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About knwilk44

  • Birthday 02/25/1991

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  1. So, because someone else can help people as well as you guys, you want to prevent that? I'm sorry but that just sounds like pure jealousy to me....
  2. I have to agree completely!!! I've posted a link back to this site on my Facebook group, so if anything it's bringing MORE people here! Makes no sense not to allow something like that but I see that Americans' rights are being violated and I don't think you guys are higher than the U.S. Constitution so please just be careful violating people's rights....it can lead to a big legal battle sometimes.
  3. Unless you have a smart phone you can't access the forums. It's been not only my experience, but several others as well.
  4. I can't access the site from my phone, either. I understand you can access it from android phones, but not everyone has those phones so it's not fair to punish me for making a group that is readily available for everyone, regardless of their mobile device.
  5. I agree. I mostly use my phone as well. If you're going to have this site, at least make it available to people on their mobile devices. *edited due to breaking forum rules - pm sent*
  6. So, for those members here who have a Facebook profile and would like to be a part of a Facebook group all about Siberian Huskies, I have created a group and would like to really expand it and get people involved from all around the world and become the most popular Facebook group for huskies out there. Here is the link: 5.02 - Advertising of websites in direct competition with husky-owners.com is not allowed. You may refer to such site in answer to questions etc, however direct advertising of any kind is not allowed.
  7. Well I just feel so bad for Jayden because of everything else that he went through being born extremely premature and I have this insane protectiveness over him. Any time that he has even the slightest bit of a cold or something I constantly think, "What could I have done to prevent this?" and this has been my constant thought every time that I think about the accident with him and Kayobi so I try not to think about it.
  8. I know this and trust me. I'm still beating myself up about that. But, it's just a normal thing for me to take two steps, turn on the water and take two more steps until the tub is ready for him that I didn't think anything of it. She wasn't anywhere near him and was pretty much in the doorway when I stepped into the bathroom. But, at least she is doing much better emotionally and the important thing is that Jayden is fine and wasn't hurt more seriously. However, she isn't allowed near the children for a while until I can be sure that the anesthesia is COMPLETELY out of her system and she's back to normal. I have to learn to trust her again and it's going to be difficult to do. But, I would rather know that she has a good home with me than to give her to someone else and not know how she is being treated.
  9. Hopefully one of these days I'll have a kennel of my own with AKC show quality dogs. That's my aspiration in life and hopefully I'll have that one of these days hopefully not too far in the future. Right now I'm with most people on the thread and don't really know a lot about proper conformation or what the difference between show quality and pet quality dogs are.
  10. Well, we weren't in their bedroom. We were in my bedroom, which is literally two steps away from my bathroom which is where they get their baths. Her and my young pup, Hank, were in the same bedroom that they are allowed in as long as I'm in there, which I was. I agree that they shouldn't be allowed in the children's room. And my dogs aren't. The next time that I'm at the vet, which will be this week for the pup's booster shots so yes, I will definitely be complaining to him.
  11. I, too, wondered if it could have been the anesthesia also working on her, but she stayed a full 24 hours at the vet. How long does it take for the anesthesia to wear off? I also wondered why a vet would prescribe an NSAID to her for post-op pain. But, she's doing much better and is showing me so far that it was either the anesthesia/rimadyl combo or one or the other. She's been acting normally now and hasn't shown anymore signs of aggression, but she isn't allowed to be in the bedroom with the kids now. It's going to be hard to trust her for a while after this incident.
  12. Okay, so most of you already know that I took my female husky, Kayobi, to have her spayed the other day. They prescribed her some pain medication to take home with her to make her a little more comfortable. They prescribed her Rimadyl, 1/2 pill twice daily. After her second dose and being home the first day, she started acting a bit aggressive toward my other pup, Hank. She wouldn't let him eat and if he came near her she was growling and snapping at him. They were both in the bedroom with me and the baby, Jayden, when I was getting him ready for a bath. I turned around and took two steps literally in my bathroom and I heard Jayden crying and heard a thump on my floor. I came running into the bedroom to find Jayden lying on the floor (6 inches below the bed as my bed doesn't sit high off the floor) with Kayobi's mouth on his diaper. She had bit down on his diaper and had dragged him off of the bed and was still dragging him away. Jayden managed to get a couple of superficial puncture wounds in his diaper area and was bruised down there a bit, but nothing too bad. After this incident took place, I googled the side effects of Rimadyl and some of them included lethargic, aggressiveness, hyperactiveness, etc. So, I'm pretty sure that this was an encounter of Kayobi reacting to the drugs and not her true temperament, because when we first brought her home she didn't pay much attention to the babies and Hank. She also hasn't paid attention to Hank eating out of the same dish as her at the same time, so I'm giving her a chance to show me that it was the medication that she was on and wasn't her showing her true colors. I'm also just so mad at the vet for not explaining to me that there may be side effects to the pain medication and what those side effects may have been. I should have been more responsible and looked up side effects before giving her the medicine, but I also trusted the vet at the same time and apparently I need to be more proactive. Jayden is doing fine and doesn't even act like anything happened at all and since this happened I have stopped her Rimadyl and she has already changed back to the way she was.
  13. Kayobi was spayed and is doing well so far.
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