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Everything posted by Juno

  1. She's fit in quite well, my family would disown me if I were to get rid of her--they're too attached. I noticed her chewing on a bully stick today on that side, so I don't think it hurts her. She's still pretty young, so I think with lots of exercise, great food, and proper dental care, she should live past 10 years, granted if she doesn't get heart disease from previously having heart worms. This is what she looked like when we picked her up:
  2. Thanks! She's already adapted to getting the best quality treats I can provide. So much so, that she's refused milk bones that the vet tried to give her I'm dreading the dental work that will need to be done, and the bill that needs to go along with it. I'm just hoping that her quality of life will still be the same after, as I've been told that removing teeth can weaken their jaw? I should be getting discounted vet bills after working at this kennel for 3 months, and it's only been about a month that I've been working there... would brushing it every night prevent it from getting infected until then? I've seen her chew on stuff with that side, so I'm not sure whether or not it bothers her, or how long its been there...
  3. So I quite recently rescued a 6 year old siberian husky that has had an awful life in the past. She was living with a middle aged couple that didn't do anything with her (they were cat people :wacko: ) and because 2 of the cats were scared of her, they tied her to a tree in the backyard. They didn't brush her, they would just shave her once a year to keep the hair down . We tried her out for a week to see how she fit in with the family, and they all fell in love with her, including Juno. I went and got her vet checked, and they did a heart worm test. Turns out she had heart worms when she was 4, but had treatment for it. I spent hours grooming her, and nearly made an entire dog out of her undercoat. Well, we've had her for 2 weeks now, and my brother has pointed something out to me today. Her other teeth are fine, but this one scares me. Does it look like it needs to be removed? Just want a second opinion
  4. oh and did any of your sibes have any other symptoms besides the normal? Like joint pain or anything? I'm wondering if the reason for her pain is just due to low zinc, or if it is, in fact, hip dysplasia.
  5. Yea I thought it was ZRD. I told the breeder and she's convinced its something bacterial/yeast or allergy related. She's currently on california natural chicken, and it would make a lot of sense that it would be low zinc levels, since the only fish she gets is fish oil added, and thats not enough in her daily diet. And her paws! oh my gosh, her pads scratch my arms up to no end when she jumps on me, it's as though she has 10 nails under her feet I thought about switching her to a fish food, but due to her hip pain, it's hard to find a reasonably priced one that doesn't contain grain, potato and tomato pomace. I found a mushers website that sells a product called Nutrazinc, and it's supposed to really help, I just can't figure out what the ingredients are in it
  6. So I've noticed recently Juno has started to lose some hair around her mouth line in the back and around her nose. I have some pictures attached so show you all. Does it look like zinc responsive dermatitis, or could it just be that its chapped? I've noticed a few spots further up on her muzzle seem to be a little pinker than the rest, making me think that she will be losing hair there soon. I don't see her rub up on anything, and she is on California natural, so unless she's allergic to chicken and peas I doubt its allergies..
  7. It's not quite about money, however that always is good if I'm able to save. I just hate that most of the hip supplements out there don't contain enough glucosamine. There have been no studies out no any reports of dogs having issues from too much glucosamine, besides diarrhea. The one I'm looking at has dehydrated alfalfa in it as the only other added ingrdient not common in supplements, and with a little research, I discovered that it's actually healthy for them. Tons of protein, almost as much as beef and it helps them digest the supplements a lot more than most. I also love that it doesn't contain yeast, which with the amount of time she spends in the water, could be less beneficial because it would increase her chances of a yeast infection which is such a pain to get rid of. The one she's on now is called Fluid Joint Action made by Finish line, and there is a dog conversion chart on the back. It contains corn gluten though, and sugar, so I want to switch to a different kind.
  8. Ah underweight, got it. She is about 40lbs. She was starting to look almost emaciated for a good while, so I upped her food intake from 2 cups to 2&1/2 cups. I'll lower it back down to 2 cups which seems like a better amount. I thought about doing the chewy supplements, but they're just so expensive for the amount that you get, when horse supplements are higher in concentration and contain nearly the same ingredients. All I have to do is put it in her food and she will eat it willingly. The vet is about 95% sure she has HD. They can't really confirm until she's about a year old, so I have a few months before I take her to a specialist. The breeder is thinking it is something else, more like hoping it is something else, because she has only 2 breeding dogs and they're her prized possessions. This is her first litter, and Juno's grandparents were all OFC certified. If Juno does in fact have HD, it will ruin her.. I really wish it was something else, but I've had this dreaded feeling for the past 3 months that it's HD. She doesn't limp, but she gets up and walks like an old woman. She acts like she's stiff and in pain all the time. When she's standing, sitting, laying down... it's hurting me to look at her. She also sits really weird, uncomfortable almost--like her legs aren't stable. She walks almost robotic. When I brush her, she's perfectly fine with me brushing any part of her body, except for her hips. As soon as I reach her hips, she flinches and tries to get away from me. She even tries to bite at the brush. At 8 months of age, she's supposed to be super hyper and full of energy, but I'll take her to the dog park and after an hour of playing, she falls asleep at the park in the middle of things. Oh and she loves water, by the way. She swims like an alligator in the pond at the dog park. by vermont naturals, do you mean these? http://www.chewy.com/s?dept=all&query=vermont+naturals
  9. So I took Juno to the vet today so they could look at her hips and possibly do some xrays. They tried a mobility test and when they tried to extend her back legs, she screamed. The vet is pretty sure she has hip dysplasia. The vet sold me a bottle of supplements called Rejuvenate, and they're not bad, but I don't think they contain enough glucosamine and other ingredients to make a difference. For those of you who have huskies with arthritis or hip dysplasia, what brand of supplements do you use to help rebuild and or relieve pain?
