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Everything posted by LittleLuka

  1. Ooh so many huskies I won't know what to do!
  2. if Luka went with me i feel like I would never go home. it's probably best he has to stay in the USA. my family might miss me
  3. He got Adopted this morning!! i invited the new owner to this forum, She sad she has no prior experience with the breed so maybe she will join!
  4. Oh I love ! I need a new collar for Luka too
  5. I've never had this issue with Luka until yesterday actually. He's usually pretty submissive and just a big happy boy. However yesterday Knox was playing with another pit mix puppy about his size and Luka would come over and basically just mail him. Grabbed the puppy by his neck and just rolled him over and pinned him down. The puppy screamed (I think more out of fear than pain) and I had to keep separating Luka. Finally we wound up leaving because I was worried he would accidentally hurt him. He was growling as he was doing it but I think he was playing. I'd like to hear what a solution is. Knox and Luka play rough and it's fine but with other owners I feel uncomfortable because they don't know how my dogs temperament is. He loves the dog park and I'd hate if we couldn't go anymore but I can't have him bullying small dogs every time we go. There are separated parks regarding to size but people are constantly bringing their small dogs in the large park. I also wonder if Luka is just becoming more dominant because he's reaching a year old. He's def the alpha over Knox and he makes sure know knows it.
  6. Luka still shreds dog beds. I have to out towels in his crate to give him something soft to lay on because he destroys everything else... Lol huskies can be very destructive!
  7. He said yes!! Calling in the morning and if he's still there I will be going to pull him!!
  8. LittleLuka


    Hahahha happens to my boyfriend all the time!
  9. Thanks ! I completely agree with our shelter epidemic. It's sad and could be prevented so easily.
  10. I personally would like to keep him forever because im dying for my second husky but if me only fostering keeps him from being PTS I'm on board. He looks so sweet
  11. I see what you're saying. When I first read your post I looked at it more of if he was just my roommate. However he isn't. He's my serious boyfriend. I'm talking to him tonight hopefully it will go in my favor haha
  12. I don't even know where Lukas papers are. Waste of money in my opinion.
  13. I don't control his life, i give him advice on things but ultimately it's his decision because it's his life. and i expect the same. if he makes a decision to do something against my wishes than that's on him but i try to be respectful of his decisions.
  14. Okay, thank you all for your replies. Here's the thing, he does bring home things without talking to me about it first. I didn't make a complaint when he went out and spent 1200 USD on a stupid AR (gun) that he will never use. I have decided that I will talk to him about it tonight because the shelter is closed today but if he says no i'm doing it anyways. If he doesn't want to help save this dog's life then honestly i'm with the wrong person anyways. That may sound harsh but i'm not the type of person to have someone control my life. I do things for him because they are important to him and I expect the same.
  15. doubtful, it's not like a rescue. basically it's a regular animal shelter they adopt out to anyone and they don't hold dogs. the dogs that run out of time are pts. sadly in smaller areas (like tipton county) not too far from me there are many many strays and this is a common thing. apparently they will let me see him with other dogs before i take him though so that'll help. luka gets on with everyone so if he's laid back and happy luka will be too.
  16. well the shelter is closed today so looks like i will have to talk to him tonight. :/ so nervous haha here's some pics:
  17. oh i'm not trying to hide it from him. i just know that when he sees him he will get over it. haha i'm worried if i try to talk to him i'll get a flat out no.
  18. i know he won't break up with me or move out. he's just going to be really pissed lol
  19. okay i'm having a really hard time trying to make the right choice here. here's my problem: all of my facebook friends know i'm bonkers for huskies so they've all tagged me in a husky that is stuck in a local shelter. It is a high-kill shelter and if he's not adopted he will be put to sleep. i want to go get him and at least foster him until he can find his forever home. the problem is my boyfriend who happens to live with me. he's already told me he doesn't want 3 dogs right now and that he isn't sure about fostering because he thinks i'll get attached. i'm fully aware that i will get attached, i love dogs, i love huskies, and i will love this guy. HOWEVER, the reward of seeing him in a forever home with a family that loves him and takes care of him will allow me to let him go. When we found Knox i fell in love with his sister but we found her a new home. I didn't actually ask to keep Knox, Josh just wanted to keep him and i agreed. So I want to go get this guy today. Should I ask Josh knowing that he will pretty much say No or go ahead and get him and bring him home? BTW i am perfectly capable of affording his care so that isn't a concern. Thoughts? Opinions?
  20. Pittsburgh Steelers ... The best team ever I think
  21. That's the thing really we are online. It's easy to forget when you are constantly talking to fellow members because they start to feel more like personal friends as opposed to random people online. I try my best to not take offense at what anyone suggests to me because I remember that they are only trying to help me. This forum is so wonderful because you can learn and grow from it but you have to have an open mind and take others advice. I've said it time and time again if I had known then what I know now things would be completely different from me. However I think sometimes all of us have to take a step back and realize that we might be excellent owners but we don't truly know everything. There is always room to learn! Sorry that youve had a bad experience. I'm sure that no one meant it personal. I applaud our staff for running such a great forum!
  22. I'm am organ donor along with the majority of my family. Can't take it with you so they can take what they need. I will also have it written in my will one day.
  23. I just switched from a small SUV to a car not too long ago and now with Knox being added I will def be going back to a larger SUV in a couple of years. Looking at jeeps or maybe a Tahoe. My boyfriend has a truck and its practical but not really much room in the back seat and I don't let my dogs ride in the back of it as its not safe. Not sure what options you have over there but besides outrageous gas prices bigger is better!
  24. I just switched Knox's crate. We too had someone let us borrow one and he outgrew it we went ahead and bought the same size Luka has. I don't bother with the divider because Knox has never pottied in his crate. It hasn't changed anything with him and Luka doesn't seem to notice it's not too small for him anymore. I crate mine in my kitchen just because there's no reason for them to be in my room because they sleep in the bed.
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