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Everything posted by LittleLuka

  1. yeah this one has interchangeable lenses as well probably just as not of powerful settings. it looks more user friendly. i like taking photos, mainly of the dogs, so i can't reason with myself to spend a small fortune on a camera yet... maybe when i have kids haha
  2. well as all of you know or don't know (either way) i will be traveling to the UK for husky camp in May!!!! I've decided i want a new camera before i go just so i can really take some awesome pictures and some embarrassing ones too. Really leaning towards the Nikon 1 J1 but don't know if i'd be better going with something else. I don't want a typical point and shoot and i don't know if i'm ready technology wise or financially to buy a full SLR. This looked like right in the middle and i thought it might be a good beginners camera. It's on sale at a local store with another lens and case for about $499 USD which is a really good price. Help? Suggestions?
  3. i'd like to add about their sensitive stomachs. i did a lot of research and joined this forum before i got Luka but i didn't know he wouldn't even be able to eat Taste of the Wild!!!! He was also a nightmare to potty train.
  4. awesome we can figure out where the next stop should be while i'm there and i can send it off
  5. can always go back home with me after husky camp
  6. If any of you are fans of GoneToTheSnowDogs their loving furbaby Shiloh passed today. Run Free Shiloh....
  7. my dog was neutered at 7 months and it's been the best decision i've made. i don't have to constantly worry about him having dog aggression because he doesn't have an issue with any other type of dog. He doesn't mark all over everything or try to escape to find whatever dog is in heat.
  8. Mike Huckabee, used to be the governor of Arkansas wrote this on his facebook. Thought it was extremely true and that i'd repost. Tribute to Jet Huckabee, April 19, 1998-January 15, 2013 Inconsolable. That’s pretty much how I felt as Janet and I held our Black Labrador Retriever, Jet, in our arms as his life slipped from us. It was a heart-wrenching ending of the life of a dog that has been my inseparable companion and confidante for almost 15 years. His wonderful disposition won the heart of all who met him. No one or nothing could make him angry or cause him to lose his temper. His life had one purpose—to please me and to be with me. If I could be as good a Christian as Jet was a dog, it would be as close to perfect as a human could achieve. I got Jet as an anniversary gift in 1998 when he was not quite 7 weeks old. I held him in my arms nonstop for the first 5 hours we were together, and we bonded as surely as man and dog can unite. It was only fitting that in his last hour on this earth, he was again in my arms. He lived his first 8 ½ years in the Governor’s Mansion of Arkansas which was about as great a life as a dog could have. When I wasn’t there, he was pampered 24 hours a day by the rest of the family and the staff of the mansion, all of whom knew that “nothing better happen to that dog!†He was my fishing buddy and my hunting dog. Some of the best days of my life were spent in the flooded timber duck woods in Arkansas during duck season when Jet would show his speed, focus, energy, and sheer tenacity to retrieve. In my boat, Jet had his very own place riding at my feet as we ran full speed across Lake Greeson or down the Arkansas River. Once the boat slowed to idle or a trolling speed, Jet immediately took his place on the bow, always with his face joyfully positioned as far forward as was possible. News stories were written about him, he graced the cover of magazines and a campaign billboard, and he even had his own trading card. His life as “First Dog†was one to be envied. My staff used to joke that in another life they wanted to come back as Jet, meaning that my devotion and unconditional love for that dog was exceeded only by his even greater devotion to me and his unconditional love. He taught me patience because it never irritated him if I was late, or had “one more thing to do.†He taught me forgiveness for he never withheld his affections or love even when I broke a promise to throw things for him to retrieve or to reward him with a treat. He taught me to relax—so much so that in campaigns, the staff actually plotted for ways to keep him with me because his ability to lower my blood pressure and keep me tranquil was visible and palpable. Jet asked for nothing except for basic necessities and a little bit of attention. For that, I enjoyed his unflinching loyalty, fidelity, and his calming presence. I loved that dog and always will. There was never a day that Jet didn’t make me laugh in the almost 15 years we were together. Only on his last day with me did he make me cry. Please don’t tell me “He was just a dog.†You might be “just a person, “ but Jet was my best friend and was there for me when everyone else had given up on me, or simply had gone to bed. It was never too early in the morning or too late at night for Jet to be with me. He fathered some great dogs who are spectacular in their own right, but as far as I’m concerned, there will never be another like him. Some people doubt that dogs go to heaven, but I don’t have any doubts. If heaven is a place of the best, then Jet will be there. When I make it, I won’t be surprised to see him there. I just hope he isn’t surprised to see me there.
  9. hope you feel better! so happy that Angel was a good girl. lol
  10. [ATTACH]68429[/ATTACH] They slept like this last night lol
  11. Happy birthday koda!! Can't wait to meet him!
  12. I wish him and Luka could meet I know they'd be best buds
  13. Agreed I'm in the south a couple of inches and we shut down.... Lol I don't have to go to work if it snows
  14. I agree with how addicting they are. I never thought in my wildest dreams I would be so obsessed as I am with Luka. I even had a friend mention how they would love to my dog. Lol
  15. Lol it was 28F the other weekend here. No big deal at all.... Snow here is disappointing though we only get a few inches. WHen I visit Pittsburgh I love it bc of the constant snow
  16. Peanut butter and some of his kibble and I freeze it
  17. I started luka off on taste of the wild because its highly recommended and a lot of people on here use it. Unfortunately he's weird and It gave him an unsettled tummy so we switched him to fromms but as soon as he's a year old I'm going to try to switch him back.
  18. I use regular peanut butter but bought the puppy large and Luka still likes it so I've gotten my value out of it. I used small training treats by zukes and Luka loves them. They're decently cheap and you get a large amount. They're a good size for a puppy and work great for training purposes too
  19. oh i saw it don't worry. just wait till i get over there
  20. Luka just felt sorry for himself and whined and threw his head on me like oh poor me. Sounds just like my boyfriend when he's sick honestly
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