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About StarCrossed

  • Birthday 02/22/1989

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  1. Thank you. I joined a few days ago after googling husky hairloss. I try to make a loud noise when I see her with socks. Sometimes she drops them sometimes they are alreadyon their way down. I try to keep them away and out of reach for both to avoid the problem, but you never know when a baby is going to rip her shoes and socks off. But thank you for the advice. I really would not want that to happen. My brother in laws Lab got a hold of a shoe string and it was a 4,500 surgery I will just make sure I have a sqeaky, she will drop anything she is doing for a squeaky! Her loving to be involved doesnt bother me a bit, I understand it more than they do. But when grandbabies are over and she wants in on the action I can see why it would upset them too. She does also do it with my baby, but she isnt as bad with her because she sees her everyday. I am going to try those things in the crate. Maybe a bone from a butcher. She doesnt really chew on the beef bones from the petstore too much. She does prefer her rawhides over them, weird dog. I dont let it bother me too much. She is new and needs to adjust to how things are around here. I do think it is pretty incredible how a husky can get themselves out of anything. Wow.
  2. I take her 2-3 miles. Same as on the treadmill when it is a crappy day. She does run off sometimes, but I know this is a typical Husky thing that can't be fixed. Should she be walked longer?
  3. I need a little of advice on a few problems that are starting to bother me, and the other people in the house or who comes over. Yuki likes to steal food. If you are not looking she takes it. If you leave it on the counter it is gone. If the baby walks by with food she follows until they are around a corner and she steals it from her. She just never stops eating. It takes her forever to eat her food, but if she sees or smells people food she will find a way. She has gotten in the trash once on pizza and wing night, scared me to death! But she was ok. She also likes to eat baby socks for some reason. If she finds one she will quickly swallow it when she sees you coming. Also I am afraid to leave the house for long periods of time. She doesnt like to be left alone, even be in a different room. She is fine in the crate if we are home. The second we leave and she goes in the crate whining, howling, barking, and panting. It's like we put the Tazmanian Devil in a box, she goes crazy being in it. we got an XL Kong crate that we have to put clips on because she can push the crate door off of it track ( it opens up not out ). And when we come home sometimes we see a little blood on the floor from her trying to escape. I dont want her to hurt herself, but I will never leave her in the house alone again. She will chew and use the bathroom when left alone. Anything I can do? I tried a bark collar, but it doesnt work she knows how loud to be and still goes about chewing her way to freedom. And since I am staying with my inlaws. I need to find a way to make her less needy. She likes to try to wedge herself between her and babies and kids. They would like her not to get between them and grandkids She is given bones, rawhides, kongs and squeakers to destroy. She is also walked everyday and if it is raining she does well on the treadmill. So she does get exercise and has her toys. Is there anything else I might be doing wrong?
  4. Thank you. I will start her on those tomorrow. I would love to help with her future coat. Her coat now looks, awful! But I love her as much as I did when I saw her with her plush coat. I think I can wait until fall (: thank you for the information and advice !!
  5. Just plain fish oil capsules? Like the ones I would take daily? I saw some of the salmon oil at petsmart. I asked someone if it would help and they told me no since her coat is falling out. Hahaha. Figures. Thank you. I will try one of them, probably the capsules first and see how she does. Is it normal for young huskies to shed more when they blow their coat for the first time? She was lovlier when she had fur. Hehe. Thank you (:
  6. Thanks. She does not pull at all with it on her -- Well, unless she sees a squirell. And I will do what you and Huskies On The Go say and look around. I like how Shadow has the harnesses on his. I might give that a go then.
  7. I can imagine it would be difficult!! I had to get Yuki a prong collar -- I dont like to use it but if I dont she pulls so hard her tummy drags on the ground. I dont think I could handle three. Lol. Siberian Shadow all three of your babies are gorgeous. Should put them on a sled and let them walk you
  8. Aw. He looks so sweet, and poofy Congrats. Must be fun walking three huskies at one time.
  9. Thank you. I love Pa. Not too much snow but enough (: The weather is nice here too. Wow your boys mask is stunning!! Hehe, thanks. Took a few times to get this. She kept bouncing out of the shot. Thank you, I love it all ready !! Oh and Yuki is Japanese for snow. Thought it was fitting for a snow dog and sounded much better than the name she came with
  10. Me too. Haha. I think if I take her to the vet one more time she is going to bite someone And thank you.
  11. That's how I found this forum. Googling things about Huskies. But I have taken her to the vet. The first time to get her up to date on all of her vaccines and a culture. A second time for a skin scrape. And then a third for blood work, urine and fecal sample test ( still waiting for a call ) So all of this money spent later I have found out that is almost for certain it is a coat blow. Poo At least I know she is healthy Hahaha
  12. I dont think it is a scab coming off. It is just pink skin. Was a little red but once I put cream on it it had gotten better. Oh she does !! We just got her and I was worried someone got one over on us, and of coarse if there was something wrong with her. I wouldnt want to be uncomfortable, but turns out it is nothing anyways. Haha. Yeah. I hope her neck comes back. I've never seen a Husky with such a thin coat. She looked much better when she had a full coat on her, that's for sure. You know I think that is a good idea. We have hard wood floors. Also she does not have a crate pad anymore. I tried to give her one and it was destroyed in a week so I put her in the kennel with nothing ( Im horrible ) She does like the kitchen floor because it is cooler Thank you for all of the replies everyone. Seeing and knowing everyones Huskies have different coat types and mine is not the only one who has suck a thin coat is nice, I was wondering if I should take her out to the dog park because I thought people might think I was bringing a sick dog in with their dogs
  13. We thought it could be ringworm or demodex. But turned out it was niether. I am keeping an eye on them though. The hair is starting to grow back and she doesnt seem to bother with it at all. The vet told me to put Lamisil on her spots because she thought it could be fungal. And I was given steroids for her to take over hairloss. Which I guess none of this was needed. I am going to try that. I heard you can give them the fish oil pills too? She sounds lucky to have found you guys. Poor girl
  14. How can someone do something to such a beautiful dog? Disgusting !!
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