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Everything posted by markquinton

  1. I think she would follow yes. Id be getting up every 5 minutes but might be worth it as reacting definitely isn't. I do take her for s long walk as soon as I get home. She's such a crafty girl and knows exactly what she's doing. I know people say praise the good and ignore the bad but how do you ignore your sofa being chewed Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2
  2. Another thumbs up for indi-dog from me! Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2
  3. I tried bitter apple spay when she was younger, she didn't like it but whenever I got the bottle out and ready to spray she would bark and jump around like mad staring at it. She is a very stuborn girl, for instance when she mouths I've tried holding her muzzle, nipping her lip between her teeth and putting my fingers down her throat...on each occasion she mouths again just to see whether I will keep doing it each time lol.
  4. Will it reduce with age though? Not sure I could handle telling her off all evening every evening for the foreseeable future! I can see a little cheeky glint In eye which confirms she just loves winding me up.
  5. Hi all Does anyone else have problems with their pups being naughty on purpose and know exactly what buttons to press??? Every single day without fail (and more commonly in the evening) whenever Jazz is bored she strides over to my sofa and tries to bite and nibble it. She knows it gets a reaction and I have to shout at her and move her away. She will then go straight back for it. This is repeated until I take her into the garden for time out. She also does exactly the same with the bottom stair (in our lounge). When I put her in time out in the conservatory she also digs up the vinyl because she knows it makes me go in there and stop her. I'm not lying when I say most evenings are spent constantly telling her off, if i'm walking around the house doing stuff she is fine but as soon as I sit down that's when she is bored and wants to annoy me. My main question is how do I break the habit. I can't just ignore her chewing at the sofa, she has already made two rips in it :-(. I'm getting a little fed up with every night being the same. The only thing that enables me a peaceful evening is giving her a knuckle bone but I can't do that all the time. By the way she is a mally and 8months old. Apart from the above I absolutely adore her. Thanks Mark
  6. I know how you feel. It has got me really down on a few occasions. Mainly because I know she is not a aggressive girl but other people must think she is. It's like she has the zoomies whilst walking but my arm is the play thing and gets mouthed quite hard. I'm trying the redirection and most of the time i'm managing to control it better but then out of the blue she will do it again. Already lost one jumper this week which she has ripped and my arm has scratches all over. I'm determined not to be beaten by this though and hope it's something she will grow out of.
  7. She is on CSJ food which has been recommended to me by other malamute/husky owners. Hide and seek is a good idea which I'll have to try. Thanks Mark
  8. So an update... I'm not going to get too excited just yet but I think we're making progress, Like many people said, I needed to change what I was doing and take a different approach. So I decided that instead of walking her around the village past all the houses and alongside the main road where there are cars, and a lot more noises I thought i'd walk her down the woodland paths in near our house where she could explore and enjoy the peace and quiet. I also decided that there I wouldn't be embarrassed if she jumped up and start mouthing me. Well I must say what an improvement! She did try on a couple of occasions to attack me (playing) but I just stood still and ignored her no matter how much it hurt. The woodland walks seem to of made her much calmer and we are currently enjoying her walks. I have realised that previously restraining her was making her much worse and I am also now much better at reading the signs when she starts to get overexcited and about to lose control. Like I said i'm not going to get carried away but so far so good.
  9. Or should I say sled dog requirement. Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2
  10. Stormy...thought this was a malamute ownership requirement? Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2
  11. That sounds similar. Although there is no way I could encourage jazz to sit. From what I've seen a 7 month old mally is significantly larger than a husky of the same age. For some just walking through long grass makes jazz excited like you describe. Really appreciate all the support. Wish there was an active mally forum as busy as this! Sent after 2 pints and a third on its way lol Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2
  12. Also I thought the difficult period to watch for is between 9 to 18months...so should I expect her tp get worse? I'm highlighting the bad bits but she's really good in a few areas and loves all dogs. Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2
  13. Thanks all, I bought s canny collar head collar this week hoping it might give me more control but because she hates it over her nose in some ways it makes her mote frustrated and more likely to attack me. I tried a 2 point easy walk harness which improved her walking but when she would jump at me the harness doesn't give much to control her with due to where the connection points are for the leash.. Sent from the pub.... Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2
  14. Thinking about it she struggles with any form of active exercise. Running in the garden. Chasing a ball, running with me on a lead...they all result in her mad bouts of jumping up and mouthing, nipping etc Sent from my LT18i using Tapatalk 2
  15. I know, trouble is when she does it the whole thing makes me so angry (and i'm the most passive person ever!) that its so hard not to try and correct her. The mouthing and nipping hurts too much to ignore but I might just have to try somehow. It's her pure size that makes it hard, mally pups are still very big and strong! I've found a temporary answer...I'm off to the pub for an hour!!
  16. I don't know what the answer is which I guess is the problem, I have no idea how to stop her attacking me and one think I do know is trying to stop her by restraining her makes her 10 times worse and the just mouths me endlessly afterwards. Her eyes glaze over and I can tell seconds before when it's about to happen. Like I said I love her but don't like her and it's not a nice feeling.