  10. I got an email from them last week saying that maybe is 50% husky, mixed with a little bit of corgi, boston terrier, and shar pei! Some party...
  11. Just got an email saying that Maybe's test sample was received, and they will begin shortly! Hopefully I will get the results in a week or 2! I'm so excited, I can't wait to find out what she's mixed with..
  12. Thanks! I'll be sure to update this post when I get her results back. The suspense is killing me!
  13. So I originally wanted a purebred show dog, but I ended up going to an SPCA nearby, because they had a beautiful white husky there. We met her, and she was sweet, but her adoption fee was too high, and she had a torn ACL, which costs thousands to fix. While we were there, there was a small husky mix with a very sweet personality and she adored Juno at first sight. I figured might as well let them play and see how they get along. They hit it off very well, and so I absolutely had to take her home. She's shy and timid around most people, but she's doing a lot better since I've been taking her to the dog park a few times a week. We decided to name her Maybe. As you can tell, she's not full husky. We are not sure what she's mixed with, but we bought a DNA kit and sent in some samples to figure out what her other half is. But she is mixed with husky, that's for sure. She talks like one, yowls like one, and digs like one. She loves water like one too There is a huge difference between Maybe and Juno. In both looks, and personality. She's a massive bed hog.
  14. I'm starting to get disgruntled these days. I want to get Juno a friend, but no more puppies. I'm done with that stage, the peeing in the house, destroying stuff and the teething, but I kind of wanted a show dog. I've given that up though... since I really don't need a show dog... and since I'm a student I don't think I'll have time. So despite the fact that I didn't want to adopt, I've been looking on petfinder for adoptable dogs. I hate the idea of adopting from a kennel, because they barely know anything about those dogs. I don't want to bring home a dog and have it completely destroy the house and kill the cat. I know some huskies tend to be rough with cats, because Juno is, but I can't take viscous cat killers. I want a dog that is house trained and potty trained, but they don't always know if they are at the kennel, and I don't like to take chances. They also don't know if there are certain triggers that set them off, because they don't spend any time with them. But I decided to call up the Doc Williams SPCA and ask them about a beautiful husky they had in the kennel. I wanted to know if she was still available, and if she could tell me anything about her. What did the lady say? "I don't know if we still have her, I'm in the office right now. You will have to come look for yourself." The drive to the SPCA is 35 minutes. In like 3 minutes, she could have checked herself to see if the dog was even there so I don't waste my time. This isn't a car lot from some sleazy salesmen. I'm not going to go there and end up adopting some dog I wasn't really even interested in, so forget them. So I found the southern Siberian husky rescue on petfinder, and I fell in love with one dog that is absolutely perfect. She's about Juno's age, and beautiful. She's perfect. Everything I've been looking for. She's potty trained and house broken. She's young--around Juno's age, and has Juno's look. Her energy level is medium, same as Juno, and she's a small female, about 45lbs. She's good with dogs, but never been tested with cats, but that's fine, since our cat is outside anyway. The rescue is 4 hours away, but she's worth traveling for. So I tried calling them, and they didn't answer. I left a message and so far I've heard nothing. That was 9-10 hours ago. I emailed them, and no reply. I even went so far as to fill out an adoption application, and so far nothing. I fear she's already been adopted, and if so, I'm going to be heartbroken. The issue I've been running into with rescues is that they're too picky! A nearby rescue has a beautiful emaciated husky that I would love to adopt, but when it came to agreeing on a place for me to meet him, they only wanted to meet me at an adoptathon, and that was only if I filled out an application. They're supposedly located in my town, but the adoptahon was 45 minutes away from me, as is the foster mom! They would much rather adopt out an animal to a random stranger on the street than to actually meet me at a dog park or something to see if my dogs get along with it. This dog has been with them for almost a year, and now I see why. I'm just so fed up right now.
  15. Oh and I loved dead like me. I hate that they canceled it, it was genius
  16. How I Met Your Mother! Last nights new episode literally made me cry. That's one of those moments when you realize you're more invested in a show than in real life. I never cry.
