tummy was swollen n when i touch it he flinched so i put a call in2 the vet n he said bring him down straight away. Vet checked him over but Mushu is petrified of him so he couldnt tell how tender his tummy was as he was so tense but the vet agreed he was not right. Hes now on antibiotics cos he had a temperature n i had 2 keep a vigil last nite, he ended up sleepin down stairs in the doggie room n when i got up this mornin he welcomed me wit a waggy tail n ears back but still no Kangaroo Mushu. Looked outside n there was huge pools of poo. Mum had the day off so she kept an eye on him 2day when i was at work, got home 2nite n i had licks n waggy tail but still no Kangaroo, Im hopin that will b 2moz.As soon as hes jumpin in2 my arms n launchin himself on n off the furniture n runnin so fast up n down the stirs i swear he just glides up n down them then i know hes ok. Will keep u posted xx
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