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About Kathirin

  • Birthday 11/30/1985

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  1. I dont have any pics together with Max but heres a recent one of me and one of me on my wedding day
  2. Kathirin


    i brush him about 2-3 times a week and its really cold and snowy here.. shouldnt he NOT be blowing his coat?
  3. Kathirin


    So Max has been shedding A LOT for the past 3 weeks and idk what i can do to make it stop. He didnt shed like this before. Because of the shedding i have kept him mostly outside as i have 3 kids ,pregnant and my mom starts itching whenever she sees dog hair when she comes over. Been trying to keep the house clean and hair free so hes mostly left outside which i feel bad about but at night i bring him back in only to end up with a whole bunch of dog hair to clean up in the morning. Will this stop? How long does it last and what can i do to make it better?
  4. I'm surprised no one has mentioned Lost. Omg Lost kept me and my husband up till like 6 am. After every episode we would say " ok this one is the last episode until tomorrow" and then when the episode is done... we like " well damn what happens next? we gotta watch just one more" and so on and on and on until 6 am lol. Greys Anatomy i enjoy a lot too. Also Game of thrones.
  5. I have 3 girls. A set of twins 4 years old and my oldest is 5. When we first brought Max home i was concerned because he gets too excited around new people and jumps and nips. I have taught my kids to ignore his behavour and not give him attention when he is overly excited like that. They also know to stay on the couch when he gets overly excited as he knows not to go on the couch. Max does a lot better with them now. I can trust them to be alone in the room with him and i can trust him with the kids too ( i never do leave them alone with the dog though) I am pregnant and im due in March so we shall see how things go when the new baby comes. I'm pretty sure i will have things under control.
  6. Mine howls when i play sounds of husky howling/wolf howling and everytime he does that i usually say" good howl" so now when i ask him to howl he howls. Its cute
  7. Max is the only reason i love snow and cant wait for it. Its just so nice/fun to see a husky playing in the snow
  8. so its nothing i should be concerned about?
  9. so i just suddenly noticed that Max's left eye looks a little weird. Anyway im a little concerned idk if i should take him to the ER or not. My family is telling me to wait it out and see how he is by tomorrow but i know i wont be able to sleep or rest unless im 100% sure he is ok. Take a look at his pictures i just took what do u guys think? Should i be worried?
  10. So i work at a Doctors offiice and my boss has asked me to do something totally not work related. He has asked me to edit his sons soccer game video. Anyway im good with computers i know the basics and he trusts me im guessing thats why he asked me to do it but i have never edit a video a video. I hace spent the past 2 hours trying to figure out how to edit his video which is on a dvd. I now know i have to rip/convert the dvd to avi in order to upload and edit which i can do.. but i know nothing about editing a video. Any advice?
  11. Thats really creepy. What i would suggest is if u cant change your route find a buddy to walk to the buss with that way u aren't alone. Hope you never have to see him again.
  12. *giggle* so cute and funny love the look on his face
  13. I was his bowls after every meal too, He doesnt really have toys the only toys he has are balls and cant really wash those Do you guys wash your dogs paws everytime he comes back into the house? I mean like wash wash. I bring a bucket of warm water and shampoo to wash his paws and dry them every time he comes back inside. Btw is that ok? could that be harmful to his paws?
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