  17. I've been set on getting another puppy, and I was all excited but because of Juno's attitude, I doubt I can convince my mother to get back on to the puppy train. So sad, because I wanted either a show husky or an english/olde english/alphalpha blue blooded bulldog. She was doing the "my ball" thing because a few seconds before that picture, Juno took the ball right out of her mouth and ran. I gave her a new one because I felt bad for my dog being a jerk lol
  18. Well, the puppy went home with its foster mother, and I'm more than relieved. I forgot how hard it is to take care of a 6 week old puppy! She peed every 10 minutes, and must have peed like 20 times in the house. She was cute as could be, but sometimes she would randomly cry and I had no idea what she wanted. It was like having a baby, which is what I don't want, so I got a dog instead. NO 6 week old puppies for me again, no way! I'm thinking she would do better with an older puppy like 4-7 months. Maybe even older. I know a lot of breeders have some older ones that they re-home. But after Juno throwing her little fit, I doubt my family will want to get another one...
  19. Yea that could be it... She goes back to her foster family today because she's getting spayed tomorrow. When she leaves, I'll see whether or not Juno's personality goes back to normal. I sure hope it does...
  20. Did Nikko ever act strangely when you brought him home? She didn't do this with the other puppy we brought home to spend the night, but they didn't play a lot. He was also older..
  21. Juno is dominant, but the puppy has spunk. She will jump all over her and Juno will let her. They both play well together, a lot better than Juno did with the first puppy that was a little older, and he was very submissive. She didn't act like this with the other puppy, but I didn't follow him around and act like he was a baby, like I have to do with this one, because she is a lot like a baby. It's hard to give Juno more attention because when I do, the puppy will run up all excited like it's a group effort. She's really freaking cute
  22. So I've been looking at getting Juno a friend lately. I wanted to see how she got along with one dog that I wanted to adopt, so my friend who fosters him let him sleep over at my house for one night. They did pretty well, minus the fact that Juno played really rough, and he was annoyed with her a lot. We ended up not adopting him because he was just too scared, and I was afraid Juno would hurt him. Well my friend got more fosters in when they were 3 week old mixed breed puppies, and 3 weeks later, they're ready to go back to the shelter to get spayed/neutered (way too young, but we can't decide on that since they belong to the shelter). When Juno played with the young-ins, she did pretty well, but still got rough with them. She would hit them on their backs and make them fall over, but the puppies were tough little ones and would fight back. Typically I prefer to purchase my puppies from reputable breeders for a number of reasons, so in order for this to work, everything would have to be perfect. My friend let me take home one of the female puppies, because at the park, Juno got along best with her. I figured it was better than nothing, and she was so freaking cute that I couldn't pass up the offer. I knew that I would have to worry about potty training, and she did have like 6 accidents in the house (She pees like every 15 minutes!) but she's super smart so I'm not worried about that. With supervised play, Juno eventually learned that she was not allow to lay on the baby, bite the baby, pick up the baby up, drag the baby, and hunt the baby. I was so proud of her when she allowed the baby to crawl all over her and bite on her legs just like she did to the puppy earlier. It was awesome watching them play nicely, and so I had hope. Until last night, when it was bedtime, and Juno refused to come inside the house. I had to pick her up, and carry her in to my room. She sat for 30 minutes after that, staring at me and waiting by the door. By that time, I had to take the puppy back out, so Juno went with me. Once she was outside, Juno ran to a spot in the grass, and laid down. After the puppy was done, I tried to get Juno back in, but she ran to another part of the yard and laid down. I tried to pick her up and carry her in, but she kind of growled at me. Juno has never growled at me before. So slept outside most of the night. I walked downstairs at 5am, and found her asleep on the rug and the back door wide open because I didn't close it hard enough. Despite all of this, it's safe to say, she's potty trained. She had the run of the house, and yet she chose to sleep on the rug. Do you guys think she just doesn't like this puppy? Do huskies do better with other huskies? Should I give up with trying to get her a friend for now?
  23. Submissive female that is... or maybe it will do Juno some good to have her butt kicked a few times by a more dominant female. Maybe then she will get off her high horse and learn she's not the only one in the family that gets love lol
  24. Ah okay, that's really helpful! I do like mature females more than mature males because I hate the humping everything that moves stage with un-neutered males. Of course, whatever dog I get, I will most likely not get it fixed until a little later, because I do want to show with AKC. I hate the idea of not being able to fix the dog until much later, but it's either deal with the females heat twice a year or deal with a male starting fights at the park year round. I think I'll go with female
  25. OH yea, totally! I've been speaking with Juno's breeder and she referred me to a friend that shows. She will be having puppies sometime within the next few weeks and they will be ready to go in 2-3 months. They're limited, but I can get full registration if I co-own. Which works out because I don't know much about shows so she will help out a lot!
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