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maya's mummy

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About maya's mummy

  • Birthday 08/30/1983

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  1. i tried filling a hollow bone with food but he ignored it until i returned and let him out lol he's not food orientated at all bless him, whereas my other will do anything for food is a good idea tho
  2. it hasnt stopped here since i dont know when May have to invest in a canoe for the dog walk lol
  3. both mine do it too lol Rafe will put his head in your arms whilst standing, he pushes me over lol and he has to be chatting/singing to you whilst getting fussed, i do love it
  4. just a little update, Rafe seems alot calmer in his crate now. I still return to cable ties on the floor where he's nibbles them off, but he's not stressed within himself no more. I open the door and he goes in himself, so he's getting the idea. Neighbours say they havent heard a peep from him either so fingers crossed i'm onto a winner here! And i'm even more happy as he's not had anymore of my shoes!!LOL bless him. thanks for all your support.
  5. thanks i shall read through them once back from husky walk. I never make a huge deal of leaving or coming back and always just say hi or bye very quickly with no excitement just normal (if that makes sense). when i get home i say hello and carry on sorting children, bags etc (rafe and maya still in kitchen in crate) and once coats off and kids settled i then make him sit and open the door with him waiting, then allow him out on command, straight outside. once outside aftrer few mins i'll go out and chuck a ball etc so he gets attention but not really directly related to the crate?? hope that makes sense?
  6. thats what i'm thinking.. sire i can cope with one night of howling lol.. question is do i bring the crate into my room and gradually move him out once used to the crate!? or leave it in the kitchen where he'd be sleeping with maya and deal with the howling?? OR do i stop being so house proud and just let them fluff my carpets each night lol
  7. i've not made it to b&q today as been trying the crate training.. dont know if i'm doing it right but he seems calm?? i did go out on school run and he was still caged when i returned (shocking lol) and the cage wasnt wet which is positive!. i'm going to do the door handle thing actually! i was going to get round ones but i think turning them the wrong way is much better!! mayas not crated as shes so good she doesnt need to be! But also i have no room anywhere for them both to be crated. His crates in the middle of the kitchen and she's in the room always with him. i want to start trying to crate him at night too as maya always slept in the kitchen but now they're both in with me!? But do you think i'm best waiting for himn to settle in the day before trying it at night?? Or just get on with it tonight lol
  8. And i always make him use his manners - sit paw wait lie down etc before i feed or walk through a door or anything that requires him using his manners, so he's well trained. And tbh he's excellent at it all. Does it immediately.
  9. he's left no more than one hour at a time as i rush back to check him. tuesdays he has to do 3 hours as i am at college, but he gets exercised in the morning and lunchtime as i only have 30min lunch, so its a run around the block for 20mins then back home for another 2 til i get home. but thats the worst day for him being in there a great length. I feed him his meals in his crate and he happily goes in there for his food with the door open, and i can shut it and he's fine he'll lay down and relax. I praise him loads for being good and quite. But its when i leave the room so i need to start the training from that point dont i.. will start tomorrow from scratch and see how we go. thanks everyone.
  10. thanks i will go to b&q tomorrow and try to find these, cable ties he's just biting through. I feel like i'm winning a losing battle, and he always knows he's done something wrong because as soon as i open the front door he legs it back down the hallway over the gate into his crate and pees himself!!! So i feel so sorry he's so scared and so annoyed he's done wrong lol my heads going to explode i'm sure!
  11. hi thanks for replying, he manages to escape out of a corner or the doors, i have cable tied it all around but he nibbles them and looks like he's throwing himself at it as its totally bent!? today i come back and he'd managed to get half the tray out from the bottom?? Rafe gets one and half hour walk every morning up the woods with other dogs (including maya) and on a long lead so he gets to play with everyone. i put his toys in his crate and he simply doenst care he just wants to get out. And he is always let out before i leave the house to go anywhere and as soon as i return? So i just dont understand where i'm going wrong. I feed him in his crate and he goes in no problem. He will stay in his crate with me in the house and maya in the kitchen no problem? But when i leave he has a melt down until he can get out and go mad?? My stair gate is just a child one simply because really its just to keep my 2 year old out to give them space and for safety. But if i put a bigger gate up he will eat my lino (which he's started) as he did that when i shut the kitchen door. Its like he has a fear of being shut in?
  12. i must admit i am very intrigued... maybe if it falls into my hand i'll open the front cover lol
  13. So i rehomed Rafe 2month ago and thought i was getting places with him ie: stopped messing in the house, howling etc. But now he's going in my cuboards as soon as i'm out, he's opening bedroom doors (mainly my sons and messing in there and peeing!) he's destroying everything in sight. so... i got a crate and thought well he'll just have to go in there when i go out! But he escapes. He gets out, hops the stair gate, opens sons room and messes everywhere!! Now i know he's a husky and yes i expect this behaviour being new to us and young but OMG pleease advice what i can try next lolWhen i got Maya at this age she was the same but i cant remember what i did. He's really upsetting me as he's causing such problems and its not his fault i just dont know how to sort his issues with me leaving him..yesterday he ate 2 shoes (granted they shouldnt have been in the hallway even tho he was crated!) ate half a melon, opened a hay bale and him and maya spent the morning playing with the hay... in my kitchen!!To make things worse i have whiplash so am struggling so bad i think i may cry lol any advice would be great thank you x
  14. thats why i send mine to my groomers
  15. Mayas is 20th Dec Rafes is 24th June
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