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About Whitehuskys

  • Birthday 04/26/1969

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  1. Nika is home today x lots of staples and pain killers . The vet showed me a video of her bladder and ureters clearly showing that the ureters were joined to the bladder on the outside by did dot drain into it at all. She now has the anatomy corrected but has never got the idea of potty training. We need to wait a month to see if her bladder learns to hold more and if her sphincter muscles can hold the bladder shut. She has added complication of a bladder that sits too far back. She won't ever breed for fear of passing the condition on so we will spay her and leave the womb in place to support the bladder position, which may need correcting to if the incontinence does not ease up.
  2. Nika is five months now. Last week she had dye X-rays under general anaesthetic. This followed the journey of dye through bloodstream to kidneys to bladder etc. found she had a complicated right side eptopic ureter and that the left was also eptopic and required repair. The situation has been that she needs nappies indoors and pools urine wherever she sits. Nappies have been the only option and a low dose antibiotic since seven weeks constant to keep uti infections down. Yesterday she had eptopic repairs under general anaesthetic three hours of surgery. Vet is pleased and she now has her tubes going into the bladder. The bladder is small and never been used so she will need a month ate aat to get used to the sensation of it feeling full and will want to pee constantly. Toilet training all over again. I raised the money through eBay and have paid £370 for X-rays and £850 for repairs. The dog is worth it to me and I'm glad I never put her to sleep. She deserves a happy life x
  3. Hi All, I have a pup with this condition and I have struggled to find support. I have started a facebook page eptopic ureters in dogs for people with experience of this condition. Please feel free to add pictures comments and experiences of this condition so we can provide a support network for owners dealing with this illness. Many Thanks, Julie and Nika
  4. hi i have an 11 week old with the same problem. I have started a facebbok group eptopic ureters in dogs today. I have spoken to a few people who have experience with this condition. On lady has given me hope. SHe has a two year old who hasnt had surgery but is on cranberry juice tablets. This has stopped the infections for two years and although she still leaks she has avoided costly surgery. Please join the facebook page and I will try and get as many people who have experience with this problem to join and provide support. Julie
  5. Welcome to husky owners :)

  6. hi Mick, I am so sorry to hear about your pups. I wonder if it follows the mother or father in the genes? The father of Nika has a long line of cruft winning parents and is a beautiful boy. There was never any mention of this condition. We didn't realise until mum stopped feeding so much and the pups were introduced onto solids. I guess she was being cleaned up well. She does attempt to go to the toilet and does a small puddle but drips as she walks too. It is worse when she is asleep. The worrying thing is when she is off the anti biotics she gets a water infection which makes her bleed. The ultrasound showed that she had normal kidneys and a small bladder. She has been to vets every couple of weeks and is growing well is bubbly and mischievous! My vet is going to perform the operation as a training operation as its not that common. Still waiting for final costs but they hinted it would be discounted and I can pay it off monthly. It is a heartbreaking condition and of course if he had known that it could be in the genes he would not have let her have a litter. Mum will be spayed now and the owners of the females in the litter will be informed they should not breed in the future. The huskies my boyfriend has are well fed and well exercised healthy dogs. I have taken Nika on and will do the best I can to get her fixed and give her a great husky life. People are very judgemental and puppies are birn all the time. Nobody would want this condition or breed a dog that knowingly had this in their genes. I have taken my facebook page off as I am fed up with the inquisitions and barage of people who dont care about the puppy. I just hoped to find similar people who had gone through this operation. I would like to know if it helped as I have heard mixed reviews from surfing. many Thanks, Julie
  7. I love huskys too. My boyfriend owns Mia and vova and pup pavlina. I had only had labs and shepherds until i mt him and now im hooked. i love taking his dogs out on the bike and live their energy. love how they howl and eat raw meat and are so intelligent. I have a German shepherd at mine who is 12 and a husky pup Nika.
  8. Hi yes I contacted blue cross but you have to be unemployed and on housing benefit etc. I contacted RSPCA and although it goes on income if you qualify they would only help with the x rays and reduced meds not the op itself. Also it's at least three hour wait every time you go and Nika is at vets every couple of weeks
  9. Hi it's only in girls I think and apparently it's a condition more popular in huskies it's heart breaking
  10. Hi yes that's me. she is genuine and a gorgeous puppy. I have been to the RSPCA and they would only help with medicines and would not perform this type of operation. Each time you visit it's a three hour wait and not actually free, although the consultation fees are £14 a time. She is insured but of course this is a birth defect and per existing so not covered. vet fees are mounting but I will do my best for her as I love her to bits already. She is on anti biotics constantly and propalin to ease the incontinence. She is happy and michevious and as long as she is happy I will continue to try help her. i have a great vet who is trying their best to accommodate me with a payment plan and reduced fees. I am just a normal divorced working mum with four teenage kids. Some people are concerned with laying the blame for the condition which is frustrating. I have the pup and my concern is giving her a shot at life. julie
  11. We have four huskys mum Mia dad vova and two pups pavlina and Nika x
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