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Everything posted by Juno

  1. Where are you getting him from? His pictures look familiar...
  2. Yep, we looked at all of the genetic tests before getting her, because the original puppy we had was a nightmare. The husky we were looking at before was with a rescue, not a humane society. You would think that they would be happy about me wanting to meet at a dog park, for example, to see how they get along, but they weren't willing to work with me on that. He was in a foster home, so it's not as though I was asking anything ridiculous. They wanted me to fill out forms first to see if I was serious and to see whether or not I was an approved home, but when they sent me the form, it was for cats. I read somewhere about stairs being an issue, along with genetics and food. We feed great food, and her genetics are great, but I do have stairs that lead up to my room. I try to carry her down them, but sometimes she runs up the steps to get her toys or treats. I don't want to block off the stairs because she sleeps in my room during the night. I totally get the whole "depends on the dog" thing. Juno was really quiet and scared when we brought her home, but now she torments Sadie. I guess I will just have to see about bringing her to the breeders to see what dog she gets along with
  3. We tried to adopt/rescue an abandoned husky at a local rescue recently, but they wouldn't let me bring Juno out to see if they got along, and they would only let us meet him if we filled some bogus applications, so screw them. There is another rescue that has a husky, but we don't adopt from them anymore since we had issues with the other puppy we got from them. I want to get a husky from a good breeder that hip certifies them, so that I don't get a dog that will eventually be unable to walk. Juno is going to live for 10+ years, so I want that dog to live as long as she does and be able to keep up with her. I know rescues do a lot for dogs, but I quit with rescues and kennels. I want a dog that I know what I'm getting in to, and rescues and kennels don't know enough to let me go on anything. Sure, I could pay $200-$250 for an adoption fee here, but for an extra $250, I get a healthy dog instead of whatever they pass off here as healthy. Plus, I love being able to trace lineage, and I want the option to show some day.
  4. So I've been considering getting Juno a friend since she desperately needs one. I know huskies tend to play better with other huskies, so while I'm looking around for a good breeder, I've been thinking. What better to ask these questions than here? First off, do females get along with females (both spayed) or do they fight more? Would it be better to get a male if I already have a dominant female, instead of another female? What is the difference in temperament? I know that my female is sweet when she wants to be, mostly in the morning is when she's cuddly. She is weary of strangers, except when they're in her house. Most of the time, she just tolerates me when I grab her and hug her. She does follow me around the house like velcro, which I kind of like because I can keep track of what she's doing. Do males have the typical male issues I see at the dog park, like starting fights, humping other dogs and marking behavior, even when fixed?
  5. Yea that's what I thought. She plays really well with bulldogs of the english and olde english variety, but it's all of the health issues that come along with them that is making me think twice about getting one. I'll keep searching for a good breeder
  6. I really want another because the other dog won't play with her. I want a puppy, but she wipes up the hardwood floors with puppies. Do they tend to get along better with huskies? She's just so rough with puppies of other breeds, I worry she will break a husky puppy... I thought about a rescue, but there are none in my area. Plus, I'm all about hip and eye certification, and you know rescues never provide that information. I like to know what I'm getting in to before getting a dog, so I don't want a dog that will eventually need hip replacement surgery. If it's going to be a friend for Juno, they need to be able to keep up with her. So I'm thinking possibly a young or adult that a breeder nearby is looking to rehome. But first I have to sell my car and get one that is big enough to fit two huskies...
  7. Well, I've tried raw for about a week now, and I think I'll stick to high protein kibble with a little bit of raw every now and then. I'm going to give Juno and Sadie raw chicken legs, pork neck bones, and chicken and duck feet at least 3-4 times a week to help clean their teeth, but for now, as she's growing, I'm going to keep her on a food that more balanced in calcium and phosphorous. I like grain free Merrick, but she seems to do pretty good on EVO too. I like EVO because it's close to raw, but more convenient and cheaper than raw. I'm just glad I tried it for a few days before getting a freezer.
  8. I've been having this problem with Juno too. She's been attacking out first dog when it seems as though Sadie will get treats before her or love before her. I've just been giving Sadie a treat and pet, then I'll give Juno a treat to show that when Sadie gets love and a treat, so does she. It's a work in progress..
  9. Acana is seriously expensive for those of us in America. On chewy.com, a 28.6lb bag of Acana is $68.99, while a 30lb bag of TOTW sierra mountain is $46.99. I know of tons of people who used Acana for a long time, but their new formula change is causing dogs to have diarrhea. I know that if I had to chose between Orijen Adult (29.7lbs for 69.99) and Acana lamb, I would chose the Orijen. It just doesn't make sense to spend that much money on dog food that contains grain
