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About Claire82

  • Birthday 07/18/1982

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  1. Claire82

    Bad times

    I really sympathise with you on this:( my baby boy went to a new home 10 days ago and I'm still devistated even though it was a decision I made and had to make as he didn't like hormonal girls which is all I have in my house with my daughter and her new friends in and out all the time:( he would snap at them and had drawn blood a few too many times:( but I'm lost without him he's gone to a fantastic home with a lady we met through having him who already has a sib that gets on well. But every time I think of him im in floods. I keep wanting to ask every am and pm but have to stop myself as I know he's hers now and is doing really well but it's a decision I regret every day but I know I had to as circumstances with the children meant I had to. But it doesn't make it easier and people saying its ok you can get a puppy that is new to you (he was 8months) they just don't get that it's to he same! I really hope everything works out for you and you get to stayin touch with your baby xxx
  2. Wow going to have to find and order one of those for my oh!! It's amazing and he is potter mad:) so is my niece but I'm not spending that money on her:) lol
  3. His sack had filled with blood from a burst something or other. They found no infection which is good. He has to be in his crate 24/7 just let out for toilet for 2 weeks! He was meant to be going to his new home 2morrow but obviously that's not happening as they already have a husky it would wind him up something chronic to b stuck his crate prob is we have moved house and our cats are coming home tonight which wind him up just as much but can't really do anything about it apart from keep them separate and not let them into rooms he is in as they have to b inside for 2weeks. Not only that but as he was leaving us we stopped his insurance so he's not covered! Aaahhhhh is all I can say:banghead:
  4. Vets went ok. She said the bleeding had reduced the pressure. He goes in tomorrow at 8:30 for another op to drain the area and explore it to figure out why it's gone like this especially at his post op check it was all grand! Its so scarry all the blood:( but the worst it has to be the cone! He,s been really bouncy today and knocking everything over! Tried adding photos but won't let me do it from an iPad:(
  5. I'll b at the vets at 8:30 on the dot I reckon. He's woken up a bit now and is trying to get him cone off!
  6. He's been fine for 11 days just suddenly appeared and has gotten worse:( he's asleep now outside and won't move inside which is normal for him when he's tired plus he's had a lot of meds. It doesn't seem to be bleeding any more but I'm still worried about him. Just gonna stay up and awake for as long as possible to watch him I think.
  7. [MENTION=2703]Staceybob[/MENTION] any suggestions as I see your on line? He's currently flaked out outside and I'm up keeping an eye on him?
  8. Luka was castrated 14 days ago.vet post op check we t fine. However, On Sunday night I noticed his scrotum had swollen and on inspection had a little lump in it. I took him to the vets Monday pm. She gave him anti biotics today (Tuesday) I came home to give him his lunch time stroll and he was quite lathagic which is nt like him, played for only 10 mins apposed to normal hr. I checked his sack and it had doubled in size so another vet trip, this time given anti infamitory and pain killer stuff that put on his food and still on anti biotics. Hes been really good and not been licking it very difficult to keep him calm as he's an 8month old pup! However we have provided lots of mental stimulation. Anyways. Tonight he started licking the area so we put the collar on. He came upstairs and was making a noise so we investigated and found blood spots everywhere! Between his legs is loads of blood which I've cleaned off him to get a better look. There appears to e a small hole where his stitches were which is leaking bright red blood:( He is very swollen (pear size) and I'm not sure what to do? Any advice would be appreciated. He lets me look and gently touch even rolling over so I can see, have put a cold tea towel on his bits which he is fine with. Also have a vets app 2morrow to check progress If its not gone down vet said they would re operate to find out what it is. But as its bleeding now I'm quite worried!!!
  9. Thinking of u and everything crossed:) xxxx
  10. I've heard csj is good. We have ours on skinners maintence which is 18% protein, they do other ones for if you are working your husky which increase the protein. Luka's stool has improved and he's happy with it, he also has raw chicken wings for treats. Previous owners ad him on bakers which is just rubbish!
  11. [MENTION=6386]emma1979[/MENTION] have u tried skinners maintence? U can get it online and delivered to ur door I believe. And well done Molly!!! Knew ud b great:)
  12. I thought I was fairly strict but realised I'm not at all! Yesterday we went to my parents for a BBQ they gave him 4 sausages, 2 or 3 burgers and 2 chicken breasts! Then got a corn of the cob out of the bin! Needless to say He had no dinner last night:) he has the occasional bit of ice cream when we have some, he also finishes off my 2year olds dinners waiting patiently until he is finnished and has got out of his chair:) he loves yogurt which we freeze and frozen kong with either fish paste or sardines in it. He never has chocolate or anything potentially harmful and we try to offset his meals with his treats so that he doesn't over eat. He also has raw chicken wings on a weekly basis just because I love him:) Oh and cheese at training and sausages or chicken cut up small. He likes a bit of whatever fruit I'm eating but I wait until the end and save him some Ok he's completely spoilt! Lol
  13. Omg how beautiful they are! There is nothing that compares to a little bundle of husky fluff:)
  14. Agree with [MENTION=3317]stormchaser09[/MENTION] do some research, what is best for a tank and y? And pretend ur with friends having a discussion:) we all have confidence in you. So go have some fun
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