  17. Yes she was spayed last week. I always make sure she gives both paws before I give her any food and she leaves food on command until I tell her. In most aspects shes pretty good but not during walks, With regards to the behaviourist, we did go to training which was run by one and jazz was always good then. If i'm honest we are very skint and I think it would be unfair to spend even more money on Jazz than I already do, but I completely understand you point and I might have to do it if nothing works.
  18. Really at the end of my teather now and very upset. Just took jazz for a walk, got halfway down the main road and she decides to start attacking me, jumping up and mouthing hard on my arm, pulling all my clothes and lunging at me, we end up both on the floor and I pin her down, all the traffic is watching and nothing I do calms her down, this goes on for 5minutes or so until she breaks out of her collar and runs into someones garden. I manage to get her collar back on and then she starts again, my arm is bruised and my clothes are ripped in places. I can deal with her stealing food and being naughty but the attacking me has to stop or she will go back to breeder. I'm sad cause I feel like i'm not good enough to control her.
  19. Lots of people have said that me trying to restrain her is probably egging her on as she thinks it's a game and I should ignore it, how can you ignore a malamute standing on it's hind legs and mouthing you arms/chest/elbows etc next time i'm walking in a suit of armour then i'll give it another try.
  20. Thanks guys....it's good being able to rant at you all I don't doubt for a minute that behind all the mentalness there is a sweet girl because I've seen it! Its the jumping up and mouthing me mid walk that puts a seed of doubt in my mind sometimes as I don't understand why...I guess she's like a kid on chocolate!!
  21. Thanks. It does help knowing I'm not alone but still doesn't remove the frustration. The problem I find is I can't play with her like we would all like to because if you play fetch or football she just looses control a little and starts the zoomies but with jumping up, growling and nipping...just like Chula mentioned above. Its the same loosing control we experience during walks. I keep being told she will grow out of it and I really hope so because I can only just deal with her being 7 months but any stronger and she will be overpowering. I keep reading everywhere that the malamute breed trait is to want to please the owner.......I haven't experienced this yet!! Hope I do soon. I really wanted a malamute or sibe and wasn't interested in any other breed but I must admit I do look at the other more popular breeds when on our walks and think...my god that looks enjoyable and easy going. If Jazz grows up to be a good girl I would have another northern breed but safe to say I wouldn't have another puppy. Thanks Mark
  22. Hi All I've posted before and sorry in advance for my rant. I have 7 month old mally which I adore but at this present time she is driving me nuts and more often than not i'm feel down about her not happy like I should be. Is it normal to go through spells where you think you spend all your time stressing about your dog misbehaving or being a complete pain in the ass??? I'm struggling with the following: 1) random attacking me mid walk which i'm beginning to hate, she even does this with a headcollar on which I bought this week. I'm still sure it's not aggression but it's driving me insane and is embarrassing to the max when cars are driving past and seeing this big malamute standing on her hind legs mouthing me wherever possible and me trying to restrain her. 2) Her mouthing is still a problem at 7 months, If I kneel down and try and play with her she just jumps on me and mouths me (not hard though). I've tried nipping her lip, fingers down her mouth, turning my back, walking away, shouting and bitter apple spray. All result in the same thing,...she mouths again to try and get me to do the same thing again. It's like a massive game to her. 3) Every single night and day she goes straight to one particular sofa and bites or claws the end of it, she knows she is not allowed to do it and does it for a reaction, if I try and take her to time out she plays dead and lays down. The fact she does it just for a reaction is soooo infuriating! I can't just let her destroy the sofa though, she realises it presses my buttons and makes me angry but refuses to leave it alone and will wine and paw the sofa constantly to let me know she's still touching it. Do I have a particular naughty mally? There are some things she is now fantastic with and like I say I love her to bits. I do wonder whether I've been a failure though as she's still mouthing at 7 months. I also wonder whether she actually loves me, I treat her so well and spend lots of time with her and her ears go down whenever I come home which shows she's excited to see me but sometimes I wonder why she's so naughty. I have wanted a mally so much and well willing to put in the effort in order to get a wonderful companion out of it in the end. She's great with other dogs and has a lovely personality but sometimes I wonder if I have bitten off more than I can chew....I really hope not. Please can I ask, apart from walking how do you keep mally and sibe puppies enterained in the evening, I find after walking Jazz she gets so bored even with a kong etc and then the mischief starts. In all honesty I can't wait for her to grow up. Thanks Mark
  23. Her name is Jazz....behind that pretty face is a naughty little girl lol
  24. Here are some pics of her over the last few months.....talk about growing up fast and changing colour completely! And she's actually now a lot bigger than the most recent pic.
  25. Thanks again for your response. I must admit many people seem to recommend the ignoring them tactic, but if you can ignore them whilst they are trying to remove your trousers then many people are obviously more tolerant than me lol You have hit the nail on the head, i'm sure she looks at me as a playmate, i'm sitting watching football and occasionally she will decide to jump on the couch next to me and nibble/lick my ear and whine at me in a 'I want to play now' kinda way. Love her to bits though.
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