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Everything posted by LittleLuka

  1. i did some research regarding this: i understand now. "Single-sex heartworm infections are more common in cats; microfilaria are seen in less than 20%, and they are only present for about a month. The microfilaria are then swallowed by biting mosquitoes, and develop into infective larvae in the mosquito in ten to forty-eight days, depending on the climate. The larvae move into the mouth parts of the mosquito, where they can infect a new host--a cat or dog--when the mosquito bites the animal." From what i understand, you're correct it's usually a new infestation. However, it does state that regular heartworm preventative can be used to kill the majority of them so now i see why it's not optional to give him heartworm preventative. thanks for bringing this up. i learned something new! also, many dogs live long happy lives after being infested with heartworms so i wouldn't really put it off as him being ill. just be glad that someone so nice like yourself took him and now has taken the measures to prevent him from worsening his condition!
  2. Not to change the subject but I was under the impression that it was crucial to have all dogs on preventative every 30 days. Luka is heartwarm negative and yet he still gets iverhart once a month. Never heard of all worms being the same sex but maybe I'm just not that knowledgable. All I know is all dogs Should be receiving heartworm preventative every 30 days regardless. I'm confused now ha. Regardless back on topic maybe just give it more time. Hopefully it will work out the way you want it!
  3. thats what i was thinking! im sending mine today so i guess we'll see lol
  4. ooooh good call. i would be MAD if i ordered one and it didn't fit him. i wish they sold these in stores but of course not :/
  5. i went through the search option but after three pages i gave up. i'm buying Luka a harness for Christmas because he's finally fitting in large size and i think i will be able to buy one he won't grow out of. I'm leaning towards the Julius K9 harness unless someone can offer a different option that they would think would work better for me. He pulls (obviously) but it's not horrible because we've worked a lot with loose leash walking. I do want something though that is going to help him from dragging me around. I'm not afraid price wise, i want a nice one, it's one of his christmas presents. also, how the heck do i measure him for one of these? his width im assuming?
  6. by the way are we just putting SS for our name? what about our address won't people recognize the location?
  7. sending mine out tomorrow already checked with the post office and it will arrive on time !!
  8. you see how much i know about technology... lol, it's a miracle i can operate my iphone. i looked at the one i posted and it's not outrageous for me financially. i just don't really see the point unless Luka got lost which isn't really a concern of mine as he's never left outside unattended. i'm more paranoid someone will break in my house and steal him. then someone could just take off the collar and it'd be done.
  9. Why have they not invented some type of gps chip instead of just a regular microchip yet? i just see so many dogs lost/stolen constantly and i don't get it. this has been all over tv lately : http://www.pettracker.com/pet-products/pet-gps-tracker but it would only be beneficial if your dog was lost, not stolen because someone could just take it off. i had a horrible nightmare last night that someone stole Luka and it got me thinking as technology advanced as the world is today how have we not come up with this yet?
  10. everryyyy roseeee has it's thornnnn
  11. Luka is like Nikko LOL i have a feeling they would be goooood friends
  12. Can't trust my two to be free in the house lol. Luka loves toilet paper, shoelaces, and socks too much. For like three days Knox kept busting out of his crate and terrorizing the house. Nothing was really destroyed except Luka's ego due to being the only one kenneled. lol they both will shred paper like it's no tomorrow though.
  13. Luka isn't bi-eyed but he is parti-eyed in both eyes... weirdest thing i've ever seen. but i do love it
  14. i feed Luka large breed. always have and he has done fine on it.
  15. Lol I wasn't tryin to accuse you al! I'm just ranting and still very fired up over it! Agree with why you say completely.
  16. yes!!!! who knows how many?!! The ASPCA and the police are investigating it now.
  17. I don't shoot dogs simply because they may mess up my day of hunting. i believe this kid shot the dog, thought it was funny, posted it online, and then when he saw everyone's reaction started backpedaling and making excuses.
  18. if the dog was attacking him then why was it shot in the gut? he stuck the rifle up under him? yeah that makes sense. pshhhh. not.
  19. Luka has done much better (behavior wise) since Knox came along. I still want another husky but right now the two village idiots are about all I can handle. I think it would be more practical when Knox reaches over a year. I could never have two adults dogs and a puppy. I didn't want a puppy in the first place to be honest LOL but you take what life hands you.
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