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  • Birthday 05/20/1981

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  1. It is just a case of patience and routine! it took a while and he does still pull but i can walk behind now ( be it on a longer lead with him) and he still pull a bit but there is no howling or going nuts! have also tried with my son walking with me and me walking Oscar and as long as Oscar is side by side with us then he is fine! as soon as my son is a little in front he will pull to get with him. Just the nature of the Breed i think and will have to learn to live with it! he does get fed up of pulling after about half hr and will walk normally! dont realy mind as my arms are getting a workout without going to the gym! ha ha I used to worry about what people thought about what he was acting like aswell which got me wound up and made him worse. At the end of the day you know your dog and know that the only way to correct them is thropugh training to when Mushu does it again just stop, sit her down and calm yourself and then carry on. keep doing it a few times and they will cotton on! worked for me anyway?
  2. sounds as thought its normal then! If we are walking 5-10 meters behind the pram he goes nuts! but will walk brilliant if he is right beside the pram? i was wondering whether he though of my son as part of the pack and didnt want him to be to far ahead! just worried more than anything that he was getting dominant?
  3. well i took oscar up the mountain on saturday, no one around, no dogs around, so thought right i'll try him off lead, and he bolted about 30mtrs ahead of me, when he saw i wasnt with him he stopped and waited, when i started getting closer then he run again, and surprise surprise when i called him he came back! woo hoo! think it was because there were no other distractions and i stayed calm and didnt panic when he didnt come back 1st time!
  4. No of course not! id never leave him off unless up the forestry road or in the country park realy, where we are miles away from a road. but i always think its a shame to keep him on the lead when there is no one about and no dogs about and when there is no chance of him getting knocked over or being in danger? Im taking him to a place on saturday that does obedience training/ socialising and rehoming, for a consultation as i want to get him socialised with more dogs and walk better with us as a family, so i might see what they think?
  5. oscar is 21 months now! up until he was 6 or 7 months he was great off lead but then for some reason he started to totally blank me when he was off the lead even when showing him a treat? He would go where he wanted and when given the recall command he wouldn't recall so i have not let him off since? i have still practiced recall on long leads since, and he listens but i have never left him off the lead?
  6. how do you prepare yourself for letting your husky off lead? i have been tempted when up the forestry road or in the country park but always think what happens if he doesnt come back?. dont get me wrong Oscar has great recall on a 10m training lead and in the garden and house he's a great listener but i sometimes wonder if he would be the same if he was off his lead?
  7. Basically i walk Oscar 1 on 1 usually as by the time we get home have food, Its time for My son to go to bed and Steph has to stay in the house with him. But due to Steph starting a new job we are getting home earleir and like going out as a family ( My son in the Pram and either me or Steph walking Oscar) when we used to do this i would alway walk in front with Oscar and Steph with the pram behind, but we went out yesterday and i walked behind and osca was going nuts pulling like mad and yelping / crying / howling just to get in front? i have never seen him like it before? Is this normal and how can i stop him doing it? i was doing the "Stop, Sit and Stay" but it made no difference when he sat down and they were getting further away he would cry even more? Is it just a case of keep doing the same thing and he will get used to walking behind?
  8. We are definalty having another one to keep Oscar company, Oscar is the same Maggie, realy laid back and relaxed in the house and will happily sleep all day until my 3 yr old son winds him up and then they both go crazy ( dont complain cause they knacker each other out) ha ha. I know some people wont agree with us but we are studding Oscar out with my friends bitch this year and having a pup from the litter, (he is registered breeder with the kennel club) as there is no way we would be able to afford to buy another husky and due to my son being so young and boistrous we just wouldnt trust an older rescue dog with him, and most rescue centres dont like giving a dog to family's with children under 5-8 anyway ( checked last year). I think the only reason Oscar is so good with my son is that they have been brought up together and he knows what he is like, and we have made sure that Oscar knows Evan is higher up the rankings than he is.
  9. Oscar doesnt like small dogs either, only because a few jack russles have been left off lead and have attacked him. Do people with 2 or more huskys find their huskys are better with other dogs than people with just 1? I keep thinking Oscar is like he is because he doesnt get to socialise with other dogs that much? as i walki him early in the morning and later in the night when not alot of other dogs are taken for a walk?
  10. Strange question but yesterday i was walking oscar and we met someone with another husky, both of them were playing with each other for about 15 mins (other husky was very vocal and kept nipping at oscar as they do) strangely Oscar never even opened his mouth or howled at him, both of them just got up on their back legs and hugged. As we walked on a couple walked passed with a black labrador that seemed to be exitable and his tail was wagging but oscar was growling and barking uncontrolably as they went past? (never been like that before, and i did the sit and stay but it made no difference) could it just be the case that he didnt like that other dog? and do all huskys play better together that with other breeds?
  11. i bought the halti 10m training lead and am practicing with oscar on his recall at the moment but i only use it when we go up the forestry and country park! i had an extendable lead rated at 50kg but on a walk (luckily where there are no cars) it got caught on a lampost and snapped the cord! luckily oscar didnt know what to do and came straight back! needless to say i wont be getting a retractable lead again unless its the propper thick one all the way though!
  12. is there a coat or anything on the market that will cover the underside of the dog as when i take oscar out in the rain you can guarentee that thats the place he will get stinking then he decides to walk in the living room and lie on the rug before i get chance to dry him!
  13. Yup oscar does this every time i come home from work, so funny cause we have wooden floor and he just skids everywhere! and i'll hold my hands up i exite him more by trying to chase him so tries to get away from me then! also my 3 year old son chases him round on his trike most of the day! needless to say he has plenty of exercise even before i take him on his walk! ha ha
  14. i have tried Oscar on turkey leg, not wings though and he was fine, cut it up into 3 peices though but he loves any raw meat. We have put him back on dry food recently though due to my fiance loosing her job.
  15. Paul

    Walking 2 Sibies

    i suppose though skyla will pick up on the training that Blaze has had in that time though so it shouldnt be so bad when she gets bigger?
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