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About Applebear

  • Birthday 08/15/1976

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  1. Dayum Luna, you should be making commission on this. lol
  2. Grats! How exciting...I'm betting whichever one woos you with her personality will be your fave by the end! But my fave is the middle, if we're going on markings and stuff. lol
  3. The thing is if the dog ever decides to defend himself, the guy will run him to the shelter and have him put to sleep, all the while crying, "I have no idea what happened...." *grumbles* Speaking as an owner of a breed that is put right up there with the bullies [chow], I understand the importance of knowing my breed and assuring I know my own dog extremely well...that includes knowing his down falls. It wouldn't surprise me if this guy bought this pup on impulse and knew little to nothing about the breed. Now he obviously can't handle the dog he has grown into and is taking his frustration out on the dog, rather than just put in the work it required in the first place. Too many do this and then are disappointed their dog isn't like Lassie on tv, they never stop to think that it took training to get him to that point. Anyway, BSL is a real rant of mine, but this guy you described was a real piece of work. It's a shame because if he did that in front of people, I could only imagine what he does in private.
  4. A "pomsky" is a pomeranian bred with a husky [google it, sure it'll pop something up]...I just had one run into my yard a couple weeks back, they look like toy breed version of a husky. Sigh. I don't know who I want to slap more...the greedy byb or the ignorant buyer. I have two mutts, but I'll shoot myself in the foot before I call them some cutesy name. My mom has some siblings to my yorkie/pom and she'll tell people hers are "yorkaranians." She gets so mad at me when I go, "No, they are just mutts, yorkie/pom mix." lol I'm horrible but people need to wake up and take a peek in our shelters.
  5. Pity he can't undo all the millions of dogs that end up in shelters from bybs creating new 'designer breed' dogs, along with his new fad of the labadoodles. Labadoodles started it all, but buyers need to wake up as well. If it wasn't for them, bybs wouldn't be laughing all the way to the bank because some sucker just gave them 5-800 bucks for a mix [i hear "pomskys" are going for 2k].
  6. I personally wouldn't care if the area was fenced off or not, common sense should tell me I live in an area with gators and should be cautious. I think there are probably cases where we have no choice, but things like above seem to have become the 'go to' plan without so much as blink of an eye. I was watching a show awhile back at my parents called the exterminator [i think?] and whenever they caught a gator over so many feet [think it was 6 but I could be wrong], they automatically killed them. These were gators that didn't even kill a pet or person, they were just in the wrong place at the wrong time. I just remember thinking that was pretty crappy....but we live in a world where man put themselves above all else. How many species have we wiped out because of it. I'm not disagreeing with you either [though I didn't think I was regardless], just saying the reality is pretty sucky. Many, if not most people, would rather see the croc shot than relocated. Fear can be a dangerous thing.
  7. I never was a big fan of killing a creature for just surviving, we really can't expect them to know the difference between humans and their pets. On the other hand, what can you really do...you KNOW a dangerous animal is right in the midst and you do nothing? Then when the gator eats a child...people will cry and cast stones for not doing anything. I personally wish they could be relocated, but I know that's unlikely...that would take time and money, in a world ran by both.
  8. Where's PETA when you need them. I'm kidding of course...PETA only goes after meat eating humans! lol Ever see looney toons where the cat just ate the canary and theres little feathers floating around...is what I keep picturing here, only you can't hit the back of your girls head and make her spit it out. lol
  9. I love all the red heads...just ___________insert name here____________ if you have one!
  10. Though the alcohol didn't make things better, holding a dogs face and forcing them to look at yours is a huge mistake from someone not well known. She may of been trying to get kissies, but a dog doesn't understand that...all they see is being forced to make eye contact with a stranger they don't know and she was lucky she didn't get a tooth to the nose. However you really don't know what happened, but I would take it as a sign to be more cautious the next time. If someone is trying to force your dog to give affection, it's time to ask them politely to let him get to know them first [assuming they didn't know them real well? I wasn't real clear on that point]. It's just better to be safe than sorry sort of thing. Even the friendliest dog has their boundaries.
  11. Hm honestly when it comes to threats, it's time to do something. A normal person would come up to you and talk to you in a calm voice, discuss what they find a problem and allow you to defend yourself or make it right, apologize and assure there will be no future problems, etc.. What he did was just have a tantrum first and because you didn't back down to it [as I'm sure he's use to getting many to do], is now focused on you and obviously it's become a obsession. I once asked a neighbor, after two years of taring up my grass, to stop parking on my lawn. I was extremely polite and said my pleases and thank yous, I couldn't of kissed his back end any harder. But it didn't matter, they didn't park on my lawn anymore but they also made it clear how mature they were...they started tossing trash in my yard, making extremely loud noises all times of night, threw things against my house and so forth. I just picked up the trash and pretended it didn't bother me. If I could do it again, I don't think I should of just sat back and took it. I don't think you should either, especially when he is threatening with physical harm. Never underestimate a person, especially one being so aggressive. He could find ways to take it out on your dog, even set poison out, etc.. People with this childish mindset don't use maturity or common sense. They do drastic and unreasonable things. Start recording his threats and call the police. Make your landlord aware, etc.. No one should have to put up with that, plain and simple.
  12. People are so over dramatic...there is nothing in that shot showing fear or pain. Maybe surprise, at most....sheesh best call the doggy shrink before the trauma sets in. rofl
  13. Love love the red heads. Saying that, I love the last few pics, especially of the one getting pulled over by the collar. lol You just can't ask for better whoops shots. lol I'll give huskies one thing, they know how to have fun!
  14. Personally by the pictures, he looks like he may be mixed with something. I def see the husky, just doesn't look full husky [not to me anyhow]. He is gorgeous nonetheless. As for the coat, I can't tell you much on the longer hair. My husky mix always has fairly short hair and when he blows, it doesn't look much different than before [after brushing that is, until then he looks horrible with all the tuffs of hair sticking out all over his coat]. Hopefully someone can help you on that one better.
  15. Not sure what to tell you on this one...often dogs like to pick a spot to potty, this could just be 'her' spot in the house. My little dog Knarly has been going on his bed, but his case is UTI and he can't help it [not to forget, he also has accidents other spots]. A lot of it is probably going to come down to catching her in the act and giving her a firm no and then straight to outside. Other than that, prevention is the only other thing I can think of...making it a habit to assure door is closed, etc. Only trusting her while you are in there. Eventually she should pick up that it's not her personal pee land.
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