  10. I bought the IQ ball from petmountain.com, along with tons of the Twistix chews and some kong stuffin. She loves the IQ ball, but it's loud because she likes to slid it under her paw until it hits a wall or some sort of furniture, and then food comes out. I took her kong yesterday and put a treat in it, then put the kong stuffin around it. She went at it for about 30 minutes, and then got the treat and gave up with the rest. I do like to rotate treats, but I do it by letting her pick out which one she wants. I pretty much take out one at a time, and hand it over to her. If she is in the mood, she will wag her tail, grab it, and take off. If she doesn't want it, she will either leave it alone in my hand, or pick it up and drop it on the ground. One thing she really has a blast with are the Merrick big dog rawhide puffs that come in the 2lb variety bag. I bought another recently, and in it were a ton of the texas toothpicks, two shin bones, and a couple of puffed rawhides. She tries to bury them in her bed, and gets frustrated when she can still see them... Even though she's not a big fan of the toothbrush and alligator chews, she will eat them when we are in the car or when she's at work with me. For some reason, she just doesn't pay a lot of attention to them in the house, so Sadie takes off with them and hides.
  11. I totally understand when it comes to rehoming a dog. Other dog forums don't understand and they try to make you work things out and if you can't they make you feel like crap for giving up, but honestly, sometimes they are better elsewhere. When I rehomed Thatcher, it just about destroyed me. I do miss him, you know, like anyone else who raises a puppy from 6 weeks to 6 months would, but every time a little kid walks up to Juno while she has a ball or while she's drinking or eating something, I don't have a heart attack in fear that she will attack them. Some dogs just don't get along. I bet your other dogs thank you though..
  12. Well, I picked up some raw bones from the store, and gave her some. She did okay with the first, but the second time, she threw up. I think it was the fat content, but it still worries me on whether or not she can handle it. She does pretty well on Merrick and really enjoys it, but raw would be cheaper. Decisions, decisions...
  13. I let Juno off lead at the dog park. The fences are not 6 feet around the park, more like 4&1/2, but she won't jump them. It's not fun for her to be tied up next to me, because she enjoys chasing and playing. She gets really nervous when she can't see me, so I don't think she would run away. When it comes to the backyard, we have a 6+ foot wire fence that she doesn't try to escape from, so she gets free reign of it. On walks I don't let her off lead, because its far too dangerous. It's not that she will run off and I'll never see her again, but she may wander a little and get hit by a car, or chase the ducks into the pond or find some little kid to love on.
  14. Oh I totally wish Sadie would swim. She doesn't even go outside in the rain, so that's kind of one of those things that will never work with her. I have tried giving her human grade glucosamine, which works the same as the pet grade, but I make sure there are not other additives besides condroiton. She likes exercise for the most part, but it's difficult for me to also exercise for long periods of time, so I'm considering purchasing a bike and biking both of them separately. Both dogs let me brush their teeth, but it's such a pain...
  15. So I've been trying to find things to keep Juno busy, and I've been so busy ignoring the Raw Diet food threads, that I completely missed the importance of it. Raw meat bones! They would totally help with teething and she would love it. But then I thought, why not just try the raw diet and see how it goes? Sadie could surely benefit from it since she's getting to be 8, and her metabolism is going down. She is itching a lot and her teeth are gross, despite stealing Juno's chews. She is also hurting a lot because she's gaining weight and she's beginning to get arthritis. So from what I've heard, Raw can fix pretty much everything. After tons of research and getting a look at tons of dogs on raw, I'm looking into purchasing a freezer. I also called around and discovered that there is a venison processing store near my house that cuts on sundays and thursdays, and he offered to give us free scraps of bone and organs. All I will have to purchase is muscle meat if I don't get enough with the scraps, and then I will be set! Juno will probably only need 1-2lbs a day, and sadie will only need 1, so it will be cheaper than having Juno on Merrick and Sadie on TOTW. The biggest issue right now is trying to convince my family that raw meat is safe for them..
  16. I'm considering starting Raw. I know it would keep Juno busy, but Sadie is such a princess that I don't think she would like getting her paws dirty and covered in meat.Sadie is just getting chunky these days, and her allergies are really bothering her. I think it would help. Those feeding raw, is it typically cheaper per day than if you were feeding kibble?
  17. I'm definitely going to try the removing from the room as a form of time out. She has separation anxiety and jealousy issues, so I could use that to my advantage. But from what I've read, I guess I have to wait until they dish it out for a while. If she still continues to attack her by the age of 8 months, then we will remove her and stick her outside. What amazes me is that she starts fights when sadie takes her chews. Sadie raises hell when she gets too close, and in doing so, she flings the chew into Juno's area so that Juno ends up winning.
  18. So Juno will be 5 months soon, and she's getting pretty big... before it didn't put much of a dent in our other dog, so we hoped Sadie would put her in her place. Well, today she lunged across the room thinking that Sadie was going to get fed and not her, and ended up attacking her and ripping out some of her hair. With Sadie starting to get old, I'm not sure what to do in order to make Juno stop. Most of the time it's about food, but sometimes it's just competing for love or attention. I can tell when she's about to go off, because she freezes, then her nose wrinkles, and then she goes for Sadie's face. Even though Sadie is about 50lbs and Juno is 28lbs, she's about as tall as her. Juno will really only get to 40lbs, but since Sadie is getting older, Juno can easily hurt her. I'm just not sure what training methods will work with this
  19. Juno

    Cesar Milan !

