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Everything posted by LittleLuka

  1. LOL maybe in Texas! Up north gets very cold, can get as cold as -13 F (-25 C). As for where I live winter gets into the low 40s F high 30s F, and every now and then it snows! haha
  2. Guns def. cause problems. And that's the problem criminals aren't going to stop buying guns. I don't know, we own guns but they're for hunting purposes more than protection. I'll just get somebody with my wicked nunchuck skills. only joking my good friend is actually living for a short period in canada right now. I def have added it to a place i want to visit. Her pictures look so cool! She's living in Calgary, Alberta right now after being in Toronto I think? Can't believe it's that massive! Well i mean I can, it's just I've never even been to NYC So it would be crazy to see that type of population. Thanks! i'm not one to think i'm only right. it's nice to see other people's opinions regardless if i agree with them or not.
  3. [ATTACH]63595[/ATTACH] In response to me asking who ate my shoelace!! Luka at his finest.
  4. Luka does this as well to me and Josh. I just try to ignore him, it's annoying. I'm not much help either. haha sorry our trainer also recommended we put apple bitter spray on our hands. it's not harmful and it helps to an extent.
  5. I've heard that! My mom loved Chicago when she went there for a business meeting a couple years back. I want to do some major traveling soon. If i can find the time haha
  6. lol sadly yes. ignorant people. no offense, but i'm not interested in moving to Canada. If i leave the country i'm headed to the Cayman Islands. lol Guns can cause problems but so many thugs have them I don't think i would feel safe not having one in my house. You break into my house and threaten my well-being well sorry but you're getting shot. If you're not a thief you shouldn't have anything to worry about.
  7. Interesting! Never been up there, I go to Pittsburgh and that's about it as far as up north. Love that city, would love to move there one day! No i'm just talking about something that has been argued time and time again. Just like I'm fine with the government providing free birth control because ultimately we are preventing more children to be added to welfare. However I will say that I believe if you choose to need birth control you should accept the financial risks that come along with it, which most don't. I don't support the federal health care bill though. I don't see how it can improve our health system, only harm it. Not to mention, we can't even afford it. We're already in so much debt as it is.
  8. Gary, IN? We service a Con-way Freight there for my job. haha I don't agree that the government should pay for abortion. I'm all for women having the choice, that's their decision. I may not agree with it personally but I don't have the right to tell someone how to live their life. But I do think i should have a say about my tax dollars providing it.
  9. Blaming everything on Bush is getting SO old. After 2016 Obama will no longer be able to use that as a valid excuse.
  10. until Democratic politicians realize that not all of us think everything should be handed out for free, I could not bring myself to vote for any Democrat. It goes both ways and that's why our 2 parties will never be able to compromise. There is no in-between... I live in the south (which by the way is still much poorer than the north) yet we all almost always vote Republican. The north always votes democratic. Even though the Civil War is over I still think it's divided by the North and South. Which is quite sad if you think about it considering it's 2012. Everyone considers the south rednecks who are probably missing teeth. That's not the case, it's just we are raised on different values and principles than up north. We still say yes mam, yes sir. God is supposed to come before anything else which makes it hard to vote pro-choice and allow gay marriage in my opinion. Not saying i agree with all of these issues, just letting you know why it's that way. We're not just all stuck in the past, it's how we live down here. Since it's so poor you see way more people on welfare. It's not a surprise we feel that way considering that red states have a higher majority on welfare. Overall, I don't see anything getting better over the next 4 years. Obama will continue to make a bunch of promises that he can't fulfill provided that he is just one man. Not that Romney was a great choice either. I just sometimes feel like I'm slowly losing pride in my country, It disgusts me the way people are becoming. Also, Not sure why people are threatening to move to Canada. LOL, They have a universal healthcare system as well. It makes me giggle how uneducated people are.
  11. since the flip flop picture was posted i believe this is appropriate .... it's all in good fun...
