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About tgainsbrough

  • Birthday 08/13/1989

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  1. She is completely happy to do her job!!! If she wasn't I'd never have continued. I had some troubling times and almost gave up continuing to train her (I don't have enough strength to train her on my own but I did) but it was actually her eagerness to work and to help me that made me continue the training. And now she is the best service dog I could have ever asked for!
  2. Lol, I thought Kora did too. but I found that it was just boredom. XD
  3. ooooo!! I'd pack lots of toys and softer fruiter drinks for the rest of us. Like slushies! But how dare you forget the marshmallows!!! XD And I'll get some chocolate and graham crackers!
  4. Have you tried redirecting his energy? Such as getting a tug toy or turning it into a training session. Just having him have something to do will make it so much easier. You could get a kong and stuff it at these times. When Kora did things like this these were the times she trained the best. First thing I ever taught was her to retrieve the remote. She feed on these training so she was never that excited afterwards.
  5. XD Already saw you checked it out! Nevermind. lol!
  6. Okay I'll post a few! Right now I just posted in the training section multiple photos and some videos on her working. it is. If you want to check it out.
  7. Thank you! She is one amazing puppy! I am so happy I have her and I can't wait until she is a full blown service dog! <3
  8. From the last time I talked about Kora she was just learning to retrieve items and was doing a tiny bit of public access. Well now she does amazing things! Kora is trained to help me with my medical problems. She is a medical alert, psychiatric and mobility service dog. The last time I counted her tasks (last december) she was set up to preform 56 tasks by the time she was done. I'll be complying another list now before she takes her PAT (service dog test) so list of everything that she currently does and the small list she still needs to learn. From the 56 tasks I guarantee she now has over 100. Kora has learn to alert to at least 11 different medical issues I have, preforms DPT (deep pressure therapy) not only for pain but to allow me to breath again as well. She keeps people at a distance, makes sure no one approaches me when I am down and gets help if I do collapse. She grounds me during a PTSD episode and does tactile stimulation to bring me back to reality. Kora works mobility not only when I am mobile but also when I am wheelchair bound. She retrieves items I need, goes to a person with a paper in her mouth and they give her the item to bring back to me, she picks up dropped items ranging from coins and bobby pins to my cane and couch pillows. She can open doors in my house, close them and all while I'm seating in my chair. She also checks the doors in my house ot make sure they are closed, checks my birds and checks the room for cats (this causes severe anxiety and PTSD episodes). Below are a ton of photos and a few videos of Kora working. She has been to grocery stores, markets, zoos, festivals, parks, random corner stores, parties, hotels and even multiple anime conventions. She has done simply wonderful! If you have any requests for videos or have any questions please let me know. I also 100% plan on taking her on my honeymoon of which we will travel to Europe and hopefully Japan too. We will also be on a cruise liner. ;D So we will have lots of pictures to show you! <3 First off here a just four of her many, many tasks she preforms. Retrieving the Remote: Getting me a Drink: Kora preforming DPT when I couldn't breathe: Kora alerted me to a dizzy spell here is her and me during the attack: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Okay here are some of Kora's adventures as a Service Dog. Toledo Zoo: Kora's first time ever walking by another service dog: Here is her adventure to an anime convention Colossalcon: Trip to Potawatomi Inn in Indiana: Visiting my new born niece, Lucy: Kora at a Festival:
  9. It's been about a year since I've been here. I had a wonderful time up until the last few days before I left. I wanted to come back as I did enjoy my time here otherwise. My name is Christi Pangle and I have Husky named Kora. When I join this site it was before I got her and you guys were here through a lot of her basic training. Kora is only a few steps away to become a full fledged service dog and has many wondrous adventures to talk about and tasks to show you! She has been absolutely amazing and I am so proud of her. Hopefully I'm still welcome back and you still want to know about Kora. When I was last here Kora was the only husky service dog here and she did lots of amazing tricks you guys enjoyed. I have lots more in store.
  10. I am just going to stop talking about Kora's training all together on here. It seems no matter how I word it I still get responses of people saying I shouldn't do that. Even after I explain that it is a task she has to do. Thank you.
  11. @ SolitaryHowl: She hasn't been at training this month when this started due to financial problems so I haven't been able to ask the trainer. But we are going this month so I'm sure she will figure it out. @ Staceybob: Actually that is a different task of which is on my list. This task is designed to be used to matter where I am at like my own personal alarm. I have been trying to get her to ring the doorbell to no avail. Her paw hits it but she can not get it to go off. I'll have to get a new door bell. The alarm that I would need designed for her to push which calls 911 is currently $400.
  12. Kora is with a professional trainer. She follows my commands 90% the first time and 100% the second, unless she is still learning. This is actually required by service dog standards and for her to eventually pass her public access test. When I command speak she does a "rurr rurr" but she does it on the first command. I did not choose Kora, actually husky was not the bred I even wanted, my fiance chose the dog. However Kora's responses and attachment to me plus the 30 day trial shows proved that she is capable of being a service dog. She was originally my emotional support animal. I actually know many people who husky service dogs and service dogs that are not german shephards or golden reterivers that have turned out just fine. The trainer who is working with kora has a pure bred cocker spaniel as her service dog. It doesn't offend me I am just trying to let other people know the truth instead of falling into stereotypes. It's funny the only command she is having trouble with is speak and that is what huskies are known for.
  13. I do understand that, but I highly doubt her being independent like that. She actually already went through her independent stage. In which she wouldn't come to me and I had to re-teach it. Kora in her personality and one reason she can be a service dog and many other husky may not she does not like to be independent. She want to be by me at all times. That's how I knew that she'd do well. She is literally a lap dog, or maybe a large fuzzy cat.
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