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About Robinhuskylover2231

  • Birthday 09/19/1992

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    Toronto, ON

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  1. Cally jumping for joy in the water I want to see your howling husky
  2. They told me that they were dissolvable when she got spayed and both times that I went they were confused as to why they had not dissolved yet
  3. Sorry I should have clarified, the lump was the part in which he scraped off so there isn't a lump now- it is more of an small open wound. It is not bleeding anymore and doesn't seem to be crusting over again but I am keeping a close eye on it and cleaning/putting cream on twice a day as the vet said to do
  4. I haven't posted much lately because I have been so busy but here's a question/ update on Cally. So Cally was spayed June 2012. So approximately 10 months ago, about four months ago- I noticed that she had two bumps on her belly and they had black sliver looking things coming out of them. We went to the vet and the vet said that it was a couple of the stitches that didn't dissolve just coming out now. She pulled it out and after that everything seemed fine. Well on Friday morning, I was giving Cally a belly rub and I noticed some mud so I started to pick it off and she yelped, I took a closer look and there was a swollen penny-sized lump that was crusted over. We were already going to the vet that afternoon for her yearly shots so I left it be. When we got to the vet I had him look at it and he scraped it off and it started bleeding. He was confused as to why there were still stitches 10 months later. He gave us some antibacterial soap to clean the spot and cream to put on it. Anyone have a problem similar to this? Poor Cally wasn't impressed; she had that looked at, blood taken, two needles in her back end, and spray for kennel cough sprayed up her nose. But the vet says she's perfectly healthy and to keep doing what we're doing. She is 48.7 pounds at 1 yr and 3 1/2 months. We recently switched her over to Orijen and we haven't had any skipped meals or problems with soft stools, very happy with this dry food brand!
  5. Agree with the above to teach paw. To answer your question about what other tricks. There are a ton of tricks out there to teach. I started off with the basics when Cally was extremely young- stay, come, sit, lay down, paw, other paw, roll over. She can now do: jump (over something), up (onto something), sit pretty (on hind legs), paws up or hug (jumping up with paws on my chest), bow, bang (just learning it now which is play dead). She also knows down (off something), wait (to go out doors etc.), leave it (don't touch), drop it.... there are sooo many things you can teach them and although they can be stubborn sometimes, they love learning new stuff!
  6. New Puppy/New Tricks (when Cally was 7 weeks) http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?v=10150675305825610&l=9029805048187653914
  7. I tried crate training Cally when she first came home but she lived with my boyfriend (at his parents) and I didn't live here at the time (now do) so no one was following through with crating her. In the end, she was just allowed free roam of the whole house whenever we went out which was never and still isn't very long 2-4 hours tops and when she was a puppy no more than half an hour I would say. But the key to having a husky that doesn't destory stuff is making sure they are a tired husky. Lots and lots of exercise!! Tires them right out!! Only time Cally has ever chewed anything was the bottom of the leather sofa (underneath) when she was a pup and she was scolded and never did it again. And then the power cord to a lamp but that was because she had a week with minimal exercise (spay) and she was a bored huskyy lol. So all in all it is possible, just depends on the dog. I personally would have kept Cally crate trained if I had of had the opportunity though.
  8. I took Cally to see her mama when she was 6 months old. She remembered being there but her mama was protective of her toys. Don't think it effected her at all! I also don't think it's weird!
  9. Cally's extremely calm and laid back lol. She's a red.
  10. Name: Cally Age: A year and a month and a half Sex: Female (spayed) Eyes: Blue Colour: Copper Height: Have never measured Length: Have never measured Snout: Have never measured Weight: 47 lbs (at last vet appointment) Bought/rescue: Bought at 6 weeks old (picked her out at 1 week old) Born: 12/25/11 Picked Up: 02/10/12 Personality: Laid back, low-energy, listens well, smart and loud Food: BBW (Blue Buffalo Wilderness: Salmon flavour) Treats: Cheese pupcorn, Nutro apple and peanut butter cruncy treats, Charlee Bear treats, Milkbones, rollover treats and Blue Buffalo treats. (Different ones for different things) Crated: Rarely Enjoys: Running around at the dog park, going for walks, sleeping and eating. Sleeps: Mostly on the couch or on her dog bed in front of the fireplace. Occasionally in front of the door. Howl/Bark: Mostly barks, does do a little bit of wooing, rarely ever full out howls. Social: Does not like old people or tall bulkier men. Loves all other dogs and enjoys playing with dogs of all sizes.
  11. Now let's see your Summertime Huskies!! (sunglasses, sunbathing)
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