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Everything posted by Juno

  1. The first night I got juno, she literally jumped in the shower with me. She tries to swim in her water bowl. Today I took her to the dog park for the first time, and for 2 hours she hid and was completely unsocial. She just shut down. As soon as I showed her the giant mud puddle, she splashed around. It was love from there on. It even managed to break her shyness streak!
  2. Yea that's what I thought. I did my research and knew what I was getting into with the breed. We drove 2 hours to get her, so it definitely wasn't a snap decision! Lol I love brushing dogs, so the hair thing I'm not worried about. She's not afraid of vacuums, so I can just suck the hair off of her during that period and then also brush. The destruction part comes with the breed, so when she knocks down my terrarium, I'm not angry because she really doesn't know any better. Plus, it was my fault for leaving it in her line of sight, and my fathers fault for not putting her in the crate. She doesn't destroy stuff when we are here, just when she's left alone. I would leave her outside during the day, but we live in south carolina so I feel that would be cruel. Plus, we have azaleas outside and I've already been through having to induce vomit in a puppy for ripping one to shreds. On a side note, quite recently she has started yipping at my older dog when she wants me to love on her, and when I show affection to another dog, she gets jealous. I'm sure that will pass when she realizes that I can love on them both. She's very smart, and catches on quickly.
  3. So my family and I are a first-time Husky owner. We have had Juno for 5 days now, and we are just absolutely smitten with her. She's pretty calm for a husky, but very sweet. She destroys a lot of stuff when she's left alone, but that's to be expected since she is a husky, and she's only 4 months old. I keep her in the crate during the day when I'm at work, but sometimes I wish I could let her run around my room with the door closed. I was wondering whether or not if I got another puppy as a friend, whether or not she and the puppy would spend the day playing and forget about destroying things, or if they would destroy things together? Also, I know it may be too early in the game to decide on whether or not we can handle another husky, I'm just wondering whether or not she will benefit from a friend. I have another dog at the house, and she's 8, so she's grumpy and won't play with her. I'm thinking that if I get another, they will both have to be in separate crates all day, so really I don't think it would help much.. I would love to hear some stories about husky friends
  4. Ah, darn. I'll have to skip this one. They sometimes have shows at the fairground down the street from my house in summerville. I really have to check and see when the next one is so I can bring her
  5. Yea... she may be AKC registered, but with her height, I'm not sure she would be counted if she was in an actual show. The breed standard states for females it's 20-22 inches tall, and 35-50lbs. Males are 21-23&1/2 inches, and 45-60lbs. She could definitely use some meat on her bones, but be careful with how much. Due to her height and her lineage, hip issues are a probability.
  6. Oh I would love that. I'm in summerville though. what day is it?
  7. Oh okay, sweet! I'm considering showing her, so I was just wondering whether or not that was a desired trait. Of course, it would have to be UKC, but it's a start!
  8. I've noticed that with most huskies I've seen, their tails flip up and are present over their backs in a sickle shape. Juno's tail never does this. She will wag it slightly when she's happy, but it wags side to side. It never lifts very high, and kind of just hovers when she's jogging or running. Is this normal, or does it have something to do with her age or the fact that her parents are both of show lines?
  9. Yea... I've had that happen before with the other puppy. He had so many tummy issues. I also just discovered that she ate toothpaste. Of course, I freaked out when I heard this, and had to check the ingredients, but it doesn't contain xylitol. We had an incident last night where she snuck into my purse and stole my pack of mentos gum, but I got her before she could swallow the first piece. She sure is keeping me on my toes! And yes, my parents are fired as baby-sitters.
  10. okay, thanks! and how about taking her on a walk? Should I not risk it?
  11. So my mother did me a favor today and let Juno out during lunch so she could go pee. According to my mother, and the multiple audio recordings that I heard, she came inside and ran around the house, howling and crying. She ducked in and out of rooms, looking around for me, but became severely depressed when she was unable to find me. Of course I told her that when she was about to leave, she needed to put her in the crate, otherwise she would search through every cabinet in my room, and rip the dog food off of the top of her crate. Of course, when I got home, there was a 1 gallon plastic bag of dog food with a large hole in it and about 5-6 cups of food gone. She only eats 2 cups a day, so that's nearly 3 days worth of food that she devoured in less than an hour. She will be okay, right? I mean, that's a LOT of food in one sitting.
  12. Ah but she only has a limited AKC registration, and does not really know how to walk in a straight line yet. But we are working on it! She's also very shy, so she needs a lot of socialization
  13. Her lanky size is mostly due to the fact that she came from a mill-breeder. Mills grow them skinny and tall. You could increase the amount of food she is getting, but she probably won't fill out much more. A 1 1/2 year old female husky that is a regular at the dog park looks very similar to her, but she gets fed home-cooked meals due to the fact that she's still recovering from a yeast infection, and also has hip problems...
  14. So far, she's very well behaved. She comes when called, and sits when told. It took less than 1 day to teach her how to lay down and Leave it. But I understand that as they get older, they start to look at it as "why do I have to? What's in it for me?" I just love her low energy and gentle nature. As for the cat, he's like 600 years old, and probably won't be around when she's old enough to swipe at him...
  15. Tired after her 4th walk of the day... (it was my day off) I just love her conformation. I wish I could show her...
  16. Thank you! I managed to get her to sit still for another picture
  17. I caught her knocking the trashcan over, and so I sternly voiced my displeasure at her. She folded her cute fuzzy ears back and hobbled over to me, licking at the air. Of course, I forgave her. One thing I've discovered about her, is she looks so much like a fox or wolf, so my cat uses every opportunity he can to swipe at her, even though she doesn't mess with him. He typically doesn't do that to dogs, and he didn't do that when I had that evil puppy that would try to flatten him. This morning I took her on a confidence-building walk, because she's terrified of my 8 year old dog I think my other dog, Sadie, is just happy that she can look at her, growl, and she will back off. She's not used to puppies actually taking her seriously, so I think she's just having fun with it. Kicking her into shape before she gets much bigger. Poor Juno... Oh, and does anyone else have a husky that is obsessed with water? Seriously, she sticks her ENTIRE face in the bowl, and her paws. Then she proceeds to walk around on the hardwood floors, spreading the liquid joy all over the house. I'm beginning to think I need to buy her a pool and a basket of towels to put by the back door.
  18. We decided to name her Juno, because after searching through nearly 600 names/words, it was the only one that really peaked her interest. That, and spoon. She absolutely cracks me up. Who knew that huskies ears could be so expressive?
  19. Hi, I'm Grace and after a very upsetting experience with adopting a mutt from a nearby rescue, we decided that a purebred dog from a breeder would be a better option. I've always loved huskies and after tons of research, I decided one would make a good match for our family. After driving 2 hours to meet a little female we found online, we brought her back home. I just love her. She is a little apprehensive of strangers, as she was a scared of me at first, but when we stuck her in the car and drove for about 30 minutes, she sat in my lap and then it was all kisses and rainbows from there. We had a big problem with aggression from our chow mix puppy that we returned, so we wanted to make sure we got a friendly breed. She's going to be 4 months in exactly 2 days.
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