  12. okay out of all the states there are some that always go republican. MS, TN, AR, southern states basically... Then there are some that always go democrat. MA, NY, NJ, northern states basically. Then there are swing states which could vote either way OH, FL, NV, etc. I feel the exact opposite, i could never vote for such a liberal party. You have to understand by growing up in the south that Democrats are against everything i was raised up by. Sometimes i feel like our country is still so separated and i'm not sure it will ever change. I do agree that there should be more than 2 major parties but highly doubtful that will ever happen. As a member of the republican party i do agree that we will have to loosen up on social issues or we're never going to win again. The world is a different place now, people don't care about right vs. wrong just what's easier.
  13. He gained more women's approval in swing states not the country as a whole. He def. received the majority of the minority votes (which by the way they're quickly on the way to not being the minority)
  14. Regardless the election is over and i'm honestly over hearing about it.
  15. The thing that makes me the most sad about this election is not the fact that Obama won but that I now live in a country that has completely rejected the values that we were founded on. Our morals, religions, and work ethics have gone out the window. Where do we go from here? Are we doomed to be a country that depends on everyone but ourselves? [MENTION=8127]jmscott[/MENTION] "Our country was founded by people who's leaders were using their own forces on their own citizens. Lets just say it is a touchy subject when government gets too involved in everything." Touchy subject when government gets too involved in everything?! That's exactly what Obama is for. We're on a quick path to the government providing everything for this country. We can't get ENOUGH of the free handouts. Now we can rely on the government for healthcare, foodstamps, housing, education, etc. What happened about working hard to provide these things for ourselves? I'm sorry, I don't think Obama can move mountains nor could any other candidate but I also don't believe we should keep allowing our citizens to be helpless and depend solely on the government. Tell me, what's the point in getting a job if you can have everything you want for free? I find it literally outrageous that you're okay with giving your hard earned dollars to lazy people. It's fine though. Our system is on a steady decline just like a few other countries in Europe. We're going to tax the hell out of the upperclass till we literally make them leave our country and go somewhere like the Cayman Islands. We're going to reach a point where we will never elect someone in office that doesn't support a providing government because the majority of our population wouldn't be able to survive without the government! Sorry but I for one will continue to work my butt off to support myself and continue to be irate when i see people abusing the system. In all honesty, I'm not sure where you live but when you live in a city like Memphis, TN it really changes things. People can afford an iphone5 and to get their nails done but can't find a job. Yeah, right.
  16. Just keep an eye on her. Luka is good at eating things he shouldn't. This List contains: toilet plunger a bra (the part with the metal clasps) pairs of underwear the arm of a tanktop a pillowcase plastic cups socks garbage all of this was why he was monitored might i add. i'm not a bad puppy parent sometimes they just wolf stuff down before you can get it. it should be okay, luka always passes everything. just keep an eye out on her!
  17. rugby is violent no doubt lol it's a lot more risky than us/football
  18. there will be hell to pay if you try to compare rugby and OUR football over here! lol We take our FOOTBALL very seriously over here. Between the NCAA and NFL we mean business. soccer is very boring to me to watch, but a blast to actually play. i played in highschool. it's crazy how differently we all live sometimes.
  19. the better question even yet is Who even came up with the name Soccer? haha And i think they spell it Futball
  20. it does involve a ball and a foot which is called a kicker. lol im confused on this one
  21. Just from your posts on here i agree that you are a responsible owner. May i ask why you choose not to? My parents also have not had their male lab neutered and growing up we never had any of our dogs neutered. I don't consider them bad owners. I just wanted to adopt my next dog and that wasn't possible with Luka being intact. I'm not against it, I just didn't see why i wouldn't.
  22. i just don't see the point in not neutering my animals. I would never breed them because i am not qualified to do so and it just increases Luka's risk of running away and never coming back in his search for females. I don't care if it's a "small risk of testicular cancer" I'll gladly get rid of that small chance without hesitation. If neutering is harmful then why do rescues mandate that all other pets are neutered before they will allow you to adopt? Not to mention all of their animals are not intact either. Not trying to be rude, just trying to understand this reasoning because it's not something i've ever heard before.
  23. thanks yall! someone recommended some type of wire and staple it to the fence but i don't know how that would work.
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