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About Erinc

  • Birthday 04/07/1989

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    Erinc Tabak
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    Property Manager

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  1. Was it a full on, bearing teeth growl?
  2. I have not read all the replies but here is my contribution! Your pup is normal, she has only been home for a very short time and she really does need to settle in first before she can start taking in all the rules. Thats not to say you shouldn't keep doing what you're doing, consistency is key and every time you think you are going around in circles, do not worry, you're not! If you're spending more time outside than inside trying to make sure she has no accidents then you are doing the right thing. The first week, two weeks, 6 months are going to be tuff and they are going to require your almost full time commitment. This is just my opinion but the whole 'shaking head to rip up prey' thing they do is so normal. I do not see why you think you have to tell her off for that. I'd let her get on with it, train it to a command (this can be fun), when I play tug of war with mine I actually encourage him to do that! You are certainly worrying over nothing. Just remember that lots of socialisation with other dogs and people is what will teach her her manners not telling her off for playing with her toys. Most importantly, love her, enjoy her! They don't stay that little for long and you'll never take enough pictures sure you take as many as possible!!! Oh, and videos! Don't forget videos!!! Good Luck edit. and of course Merry Christmas and obviously Happy New Year! ooh, edit edit. I just re-read, i missed the bit where she snapped at you. You really need to take charge and so does the rest of your family, she needs to know she's at the bottom of this particular hierarchy. That is super easy at the moment because she is a little pup. Make sure everyone enforces the same rules, if one person does not, then she will pick up on this, they are far from stupid and will take advantage if they are allowed to! A firm no, removing her from the room, pinning her down till she's calm, stopping play, bitting her ear? all of these work in my opinion and so does a bunch of other stuff so pick what works for you and your family and stick to it.
  3. From one Thai boxer to another, Chok Dee with all your training Training Muay Thai is the prefect excuse to visit Thailand for a few weeks!!
  4. Ha! His op went really well and he is now drunk on anaesthesia Hopefully he will recover sharpish! The vet said he was a lovely example of the breed, was fit, very slow hear rate and the right weight. The nurses loved his personality Overall very proud daddy!
  5. He is moody as it is and now he will have an excuse! God help us lol! I will have to be extra vigilant as he doesn't do so well with the buster collars. On this occasion he may have to wear it! You? Sober? Good one!
  6. Luka is going to be neutered tomorrow morning. He is going in at 8.30am! Wish him luck :-) My reasons for neutering are to avoid health issues and his behaviour around in heat females is uncontrollable . I hope everything goes well tomorrow and he comes out better for it. I am so proud of the dog he has turned in to, he has such a great temperament! It is a shame that we have so many dogs without homes, I just can't risk contributing to that. Anyway, here are some pictures taken over the last few months. Enjoy!
  7. Its so hard to read through the posts. Rest in peace Big D.
  8. We definitely know what you go through on a daily basis! Welcome to the forum
  9. Thats such a lovely surprise! Really makes me wish I had more time to spend with my pup! He'll probably have an upset tummy/runny stools - if he does i'd start him off on plain boiled rice n chicken! Then slowly switch him to whatever you'd like to feed. Toilet training is simples, you should spend more time outside than inside, just make sure you praise him like crazy when he goes outside, and tell him a firm NO when he goes inside. You can pick him up and he will stop peeing, then carry him outside to finish. Consistency is key here really. If he is already housetrained, he may still have accident seeing as he is so young, if he is desperate he will go, so don't set him up to fail Im sure Harry will especially seeing as your new addition is a Husky x
  10. It will be stressful for him as an entire male if he is not allowed to breed. Luka turned 2 in October and I am getting him neutered this Christmas because I don't like seeing him frustrated! Of course, the only other positive aspect for me is that it will eliminate any risk of testicular cancer! He's perfect, so I really hope the neutering does not change him in any way. I know he will enjoy life more, as he won't be trying to dominate everyone on pack walks, getting himself into trouble and go round trying to own all the females.
  11. Erinc

    Doggie London

    Thats interesting! Because they seem like such different breeds so you'd think the way you care for them changes too.
  12. Erinc

    Doggie London

    Thank-you. GSD to Huskys, thats some change! Look http://doggielondon.co.uk/store/index.php?route=product/product&path=59&product_id=135
  13. Erinc

    Doggie London

    Hey, thanks for the welcome back Yes, I guess it is a case of you get what you pay for guys, it is premium leather and it really is for life. It doesn't wear and it doesn't stretch, the colour wont run and the decorations wont fade. However, feedback is much appreciated! Thanks!
  14. Erinc

    Doggie London

    Hi Guys! First off apologies for being absent from the forums but life has been pretty hectic! I hope everyone is well and its lovely to see the site doing so well Long story short, I'd like to invite you all to browse a brand new pet store which id like to promote. www.doggielondon.co.uk Their products are super cool and last a life time!! As an added bonus I have secured Husky Owners a special discount. If you apply the discount code HO2013 to your basket, you'll receive 20% off ADMINS: I hope its appropriate to post this here, if not, feel free to move/contact me. ENJOY!
  15. I'm not sure what to suggest, all i can say is that he definitely isn't 8 weeks old! He looks exactly like Luka when I was sent pics of him at 4 weeks. Unfortunately, I do not know how I can help, what part of the UK are you in? Good luck, he is adorable and looks Husky to me.
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