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Everything posted by LittleLuka

  1. luka was that color at the age as well. i loved it. such a pretty girl!
  2. i've never liked little dogs. i know they're not all the same but a lot of them have aggressive personalities. Luka hasn't experienced anything like that yet so i have no idea how he would react. glad your two are okay! that woman is an idiot, to put it bluntly.
  3. a golden retreiver? seriously..... people are idiots. none of these breeds are banned where i live though so i guess i'm lucky.
  4. i understand completely. i just consider myself lucky to have such an awesome step-dad! doesn't have to be blood related to be a good dad! don't stress it, some people just suck.
  5. love the pictures! and that is an awesome idea!!
  6. neither can Mississippi. It was hit very hard during Katrina, the media just didn't make it as public.
  7. yeah for some reason we have a severe warning tomorrow. and then it goes down to slight risk for the next couple of days. it's supposed to have high winds and decent rain here tomorrow and then it's supposed to rain allll week/weekend. i don't mind storms, they help me sleep better, only thing i don't like it driving in them. :/
  8. i like rain and we NEVER get any! you can't keep a yard alive!
  9. Good to know !! I mean I always knew he was a food snob lol
  10. Luka ate his dinner!! Yay! Now I can relax
  11. yeah im worried about New Orleans. but i think Katrina was a 3 and isaac is only expected to be a 1! i was just in Nola week before last and it's still got areas that are damaged it really doesn't need anything else.
  12. yeah i know we're supposed to get some rain this week because of it up here in north mississippi. hope everyone down by the coast stays safe!
  13. Well Luka already started picking at his food Saturday so that was before we even let him in the pool yesterday. And we always empty the pool and rinse it out each time. It's gross to leave water to sit in it and bake in the sun. His stools are fine, he's been acting normal over the weekend, just picking at his food. Like i said i'm used to him inhaling it when i put it down not taking a couple of bites every now and then. We did leave it out yesterday and he ate a about 1 1/2 cups yesterday but usually thats what he gets for 1 serving. I mean i can't tell if he's just not hungry or what? Last night we were eating tacos and he sat beside me practically begging for some. (obv. i didn't give him any) so it doesnt seem that he is not hungry? i don't know. i guess i will see how he is tonight and if it continues take him to the vet tomorrow.
  14. well this has been going on since Saturday so it's been well over 24 hours. We're going on 72 hours now. He seems happy though. I originally thought you were supposed to switch them at 6 months but when i got Luka i was told otherwise. I will def ask my vet to make sure! thanks!
  15. Well Luka recently finished losing all his puppy teeth, he now has all his adult teeth theyre just not all the way in. As for adult food, i still think he's way too young, only being 5 1/2 months old. I've considered maybe changing his food, but would really like to avoid that considering we just bought a 60 dollar bag of his current food. He seemed normal yesterday, but this morning is what threw me off. He is usually cuddly anyways in the morning but he never just goes and lays down in his crate like he did. and he ALWAYS eats his treats! I don't know, i'm sure i worry too much but hes my baby. lol
  16. Luka never shuts up. he barks constantly. lol
  17. Starting randomly Saturday, Luka won't really eat his food. I'd say he's cut his intake down by more than half of what he usually eats. You can leave the food out for hours and he's not interested. This is not like him AT ALL. Luka usually inhales his food! This morning i put him in his crate and he just laid down and put his head on his lambchop. Not like him either, he's usually a quite perky dog. I gave him a treat and when i left it was just sitting in his crate untouched. i'm starting to get worried.... any ideas before i haul him off to the vet? BTW, he has been having regular bowel movements so no blockages obv.
  18. haha we lucked out. we are renting right now and we looked everywhere for a decent size backyard with a fence. took forever but we found it. good luck
  19. "where is my dog?" to the boyfriens while I was at the wedding last night. And yes, he is mine no matter what the Boyfriend thinks
  20. Yeah where are the pics of klutch!!!?? Lol
  21. Crawfish is what we call them and they are delicious!!
  23. Hahaha yeah the movie is "bridesmaids"
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