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Husky Sevillana

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About Husky Sevillana

  • Birthday 01/12/1993

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    Juan Carlos
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    My husky, Sports, Martial Arts, Videogames, Manga, Anime...

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  1. It's usually dued to boredom, craze or and adquired bad habit. For boredom: a lot of exercise... For an adquired bad habit: a good training; I think a bit of water sprying on his nose or redirecting his behaviour to something like a chewing bone will be enough. For craze: a mix of both and a lot of pacience... Mine also does the same (once every 2 months or something, when she's heated) but I just say her "No" and she stops. A good communication is much more useful than water sprying and also the reward: an ice cube for playing and combating against heat. Good luck!!!
  2. Very pertinent comment... I don't trust very much in César Millán (The Dog Whisperer) because he use different methods for different dog breeds, and probably these pack rules work with some dogs, but not all. Why? because dogs ARE NOT WOLVES. You can call it "Pack" owing to the fact that the structure is very similar but really it's a mix between society and pack (it depends of the dog). I know 2 examples: 1st -> A Huskies closed-pack (3 males and 2 females) - It was divided from the human "micro-society"... the Alpha were the female huskies and above this female Alpha, were the 2 husky-owners. Their children were at the same level that the female Alphas. The children could touch males huskies food but not female huskies. Differences between husky closed-pack and wolf closed-pack: It can just exist a male Alpha, and it's established by aggressivity (fights). If they were wolves, the children were bitten by the female husky years ago. It's a friend's pack ^^ They're so beautiful but a little bit wild. 2nd -> A human-husky society (2 males and 1 female) - Again, Alpha husky is the female, all humans are above the Huskies pack because these dogs have been adapted to this society. Husky owners establish their social rules, not these Wolf rules, and the dogs adapt to them for coexisting at ease. In the first, social rules weren't probably established and the dogs are a little more wild. But never wolves Of course, I just take my husky to play with the second ones. She has fun playing with them
  3. :eek: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_1mB5rM8WHU
  4. A mate would be the best solution ^^ but there are many other solutions which are easier. You'd had to habituate your dog when he was puppy but by many reasons it wasn't possible. The first you must do is habituate him to stay alone. Have you got a big window or a big glass door where he could look at you? Like this: If the answer is 'yes', you must start with that window... go out and stand there while he's watching you. If he is relaxed (doesn't bark, scream, howl, etc) come back into your house and reward him with some treat and caresses. Next step is the answer "no" hahaha If the answer is 'no', leave your dog in front of the door (indoor, of course), and then go out... he will smell you through the door. When you realise that he's relaxed (you can't hear screams, barks, or howls), come back into your house and reward him with some treat and caresses. He must feel that you're very very happy. You also can say him "Stay" or your staying command before leaving home. Do this exercise 5 times every hour. Ok, the next step will be able to do when he were relaxed... the second day probably. He'll feel that you're there out and you'll come back if he's relaxed. Go out for some minutes, and pay attention to his behaviour (you could ask for help to your daughter). If he doesn't get relaxed in 3 minutes: Come back into your house and don't give a damn about Nanook, just straight past to the restroom or bedroom. Wait a minute and call Nanook, then you can reward him (not much because he didn't it well) If he gets relaxed in 3 minutes: Come back into your house, sit him and then reward a lot (because he did it well). Following this pattern or standard exercise, increase the time: 5 minutes, 7minutes, 10min, 15min, 20min, 25min, 30min, 35min, 40min, 45min, 1h, 2h, 3h... Some more tips: buy a kong and let him play with it when you go out... he'll have fun for hours with his -full of food- kong. You also could exhaust him before leaving (if you have got time to spend...) And it's very important not to say "bye bye" or "hello" to your dog, just straight past. (It's theory because I CAN'T not to greet my dog when I come back home ^^) I've forgotten another thing I wanted to say... If I remember it, I'll post it later. Good luck
  5. Awww how cute!! all puppies are very cute: puppy dogs, puppy wolves... these ones look like a mix between grey wolves and mexican coyotes, right?
  6. My Nebry's work is making me a real man: makes me getting up early (even on holidays), makes me tidying up my bedroom, makes me being careful with items or foods that I leave around the home, makes me being more responsible and last but not least... makes me happy. In the future, when she'll be 1 year old, she will force me running everyday with her:P
  7. Gratz for finishing Suka! Is he always sad when you bath him? Nebry weeps after every bath. Very clever Sarah:D I visited a groomer once and she asked for 35€ for a bath,dry and groom. It's much better bathing her myself! It's funnier and cheaper because a Premium Shampoo 5L bottle costs 40€ ·_· and I have got shampoo for 100+ baths -.-"
  8. Tech era (16-20): Yugioh RPG Cards: Tamagotchi: And my favourite toys...
  9. Hannah Montana? I think they're Hawkind, I've listened to a song... too futurist-hippie rock for me u_u'
  10. Wow ! astonishing images, I've discovered the cymothoa exigua (the lice), it can replace its fish tongue :eek: incredible. What about the Huskguin? I love this pokemon:
  11. It's finally a shoulder bicipital tendonitis, the paw soreness (with bandage) was due to bending the paw so...my bandage was useless. She must rest a week, just going out for potty... with strong inflammatories and ice 3 times a day. Then she can start walking gradually. I've bought 3 rewards pack for kong. She used to be very unruly, full of energy and she's very sad now, decayed. I feel bad for her I'm all the day hugging her right now, praising her all the day and looking after her shoulder. Thanks for your tips! As I can see, all your tips were very useful! ice packs and the kong^^ Bye!
  12. You could talk to his teachers and classmates and give him a surprise... after the chickenpox in order to be able to say goodbye... For the Shakespeare play he could put on a mask with Shakespeare face... it could be funny (just joking hehe). It's good for him to pass it as soon as he can (again). And you all could be vaccinated for no more scares.
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