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Status Updates posted by Bambi92

  1. Gotta love when life gets turned upside down

  2. after all these years I've worked out what I'm allergic to... FLEAS! of all things to be allergic to :( and we currently have them so now I have to go crazy getting rid of them for mine and my cats sanity grrrr

    1. elenamarie


      Powdered boric acid is the ticket. If you have carpeting, nothing works as well. As a bonus it's completely non-toxic to cats and dogs, but it will kill fleas and many other insects. Good luck! Getting rid of those evil things is a real chore.

  3. going to buy some stuff for the animals involved in South Australia fires they have lost everything the least I can do is buy some food for there animals

    1. mydiamond


      :( oh gee. Do they have a GoFundMe page by any chance?
    2. Bambi92


      Not that I know of I know there's a lady taking direct deposits into a bank account then sending it over to South australia

  4. Couldn't afford to get my babies anything for Xmas this year now I feel bad I'll have to go buy them something lol

    1. Carly


      At least you can buy something from the sale :0)

    2. Dan


      They have you - best present they could ask for :D

    3. Bambi92


      I bought them two treats each :)

      Dan: at the moment there not happy with me I can't walk them or play with them properly :(

  5. nearly 10.30pm and the cold water is still hotter than the hot water! it's still 24 degrees grr

    1. Emma


      wow that sounds hot!

  6. body part donation Bank open floor business: in need of a right eye, two whole needs, a spine and a few others for just in case pile!!

    1. Emma


      lol. for some reason this is reminding me a bit of sweeny Todd. Hope things pick up for you soon. xxx

  7. RIP Admire Rakti - he passed away in his stall after the Melbourne cup race :( sad result to a sad industry

  8. Thinking about taking phoenix trick or treating only problem is its today and I don't have a costume for him

  9. Haha phoenix sees a husky/mal and he says woo woo woo :D

    1. Emma


      bless him, he's learning doggy language. Bi lingual now. lol

    2. Bambi92


      Haha yep when he goes to preschool they will be wondering why he thinks dogs say woo instead of woof haha

  10. getting my wisdom teeth out in Thursday I'm so not looking forward to it hopefully it'll all go fine have to travel over an hour in morning peak hour traffic just to get there though :(

  11. MRI on the 1st teeth out on the 2nd yep everything happens at once :(

  12. got a ride in an ambulance yesterday :-( i swear my body hates me lol

  13. scared having my teeth pulled out on the 2nd Oct have to drive an hour maybe longer depending on traffic to get there eeepp not looking forward to it



      Poor you take some tissues for the dribble on the way home

  14. has a problem I can't choice a photo that will look nice on a cup dammit why do I have so many photos

    1. Marc


      How aout a picture of a cup LOL. Seriously, some guy has one at work that is a pic of a cup that has a pic of a cup on it with a pic of a cup etc etc

    2. Emma


      Narrow it down to some favourites and let us decide for you, lol. :)

    3. Bambi92


      Lol Marc that is something I would do :P

      Emma that's a good idea I just can't pick out of the over 1000 photos I've got haha I shall try and pick a few and do a poll if I can work out how to lol

  15. Oops accidentally dyed Sashas paw blue poor girl has half a blue paw

    1. Emma
    2. Sarah
    3. Bambi92


      Poor thing was confused I made paint for phoenix and tried to do a paw print but she has to much hair between her toes lol

  16. Can't win first Phoenix ends up with croup, now I've been told he's asthmatic (which I knew was coming) and I've come back with HFMD :(

  17. Just been told were going to Canberra for the week on Monday hopefully were staying near the war memorial!

    1. Emma


      Enjoy your holiday. xxx

    2. Bambi92


      Thanks will try lol its ment to be raining the whole time we are down there and its nice and sunny at home always happens lol

  18. :'( always wanted to do mma but now I have no chance with my knees :(

  19. Would you get your dogs married?a little strange

    1. Emma


      ummmm, no. but i did see a show where people married off their pigs to each other, was a bit weird, lol.

  20. Can someone that's good with editing photos help me please I want to edit a photo by taking out one person from behind the main pic how hard is it to do?

    1. robke


      ask Andy in pm he might be able to help

  21. I swear there's a ghost here that likes playing with phoenix's toys his steering wheeling was just going off on the wrong setting and I found a block at our bedroom doorway that wasn't there when I went to bed kind of freaky

  22. can't believe my little man is 1 tomorrow taking him to the park to have some fun with his new toys :)

  23. In one week my little man will be one! Although I can't wait its a little sad he's not going to be my baby boy anymore :( he will be my big boy!

  24. Finally getting my hair done next week! Not looking forward to sitting in a salon for 3-4hours though

  25. feeling scared about the morning :( crossing my fingers hoping to find out what's wrong with my knees and what I'm in for but from what physio says I'm in for surgery sooner or later :(

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Bambi92


      Thanks :) it'll be hard having to chase after phoenix that's the only thing that's playing on my mind

    3. Emma


      true. do you have any family/friends who could help you out during your recovery phase?

    4. Bambi92


      Depending on when it happens mum might be able to come down but if not I don't have anyone it sux not having friends or family in the same state :(

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