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About KBS

  • Birthday 06/22/1968

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  1. KBS

    Please Help Me?

    Unfortunately he is right, I went to see the other flats yesterday, I do get on ok with them. They all told me that they had spoken to him but didn't want to come to me direct as it may upset me.... You think?! The flat directly above me works shifts and she does keep them awake with her howling, some mornings I leave at 4/5am to get into London and she wakes them up then too. Mum comes to fetch her about 9/10am but by that time they are awake and not happy.. I know she's going to have to be rehomed, it maybe the kind thing to do for her and I need to stop feeling so selfish...
  2. KBS

    Please Help Me?

    Hi Gary, I'm in Lincolnshire. My rental agreement is up at the end of April so I guess he's hedging his bets on that timeframe..
  3. KBS

    Please Help Me?

    I live very rurally, unfortunately there is no such thing as that in my area and I don't just go to one place of work, I travel every day to different places..
  4. KBS

    Please Help Me?

    I wasn't going to write a "live" post and send the administrators private messages. However, I'm writing this with tears streaming... I received, over the weekend a rather nasty letter from my Landlord advising that the other flats have complained about Bo and her howling when i go to work. He has told me that I will have to get rid of her or move out, immediately. I have been searching all weekend for privately rented places and all are "no pets allowed". I have contacted the breeder and she is trying to help me rehome Bo... I just can't stop crying that I've got to give my girl up or face homelessness. I have no family that could take her and most of my friends also work and/or have dogs of their own, I have explored every possible way.. Please advise on what to do?
  5. Hi guys, not sure if anyone has lost or know of a lost Husky but have just seen on Facebook that a Husky has been found in the Faldingworth/Market Rasen area.. Just thought I would share...
  6. Bo is 14 weeks old and has started to mouth or nip me. I have tried to shout OW or Stop but it seems to make her more excited and lunges at me again. If she is on the sofa with me when she does it, I put her on the floor and ignore her but when she's in her excitable mode she just keeps jumping at me and trying to carrying and mouth/bite me. What should I do? I have watched various tips on videos on YouTube etc and some say to walk out of the room or to put the dog out of the room and others say just to ignore her and she'll get bored of it. I just don't want her a fully grown adult and still thinking that she can bite or is this just a puppy stage that Huskies go through? Many thanks, K.
  7. I know I got Bo just before Xmas but have been struggling to upload the photographs.. Here are some of her, now 14 weeks old, playing in the snow. .
  8. It all looks lovely,or certainly will be.... Well done, can you come and do mine next please?
  9. The vets rang me today to invite Bo and I to a puppy party, I thought it might be nice to go so I took her at 7pm as invited. One very silly woman bought her 2 very small ( 5 & 3)? Children with her.... OMG were they naughty, screaming for party bags..... It's a puppy party!!!! One of them just wouldn't leave the puppies alone for 2 minutes and then skidded on some puppy pee, fell over and started to scream. The woman advised that she couldn't get anyone to have them for her.... Well, no bloody wonder! Surely she could have come on another night when she could get a sitter. The pups were better behaved lol Maybe I'm just intolerant though as my lot have all grown up and left home lol...
  10. Apologies folks, I'm sure you will or have started getting bored of my constant questions/advice seeking. I don't know why, as she is so young, that she seems to have an aversion or is wary of men and also when she is out in the courtyard and hears another dog barking, even in the distance, she yelps/whimpers and runs back in the house. I have taken her for walks (me carrying her) to start to get used to sights and sounds of every day life and she even seems scared while she is in my arms with regards to other dogs. I don't understand it, the breeder had mum and dad in with the puppies but surely they wouldn't have scared her?
  11. I found out yesterday from a neighbouring apartment that the other guy who lives in the adjacent ground floor apartment smokes "wacky backy" and is always having parties etc,not very nice people coming and going at all hours. Anyway, Bo and I went outside for toilets, and this isn't the first time, that this lovely chap has thrown food outside his apartment and we all share the courtyard area. Bo found the food this time, the first time I found it and cleaned it up before she could get to it. Anyway, she picked it up, looked like a lump of spam, I tried to entice her away with it with her usual piece of ham that we have been working together with, she ignored it and me and ran off. I managed to get her back in the flat but she still had it in her mouth, she was growling at me etc. I can't blame her for it as I was trying to take away something from her that she wanted,she kind of choked on it and spat it out to which I scooped it up and binned it. my issue is that what if he's doing this to poison her or something? Maybe I'm being paranoid but due to his recreational habits I can never be too sure. I will be phoning the managing agents upon their return from the Xmas bak as I'm not having it. Plus it's a huge factor for rats etc too. Thing is, she is going to gravitate to that area now she knows there's food and I don't want to put her in any risk.
  12. Picture of Bo http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10151107056741706&set=a.10150235006661706.314257.681191705&type=1&theater
  13. I have a 9 week old and she oftens nips at me or snaps/lunges back at me, she she does this, especially if she is on the sofa with me, I just pick her up and put her on the floor and ignore her. I also, occasionally, putmy hand in her bowl while she is eating and again when she's playing with her toys too. Im not sure if I'm doing it right but, for now, it's working. When she's in a really playful mood she will snap back at me,I will then either turn my back on her/ignore her.
  14. I was looking online for harnesses for Bo, when she is older. I then came about an advert, someone selling a 2 year old husky boy and also the bitch, who just happens to be in pup! Surely the owners should have thought about mating these dogs before deciding to sell them, so god only knows where those poor dogs and babies are going to end up. If I had the room, time and money I would be going to fetch them, right now.
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