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Everything posted by LittleLuka

  1. thats what a WYDWL harness does. it works great
  2. i don't have anywhere to work mine so i'm not worried about it. lol besides the thought of letting Luka pull me somewhere is absolutely terrifying. he's a lunatic
  3. Luka doesn't pull and i use a harness on him. It hasn't made him pull at all.
  4. woooooooooohooooooooooooooooooo YAY you'll both be great
  5. hahahha i'm sorry but that's funny. I can just see Robert going just go to the car Simon...
  6. I tried that but mine dug in it. So i have a lifted bowl holder with 2 bowls just for water. I still fill constantly though. lol
  7. yeah Luka has a semi-slip collar on but it's just because that's the way it came. Knox and Bexley have regular collars on. I've literally never walked any of them with just a lead and collar and thats probably why Luka freaks out if you try to. I don't like putting any pressure on their necks so I'll always just use a harness.
  8. i post updates to their website. she also has an event every year that she invites everyone to so they can meet up.
  9. I always walk mine with a harness. Luka has a WYDWL harness and it's great considering he doesn't even pull anyways. Bexley is using an EzyDog Chest Plate Harness and it does good for him but he does pull a lot. Knox has a regular harness but i'm about to move him to a WYDWL because he's the worst out of the 3. I would choke mine with a collar and I don't prefer to do that. I have more control with a harness not to mention I'm not risking mine slipping out of a collar.
  10. i'm no help as i go in the late evening. I usually just walk Luka and Bexley and Josh walks Knox.
  11. neither would Luka. he is extremely obnoxious
  12. haha i just want 2 huskies. that's all i ask... it's not much right?
  13. lol they are getting along well but Josh still doesn't want 3 dogs... but Bexley still has at least another month here... we'll see
  14. i took Luka to petsmart. The trainer had experience with huskies. that was one of the questions i asked beforehand.
  15. LittleLuka


    haha Sky is on there too
  16. Welcome to the pack! Glad to have you!
  17. Luka hates being brushed. He runs away and i wind up having to put a lead on him to get him to stay still. Bexley will lay down and let you, he absolutely loves it.
  18. I would say no. I got Knox when Luka was like 7 months I think. It helped with him as far as playing but otherwise all it did was cause me more work. Knox has picked up some of Luka's habits (like digging). I'm fortunate that Luka had just completed obedience class because if not I would've been ripping my hair out with both. Adding Bexley (he's older, 4) has actually made Luka act like a jerk in some ways. You woudl think he'd behave better after being around a dog that has GREAT manners but no he acts the opposite. I've had to spend more time training him. I'd wait until you have her where you want her.
  19. He seriously reminds me of Luka. I'm getting a new iphone after work and i'm going to record him trying to play with Bexley. Bexley does the same thing as Kodiak. lol you're going to die. Nikko and Luka's behavior is like the EXACT same. haha
  20. LittleLuka


    I use a WYDWL with Luka. It works great! I believe they are sized to weight so i've had his since December and it still fits fine because you can adjust it. I like the fact that it's a front harness, I feel like it gives me more control over him. Luckily, he's not bad at all on the lead due to training so I probably could walk him with just a collar if I really wanted to. There have been a couple of times he's wanted to pull though and it's worked fab. I recommend them highly.
  21. we took a class but afterwards we would stay and go over specific issues we were having with Luka and our trainer would help us solve them.
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