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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Hi! :waves: Sounds like you have found an admirer lol a creepy one at that! Glad your doing well minus the money (not enough money for anything now days) $120 for a calculator! I thought the one I had to buy was expensive that was $60 I'd imagine your missing Dime like crazy it was bad enough being away from Sasha for one week let alone for as long as you'll be away from Dime Doesn't America have over a month off over one of the seasons? Or is that just Canada? (I use to talk to a Canadian that had summer off then went back for the rest of the seasons) Have fun and good luck with your classes it'll go by real quick and you'll be reunited sooner then you know! Xx
  2. Well I'm not sure how Charlie is going to do here all of the animals are stalking him even Missy and she lived with a 50 something racing pigeons for 8 years. I don't know if I want to risk it any longer I don't want them to hurt him or kill him but I don't know anyone who can take him either what do I do
  3. I said the same thing I love how Sasha looks after him she may get crabby with him some times but she loves him. I really hope it works out I've always wanted a bird but if it's going to affect my lot I can't do it to them. I said that to the people that asked me to take him. I said all I can do is try if my lot don't agree then they will need to find some one else I'll feel bad for Charlie if that happens but I love my animals to much for someone to go and dob them in if something happens to Charlie although I do take every precaution I can there is the of chance that they will hurt him
  4. Well an update Charlie scared Phoenix last night and made him cry and Sasha was inside having a denta stick I've never seen her face change so fast or seen her move so fast she was half way across the room when it happened and she came racing over and went to bite Charlie for making Phoenix cry I put Charlie back in his cage and Sasha came to make sure Phoenix was ok. Not sure how well this is going to go I may not be able to keep him if he doesn't stop his biting or trying to bite when he's on someone I looked up how to get then to stop biting so I'm trying that but he doesn't seem to get the hint will see how it goes. I took him in because no one else could but my animals come first and so does Phoenix.
  5. I remember hearing this song at a history thing I went to last year or the year before it was very interesting. It's Gordon Lightfoot, the wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald I remembered the name but had to look up who sung it
  6. Haven't met you before so hi :waves: Welcome back
  7. Of all things to play with lol Charlie just had a bath in his water bowl so I gave him another dish and boy was that a bad idea lol I now have water all over the floor and walls lol I read that they love baths but he doesn't just love it he has a field day in it He has plastic ball things hanging from the roof of his cage but I haven't seen him play with them. I'm going to get him some plastic chain things for climbing and some other stuff. I'm going to try and teach him some tricks but not sure what I should teach him and suggestions? He knows hello, hello Charlie, what you doing, a few others but haven't heard it yet. He does up steps onto your hand, give kiss, and he whistles.
  8. Yeah I read that. I don't eat it anyway so it's never in the house lol The animals have been really god with him they went out and sniffed his cage a few times last night but they slept most of the night this morning they were watching him but that was it. Sasha gets a bit excited so she isn't allowed in the room while Charlie is out just in case she tries to play with him. Charlie is doing really well he is 3 not 1 I thought they said he was was but I asked the original owner and they said he is 3. We are going to the bird shop on Saturday to get him some toys and better food.
  9. Charlie says hello and yes cracker lol
  10. Hehe we have something similar here. Charlie is all to happy to sit in your shoulder all day talking in your ear and playing with your hair lol
  11. Please welcome Charlie So far delta has met him and she purred (what cat purrs at a bird lol) she's been going over to the cage and looking at him then give me evils going to put something around the cage so she can't get her paws in there. Sasha briefly met him she came in didn't realize he was there until he made a noise then she was wagging her tail like crazy sniffing him in the cage going to see what she is like after we eat then depending on her he might come out for a little bit longer and see what they are like with each other. Will update later and let you know how she went
  12. Thanks Lee hoping it goes well lol
  13. that's a long time for such a little birdy.
  14. Wouldn't be surprised they are hardly as far as I know.
  15. Hm OK I'll have a look in to it. Haha yeah not some thing that comes up very much I looked at 3 pages and none said how long they live lol Thanks for the info
  16. I seen one them the other day I'll have to see how much they are he loves coming out of his cage he's happy to sit on your shoulder and watch what your doing lol They are beautiful he's a nice bird as far as I know his only problem is when he's on sometimes shoulder and you try to take him off that person he bites unless he wants to go to you not sure how I can get him out of that I'll have to look it up and see if there's a way Didn't know they live for that long lol
  17. So far I've read they need wet and dry or at least one of them fruits and a few other things. Haha yeah that sounds like what my old dog would do I'm hoping they will be OK the poor bird must be so confused this will be his 5th home I'm hoping his last will post a pic of Charlie tonight he will be here this afternoon some time
  18. I've been asked to take in a rainbow lorikeet he's been through 4 homes already and he's not even one yet I don't think I can't remember. He talks, sits on your shoulder, has his wings clipped. I've never had a bird like this other then budgies when I was under 10 I'm doing my research now as to what they eat and everything so far it's saying as long as they are entertained and have a bath they shouldn't be to destructive which is good lol and they have to have there food and water changed twice a day. Do you think Sasha will be OK with Charlie? Is it hard to teach a husky that a bird can be her friend (so to speak they won't be with each other other then at night but he will be in his cage) She doesn't bother with birds when she is outside if dozer chases them then she will other wise she doesn't care. I'm not to worried about Delta(cat) I can stop her from getting near the cage and I'm home all the time unless on weekends but I'll put the bird in a different room to keep them both safe and she has been around birds before. Has anyone had a lorikeet or similar bird before with a husky? Any tips on being a bird mum? Thanks in advance! X
  19. Bambi92

    Poor Girl

    Its a very sad situation. From what I have seen on news and docos it seems to be a 'normal' thing in usa for children to be around or be in close contact with guns (Americans please correct me if I'm wrong going off news and stuff I see over here) I'm 22 and I wouldn't even think twice about touching or letting a kid touch an Uzi or any gun for that matter. I seen a thing on the news last year about teaching children gun safety there are ways to teach gun safety that don't involve shooting one. I've used a riffle a few times and that was bad enough at 18 let alone an Uzi at 9. Really hope the girl gets the support she is going to need and fast her life won't be the same again
  20. Maybe leave a letter in there letter box asking them to come see you when they are free to talk about there dog? Does the dog do anything if you talk to it through the fence? Might be enough to settle the dog a bit? Not sure what else to suggest
  21. You know they don't drown right lol Glad he's OK we have an orb spider that made a house outside our spare bedroom window we don't bother him so he didn't bother us. We have a lot of dangerous spiders here the joys of Aussie lol
  22. Happy birthday hope you have a great day x
  23. Haha oh man thanks Jase I hate cold water! Because I'm sick can I just donate money to a charity? Lol I really really hate cold water :'( People are cheating and not using ice in it lol
  24. Can't win first Phoenix ends up with croup, now I've been told he's asthmatic (which I knew was coming) and I've come back with HFMD :(

  25. Bambi92


    Haha sounds like what I can be like if made angry enough lol They make a heap of money and some are completely useless and seem like they got the degree out of a cereal box!
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