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Everything posted by LittleLuka

  1. luka is terrified of the vacuum. he hides whenever i am using it. he also is scared of when you spray air freshener. lol
  2. So when i originally let people know i was finally getting a husky i actually had a few friends tell me i should get a "pomsky" instead due to them being small. There is a reason there are different breeds of dogs. They have different temperaments, health issues, etc. The "pomsky" is a pomeranian/husky mix. Apparently besides having a TON of health issues they also have behavioral issues and can be aggressive. Seriously? This just p*sses me off. I know people have accidents but thats why you should have your dog spayed/neutered. and people that create designer breeds should be smacked in the face. take a look at this so called designer dog btw. they are INSANELY priced
  3. good luck! lucky for me, Luka slept in my lap the entire way home.
  4. luka sleeps about 7-8 hours throughout the night. and then about 8 hours of the day. the rest of the time he spend terrorizing me. He also like others likes to run laps around the living room and my bedroom. I have a tall bed and as of right now he can run underneath it. that won't last long
  5. we can't let our precious resources escape to the UK. i'm sorry but we draw the line of international relations at this point.
  6. LOL. i would do it again but if i can find another male (which from browsing online will be extremely easy) i will sign up in a heart beat. I have planned from the beginning to have 2, i just feel like Luka should be older before we get him a brother. We are working with bite inhibition right now with Luka (basically trying to spare my toes from his razor blades otherwise known as teeth.) it'd be so nice to skip all of that. lol i'm actually surprised i found the breeders i got Luka from. They had 2 litters this year and that's it for a long time. They really don't want you to breed their dogs either. I did a lot of research before i started puppy shopping so I knew what to look for.
  7. i can't decide which option i want to go with either. i need to talk to my vet.
  8. i didn't know you could gain 20 lbs by looking at pictures? maybe i should run to vermont.
  9. My major reason for wanting to rescue is simply to skip the puppy stage. it's been fun with Luka but i'd love to have a potty-trained sweet boy in my home next. That makes me feel better that rescues make sure they can adapt in your home before you can adopt. Eases my mind. And i do see the point in paying more money for a higher quality bloodline. (breeding purposes) but like i said, my choice was to have a "pet quality" husky. He has papers, the breeders were very knowledgable, he has no health problems, and is guaranteed against hip and eye problems. And as previously stated I had to sign a contract that i would return him if i wished to get rid of him.They also requested i email them pictures occasionally (big give away on that they care about their dogs). Just proves there are quality breeders out there that don't charge a ridiculous sum of money.
  10. I think rescuing a dog is a wonderful, magical experience that i one day hope to explore. I would love for Luka to have a friend one day and i would like to adopt a husky to fulfill that need. However, rescuing isn't for everyone. I completely agree that shelters and rescue groups screen each individual dog before they are even adoptable but it still is a risk allowing a full grown dog into your home. (exp. when you already own a pet) True, the rescue group/shelter will generally be able to tell you if they get along with other dogs but what if you bring him or her home and they don't get along with your pet? What then? Send him on his way packing or risk your pet's safety? That really is my only genuine concern. I know they do home visits beforehand. (well at least the rescue groups around where i live do) but it still bothers me. And as for weeding out potential owners due to money? seriously? I'm 22 and can fully afford to take care of Luka but just because i don't want to fork out 1,000 dollars or more doesn't mean that i'm not an acceptable owner. It doesn't mean I can't afford it, I just think it is completely insane to pay that much for a dog that i will 1. never show 2. never breed 3. simply want for companionship I'm sorry but i will politely have to disagree with that statement.
  11. lol your post didnt show... i guess i didnt refresh :/ it was to castle. and i have no response to your word. except maybe confusion.
  12. true counting down the hours till i can be in my bed. only 30 minutes left. and that will be at 4:30 pm lol The next person is cooking a delicious meal today
  13. i do agree with the points made that some of the "valid breeders" charge you an arm and a leg. They may have great bloodlines but let's get real, they are making money off of the dog. I love Luka and can't imagine my life without him now but there is just no way i would've paid 1000 dollars or more for him. When it was finally the right time for me to purchase my husky i searched everywhere and many dogs were well over a thousand dollars. That is insane. I understand breeders want to make sure they have picked good owners who will provide for and take care of their dog but they could be slightly more affordable. Luka was 650 and the breeders still wanted to make sure we were the right choice for their puppy. We met with them before Luka was even born and then again when he was born. There is also a clause in our contract that if for ANY reason we wish to get rid of him (like that's EVER going to happen haha) that we will return him to them. I feel like if you want to help an animal, rescuing is the way to go, not providing a puppy mill with money.
  14. so glad i found this. i've been trying to come up with a way to stop biting. thank you all so much!
  15. number 1: Luka stays in his crate for 4 hours at a time twice a day while i work. He rarely has accidents and according to my roommate pretty much sleeps the entire time. He also sleeps with me at night and sleeps for 7-8 hours without waking me up to go outside. number 2: Luka is really still too little to go on walks so we pretty much play to exercise him. He has already learned to play fetch and loves when i throw a tennis ball for him. We also go outside and let him run around with our friend's dog. Usually by the time it's bedtime he is ready to pass out. as for the crate training Luka loves his evo treats and will go in his crate easily for one of them. Luka whines for about 10-15 minutes when he goes in there, its just them wanting to go out and play. as hard as it is you just have to ignore them. it just takes time.
  16. i bought a 42' crate and am currently sectioning it off. it was on sale for about $70 dollars at a local pet supplies store. I didn't want to order one online because I was worried it might be cheaply made or damaged. Luka doesn't really chew on the plastic bottom exp. since I put a bed in there but I def recommend adding plastic ties or bending the metal with pliers to secure it because it had some extra space. and make sure it's double latch!
  17. that's the only thing though he's not submissive. boyfriend might be stern with him but it does NO good. haha that's why i've taken a different approach, if hes biting me i give him a toy/ice to chew on so he leaves me alone. if he pottys inside i take him outside immediately and praise him when he does pee. it may take longer, but after receiving everyone's advice on here it seems to be the way to go. just thought it was weird all of a sudden he pees on him when he picks him up. he doesn't act scared of him though, they play together all the time. Luka will pounce on him still.
  18. welcome ! im not too far from you! beautiful puppy btw.
  19. we live together. we bought him together so really well. we're stuck in my apartment for the next month until we move to the new house and i'm on the second floor and he's still too little to make it down alone. honestly, though i'm pretty horrible at disciplining him (by this i mean i take a completely different approach than the boyfriend) he's more stern where as i'm more likely to get him distracted. so it is possible he's scared of him bc he gets in trouble by josh.
  20. i like how we keep going to food this or thats
  21. DIET COKE. fruit or veggies?
  22. this is about to sound very strange but Luka has started peeing on my boyfriend. everytime he picks him up to take him outside he starts peeing on him. He NEVER does this to me. Any advice to stop this? It just recently started happening...
  23. chicken! yuck to fish. summer or winter?
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