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About Zuz

  • Birthday 11/14/1969

Profile Information

  • Real Name
    Susana Sauca
  • Location
    Watford, United Kingdom
  • Country Flag
  • Occupation
    Company Director
  • Biography
    Born in the Basque country, northern Spain. UK resident since 1993, mother of two lovely girls and of Maya the copper Husky.
    I've only ever owned another dog Lao-tse a white Mastiff from the Pirinees of 63kg a beautiful gentle giant I rescued from the local pound when I was 21. A gentle, loyal companion who I had to leave behind when I moved here permanently. I could neither afford nor face putting him through the UK border quarantine.
    He was the reason I ended up with Maya, I wanted a large (proper) dog ;) white if possible. Maya fit the bill, I didn't know the breed, it was pure luck. I am very happy things turned out this way. She is perfect!! self cleaning, calm, friendly, respectful and she almost always comes back when called.
  • Interests
    Walking, scooting or cycling with Maya. Making stuff, helping the school raise funds.....

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  1. is this to me?? I'm always behind the camera and tend to shy away from the camera and mirrors :/ I'll take a look
  2. auch!! really??????
  3. Good luck, I hope the news is good but at least you'll get some answers. If you know what you are dealing with you can at least start to deal with it otherwise you are stuck in limbo. All the best x
  4. Guess what???? Maya got hit by a car on the A41!!!. No she wasn't in my care, my (now) ex was with her, he got a good bite on the hand when he rushed in to grab her while she was spinning in agony still on the road. Got to smile, his face was a picture of pure regret and shame, I couldn't have a go at him, Maya gave him what he deserved, clever girl. I'm sure you've guessed my baby is okay, it's been 3 weeks and she's back playing off lead, leaping over her friends without a care in the world ) We were very happy when she was first able to reach for good old bum lick, we knew then she was on the mend. The hardest thing now is to keep her shaven patch covered up to stop her licking it obsessively, the crisis is over. but guess what??? She has two microchips, her original one and one put there after by the PDSA who weren't having a good day at all as they didn't spot the first one and then got all her details wrong.. We knew about the PDSA one naming her Lexi, 4 last Feb husky mix. We knew her original name was Maya but that was all, on our way home we changed her name back to Maya but still thought she was a mix and 2 and a half when we got her. Well it turns out she's not mixed or would have lost the funky eye (so said the vet). Her original chip says Maya, Red&White Siberian Husky, age 6 this August. My baby is going from 4 to 6 in six months!! I still don't care, I don't love her any more now I know she's not mixed. Look who's talking my children are mixed race LOL!!! Just thought of that sorry!!
  5. Gorgeous , but it makes me want a pack even more
  6. I'd never seen a crate until a few years ago and I have never used one so I won't say I know anything about them but what has been mentioned about space makes good sense. I hope it's that and not a medical reason, Good luck!
  7. When not in the woods (normally too early to see anyone but dog walkers there) I'll keep her on her lead. I walk her right by my leg and always keep her away from passers by out of respect. There is a mosque up my road and I know most of the people coming in and out are either scared of dogs or want to be clean when entering the mosque and having a hairy Husky brush past their leg is a no no. I will give way, keep her close and reassure people by showing them I am aware of them and in control of my dog. I do care about others and respect them but I guess I do find it hard to understand that not all people who are scared of dogs are people who don't know dogs.. I would see you with a dog and assume you were a dog lover and not scared of mine but I can assure you the second I knew you were uncomfortable I would do something about it. The thing is, the most effective thing for me to do will provably be to not say a word, stay calm and walk off, you might confuse this with me not caring and doing nothing. If I knew what I know now, I'd find a way for you to meet safely and then she would never be a stranger
  8. She is curious but doesn't get in anyone's face so there shouldn't be a problem, she has manners. She's curious, gets close and waits for an invitation (from the dog not the human) I'm guessing your dog would not invite a meeting and it wouldn't happen.
  9. Maya would not get close to an unfriendly situation. I would be walking in the opposite direction and she'd follow me. If I walk towards you she is bound to think we are stopping for a chat and a play and get confused, if I walk away my message is much clearer than me screaming my head off creating a panic. She has never, ever, got close enough to make physical contact with an unfriendly dog. The first day we met you wouldn't get to see me close up and you might even hate me a little for those few seconds you thought things could go wrong, the next time you'd hate me a bit less as Maya would turn around as soon as she recognized you, no point in wasting time, soon we'd earn your trust. I now walk with people who avoided me at first, trust must be earned. She might be offlead but she's got manners and she's only off lead were she's permitted to do so. She would not be running riot around the children, more like avoiding them and sniffing happily as far away from them as possible. I do get cross with parents not closing the gates to the play areas, I am a parent and would not like excited dogs around my girls.
  10. Zuz

