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About aksnowpeach

  • Birthday 09/20/1983

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  1. oh how sad! I am so sorry for your loss...what an absolutey beautiful dog!
  2. Nope...not in the least. He pretty much will eat any type of people food I put infront of him! The only thing he isn't a big fan of are potatoes unless they are sweet potatoes that are boiled soft.
  3. Oye vey, so I am having a problem with my sibe Kai. Normally he is the massive speed eater of my 2, but lately he has just had NO interest in his food! I have to practically stand there to force him to eat or he wont eat at all. He runs ot his food bowl like he hasn't eaten for days, but then I will put the food in his bowl and he will just stand there, lay there, or walk away. Or he will "pretend" to eat and put a few in his mouth, just to spit them back out again. HELP is this normal?? The only thing different is that he has been a buzzard for people food. He stole an entire loaf of bread I had taken out of the oven!! Is he refusing his food because he has a taste for people food now?
  4. Thanks Nix for all the help! Any help from anyone is MUCH appreciated!!
  5. I can walk with my Cypra off leash as long as there aren't many distractiong around (aka vehicles). We have a wooded path behind our house that I just let her run free, and when he goes too far and I can't see her anymore, I tell her "Cypra, can't see you!" and she will stop and turn around to wait for me. I always carry her leash with me just incase though. When I trained her, we did it in my backyard, just over and over again with treats, telling her to "sit/stay" then I would walk away, and tell her to come to me. She behaves really well!
  6. Here are Cypra and Kai's submissions! Cypra likes to play with the neighbors cat Lilly, they actually play together! This action shot was my fave. Kai doesn't really have a best "dog" friend, but he sure does love people! Here he is pretending he's a lapdog on my friend Brandi. He sat on her for almost an hour haha.
  7. OOH me too!! Here's an entry for Cypra and here's an entry for Kai!! Happy Holidays indeed!
  8. You got me Sarah...amazingly enough I kept telling Kai to "leave it" and "stay" and he did! VERY impressive I think!! I will gladly enter them in the husky of the month! hehehe
  9. So the holiday season is here! I LOVE christmas, it's my fave holiday, and suprisingly enough, Kai is all about it too! Here are some pix I got of my dogs getting in the spirit with me..well Kai atleast, Cypra really wasn't all for it!!
  10. oh MAN this is what I get for not checking the forum as much as I should!! Too bad I missed out on secret santa this year...
  11. Is the BEST thing I have ever bought for my dogs! (well, becides the Furminator of course haha). Kai's speedy eating has changed dramatically all in one day! He went from eating an entire cup of food in like 30 seconds, to taking well over a few minutes to eat. The first time he tried it he was sliding all over the floor trying to get at his food, he took a second to look at it, then tried again, this time trying to smash his face inbetween the bumps. It was SO funny! I plan on taking pictures next time he eats. He thinks it's a game now, which is fabulous by me, it makes feeding time fun for him! If anyone has the same problem that I did of dogs eating too fast, I would DEFINATELY 100% recommend this bowl. I got mine off of Amazon.com for $15! Cheaper than buying it from a pet website.
  12. aksnowpeach


    Here's a few of my pups sleepin Now that I finally figured out how to shrink the photos, I can post them! Thanks Sarah!!
  13. aksnowpeach


    looks like my Cypra when she was little!
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