    I don't believe that all of his methods are based on the dominance theory, but are mostly based on providing stability for dogs. His books are about rewarding the good and encouraging the good, while expressing how you disagree with the bad. Most of the time, he just corrects with snapping the dog out of it, which sometimes works, but sometimes doesn't. And the kicking part, are you talking about the episode with holly, the lab with serious food aggression? Because if so, I don't blame him for kicking the dog. I would have also if it grabbed a hold of my hand like that with its teeth. With that episode, I don't agree with the way that he tries to help the dog, because his posture is pretty much saying "I'm challenging you, I want to start a fight." I also saw the way that victoria tried to handle a food aggressive dog, and it never showed you the dogs progress and whether or not the dog actually stopped attacking people near its bowl, so it's really hard to tell if her methods worked with that one. All in all, he's great for those really serious cases, and has helped people develop the confidence they needed to help their dog overcome obstacles.
  20. Juno

    Cesar Milan !

    I believe he is the kind of trainer that can really help people when they have no one else to turn to. He really has helped tons of dogs, but he isn't for everyone. I've read his book on how to raise a puppy, and his methods in the book are very different than his show. Personally, I don't have a beef with the guy. I believe his methods are effective and quick and while he is not as gentle as Victoria, he's not physically abusing the dogs. All I'm saying is that it could be a lot worse
  21. Yea I believe we use the same hedgehog and toothbrush chews. I just ordered a bag of 7 on chewy.com because they were $11-$13 for a bag of 7, wereas it's about $2-4 for an individual one at the store. I also bought some halo dog chews flavored in mint and in pumpkin. I figured she would like them, but we will see when they come in the mail today. I thought about getting that kong thing, but I don't know whether or not her kibble will fit in the hole... They're so expensive in petsmart, but I found them on dogsupplies.com for a lot cheaper.
  22. So I've been looking for things to keep Juno busy these days. I have bully sticks, cow hooves, antlers (both split elk and moose), some puffed raw-hides, kongs with puppy stuffin and the kong teething stick, get naked puppy teething chews, and quite recently I tried those potato based dental things shaped like a hedgehog. She likes them all at first, but gets bored after a few minutes. I don't think she has ever finished a bully stick completely, but that's mostly because she will leave them around and my other dog will sneak in and finish it off She will chew on the antlers once a day, but gets bored quickly because they don't give her enough motive to keep going. She loves the puffed raw-hides made by merrick, but I worry about raw-hide based chews since they are made white by bleach and they explode in a dogs stomach. She loves the hooves for a little while, but I also worry about splintering with those, and they smell like butt. The kong is okay, but she gives up after a little while, and won't work for the stuff at the bottom. The get naked teething chews are by far my favorite because she will finish them off. She loves the fruity flavor and gets something out of it after about 3 minutes of chewing. The potato based dental things are also good, and reasonably priced when you buy them in bulk and not individually at a pet store. So what do you all use that your dogs can't get enough of? I have considered getting a treat/dog food toy despenser to keep her busy, so if you have reviews on any of those, and know where you got them, I would love to hear it. Any input is welcome!
  23. I can't even take a shower or go to the bathroom by myself. I've had to start crating her or keeping her busy while I'm showering, or she will jump in. She won't follow me upstairs in the morning before I go to work though, because she knows she will be put in the crate xD. Everywhere else, I try to tiptoe away while she's sleeping, or else she will follow me.
  24. I tried core with both of my dogs a while back, and also my cat who will typically eat anything. All three wouldn't touch it. I think that's the only time I've ever been happy that my dogs wouldn't eat a certain food. Personally, I don't think it's worth the money
  25. It said Juno will be about 40-43lbs at most. Her father was 60 and her mother was 50, so I guess she just got the short end of the stick. That's perfectly fine with me! I can't wait to get Juno spayed. If I have to wait until 10 months, I won't be able to take her to the dog park. I freak out when any male un-neutered dog takes an interest in her. I'm considering getting her done at 7 months. I'm not looking forward to the cone of shame :[
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