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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Bambi92


    They say he is to young to be diagnosed with asthma but my normal gp said he has mild asthma he was in Hosp at 3 weeks old with chronic bronchitis within 5 mins of being in Hosp he was on high flow oxygen and the Dr said on the way out of the room (not to me but within hearing distance) that he didn't think phoenix would make it I was so angry not only did that Hosp treat me like crap while I was in labor they topped it off with that comment I'll never take him back there. It's normal here (Sydney and Canberra) to wait for drs if you're bleeding, have broken bones or have breathing difficulties you get seen quicker but if it's anything else you have to wait even if you go to ED the day I took phoenix in at 3 weeks we waited 20 mins in triage and another almost hour before he was taken in if he was taken in earlier he might not have ended up so bad they only took us in because I made a massive scene and told them if anything happens to him they'd have even bigger problems.
  2. Bambi92


    I normally use his nebulizer it works but it's at home. When I have a shower i take him into the bathroom with me it helps him a bit he's been good so far today it's just his nose he coughed a few times but so far so good.
  3. Bambi92


    Sorry I haven't updated. We found a Dr that was 40 mins away waited 2 hours to see the Dr he gave him some steroids and some cough medicine he's been OK still coughing but not as bad once it gets cold he started coughing The drs up here are nothing like Sydney we have medical center that's are covered by medicare but up here the one we went to is the only one on this side of Canberra and Canberra is very small when you think about it lol Were leaving here tomorrow afternoon yay I get to see my babies I think phoenix misses Sasha he gets up every morning and taps on the bed saying sash which he died to get her to come to him at home lol
  4. Bambi92


    It's horrible. So far he hasn't been to bad last night thankfully just tossed and turned all night Jase one shop I went to didn't have any left and the other didn't know what I was talking about (great shop that was lol)
  5. Bambi92


    I just googled it it's used for a lot of stuff didn't think honey would be used for so many things. I found to places that have health food shops not sure if they will be open by the time we get there this afternoon but hopefully they will be and they have it lol Thank you for the info
  6. Bambi92


    Sounds like awesome stuff will have a look for it. I normally put w teaspoon of 'normal' honey in my tea when I have a sore throat helps it for a bit. how much do I give him if I find it? I'll look up on Google if there is one close to here it took us half hour to find a woolies yesterday.
  7. Bambi92


    I'm 10 mins walk from manuka lol on my little walk we just went on to find a Dr (found it they didn't have any appointments) all I found was food shops and clothes shops this place has to be the silliest places I've been to lol Would Coles or woolies have it? Or would best bet be find a health food shop some where here? What does it do? I'm guessing something to do with helping the throat?
  8. Bambi92


    Hi all Just wondering if any one knows of anything that would help phoenix my poor baby comes to Canberra for the first time and he can't really do anything because he's come down with croup I'm taking him to the Dr this afternoon just to make sure it's not worse then it seems and see if they will do anything I think the only thing that they can do ish steroids? Phoenix hasn't had croup before so not sure what else could be done for him. Are there any things that might help him? he didn't sleep much last night because he kept coughing from about 2am till 5.30am he hasn't been to bad today but still coughing
  9. It sux leaving them and I'm always with them unless I go out which is rare lol. Cousin is there now and said Sasha is fine and not very wet until dozer who is soaked haha normally the other way around
  10. Bambi92

    Husky Ears

    Welcome aboard! She is gorgeous! A lot of places in Sydney are being petitioned to stop selling animals and some have agreed to it but others have refused. The pet shop down the road from me only do adoption drives for rescues which I love! And there awesome! Puppy world has a bad rep for the condition of there animals which is so sad. Anyway back to topic I agree with everyone else leave her ears there fine and she looks super cute with floppy ears! Oh and what's her name? You didn't say
  11. Yeah I thought she would play up last night but she was good I think she slept in the garage I couldn't see her on the grass I'm crossing everything hoping they will. Next time I'm hoping they give us more then two days warning about going down there so I can get someone to either house/dog sit or get someone to come walk and play with them during the day.
  12. I don't know what else to do she only cried for about 10 mins last night then she was fine looks like she had fun in the mud though lol My cousin in laws partner said he would play with them for a bit but I can't expect much from the cousin because she is 29 weeks pregnant with twins and she is the only person I trust to feed them she had Sasha for 8 months while I was trying to find the place we are in now. They have toys and they chase each other around the yard most of the day I just hope they don't get bored and try to get out neither of then have tried I know dozer won't leave the yard but Sasha if given the chance will luckily she is to lazy to jump the fence it wouldn't be hard for her to do though even being a 6ft high fence. I've let one of our neighbors know we won't be here and told them Sasha might howl and they said they will keep an eye on her for me and they don't mind if she does howl a bit. It's just the people up the back that we don't talk to I'm thinking they won't do anything but I still don't trust them We are able to leave the house for a whole day and not get back until about 10pm with no problems so hoping it'll be like that
  13. Sasha won't let someone she doesn't know near her unless she has been around them for at least a week which I hate but at least I know she won't get stolen unless they bait her And I can't cancel for its my partners work they need us there to run the shop
  14. I decided to see what she will be like out the back tonight so far so good she has only barked at the person that was out the front. I feel bad for leaving her out there it's cold out there her poor coat and ears were cold I hope I'm doing the right thing and that she will be ok she hasn't slept outside at night in over a year
  15. The only person that would doesn't have high enough fences I've opened the garage for them there's a bed in there don't know if it'll help but it might make Sasha feel a little bit safer I know they won't get walked for a week lately they haven't been for walks much because I can't do it on my own with phoenix. I just hope they are going to be ok
  16. There goes that idea there going away in weds dammit!!!
  17. I'm just don't know if they would because his gf takes the train to work and I'm not near a station but I an 10 mins walk from a bus stop Lol
  18. I can't afford it and I don't think Sasha would handle being in a kennel environment again The only person I could ask is my other cousin in law and his girlfriend but I don't know if they will do it my lot can be a handful at the best of times Lol but Sasha loves him for some reason
  19. So we're off to Canberra tomorrow it's only 2 and a half-3 hours away but I'm scared Sasha isn't going to be ok I don't trust the people behind us as far as I could throw them and I don't know if Sasha is going to howl because she isn't use to bring out the back at night I don't want them to do anything to her because she is scared and howling she will have Dozer to keep her company and my cousin in law is coming to feed them I wish I had someone that could house sit but I don't know anyone and it's too short of notice to find someone unless Sasha and Dozer knows them Is there anything I could do to maybe help her be calm while we are gone? she hasn't been alone before not for a week the longest she has been alone is just over 24 hours with someone coming and going the next 24 hours and she hated it.
  20. Bambi92

    Get The Hint!

    Nice big bunch of flowers!
  21. Bambi92

    Get The Hint!

    Apparently where a lot of topics have gone lately Lol To the gutter
  22. Bambi92

    Get The Hint!

    Yep Lol I wouldn't know what to do if that happened haha glad I have a peep hole
  23. Bambi92

    Get The Hint!

    What would you do if he turned up in a bow tie on your doorstep Lol
  24. Bambi92

    Get The Hint!

    Haha that's something I'd do to my OH
  25. Bambi92

    Get The Hint!

    Aww man he's holding out on us haha
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