    Awesome Idea!!

    Not sure you could get enough traction out of that back wheel but I'd give it a go
  11. 1) Bought a Kennel and put it outside the back door for her to sleep in. But that's all and I would have had to do that for any breed. Everything else she learnt quick (not allowed upstairs, anything human is not to be touched, door open does not mean go)
  12. All snow dogs and wolfy types it's like family, you just have to say hello. It's like WV Bug owners, you just have to wave lol, I have never waved to other Punto, Zafira or fiesta owners
  13. Okay... I will confess I have annoyed other dog owners before, mostly small dog owners. Maya is good as gold and is off lead daily in the woods and fields up our road, she doesn't ever try to escape even though she knows exactly where there are gaps in the fence she can get through. She's no lab walking 10 feet from me, her range is much bigger but she generally doesn't want to loose sight of me and if she gets sidetracked by some scent a quick whistle usually gets her right by my side again. She's great with other dogs and is not stupid, so I trust her completely. She will always approach to greet and I don't stop her, she approaches, assesses the situation, has a polite sniff and generally runs straight back towards me, if the dog is "aggressive" she'll be the first to pick up on it and give the dog a wide birth (with a look of; ain't nobody got time for that!). If Maya is being invited to play by the dog on the lead and the owner is in no playing mood or just doesn't trust big dogs, I will come and remove Maya, if she doesn't want to come because she knows the dog is cool and wants to play, the lead comes on and we walk off feeling sorry for the dog. I don't want to bother people but I do get offended when before Maya is anywhere near then they start shouting "call your dog back, my dog will have him!!" their stress, stresses me out and ends up in a situation of neither dog listening to us so I shrug my shoulders turn around breathe deep and walk off. Maya will soon pick up the nasty vibes from the owner and give up on trying to play. If the owner is cool I will approach and remove my dog before she becomes annoying but if they start off by shouting , they are on their own I leave Maya to it. I've had a woman on seeing Maya pounce on her collie, trying to get the lead on in a panic shouting at me my "dog's aggressive!!" I shouted back "well mine isn't aren't I the lucky one!" and walked off. I know when Maya can and can't be off lead, if she's excited I will pick the time and place carefully and I hate being told by others if my dog should be on or off lead. I've had both things said, big dog, needs to run free and Husky... must never go off lead. She does both as and when I decide and their opinion matters very little to me. It does make me mad because I feel for their dogs, they either have no freedom and are over protected or they know no boundaries at all, but we can't stop idiots owning dogs or having children
  14. Zuz

    Last Meal

    I would have to go backhome (Basque Country, Northern Spain) and eat lost of traditional fresh fish and seafood dishes (OMG fish soup and squid in black ink sauce), I might be able to make room for a big grilled rare stake with lil fried green peppers, some local cheese and figs straight from the tree (I'd better die in August) and some cuajada (hard to explain this one it's a local thing made with sheep's milk, not quite a yogurt, more jelly like). I'd need to finish with a small, strong, dark, coffee, then I'd die with a smile on my face. Made myself both hungry and homesick all at once
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