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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Some times it feels like I can only count on her when the pain gets to much :'( Went out today to a indoor playground with phoenix and now I can't move my knee without it hurting that much all I can do is cry :'( Sasha came up gave me kisses and cuddles then laid down at my legs and let me put my leg on her she has been like this for an hour now and hasn't moved. I love her so much!!!!
  2. Would you get your dogs married?a little strange

    1. Emma


      ummmm, no. but i did see a show where people married off their pigs to each other, was a bit weird, lol.

  3. That looks awesome! If only I could ride a bike haha
  4. Love watching ice hockey but never get the chance now and it's not popular here like it is in the states
  5. Isn't that a bad version of an old song I swear I have a song exactly like it sung by a guy Lol New music has to be the worst half if it isn't music it's just crap
  6. Aww that is so adorable! That's a great idea as well you can see them grow together!
  7. Oh that's a heat idea minus having to climb it lol can you teach your pup to walk up the step and jump over?
  8. I hope that's the case I haven't seen him yet but I haven't checked the food I left out I'll do that soon it's ment to storm pretty bad tonight and rain all week end hasn't rained yet though so crossing my fingers that they got it wrong again. Hope he has some where warm to sleep it's pretty cold
  9. He hasn't come back yet. I left some food out for him so maybe he will come back tomorrow hopefully he does I should of rang earlier
  10. Can someone that's good with editing photos help me please I want to edit a photo by taking out one person from behind the main pic how hard is it to do?

    1. robke


      ask Andy in pm he might be able to help

  11. True I've had lizards birds cats a dog and we have an orb spider that lives out the front Lol Some of them needed help but others just came for a visit Lol
  12. I'll go have a look and see if he's somewhere out there soon if he is I'll ring them straight away. There was a kitten stuck in the tree out the back not long ago that looks exactly like this guy but with a bit of white I'm thinking he might of been it's dad. Why do animals always come to my yard Lol
  13. So do I he seems to have gone for a walk I can't see him next door not long got home I think they might of scared him I hope he comes back or is ok.
  14. I might ring them I don't know if he's limping for some attention or if he is hurt but all he's doing is sleeping Thanks
  15. No I'm on my own oh is at work won't be home for 6 hours yet that's why I don't know if I should ring someone the closest place that would come out to him is about 20 mind away
  16. There's been a gray cat sitting out the front of my house all day normally he comes and goes but not today he has stayed laying there I went out before and he came up to me he was limping and had scratches all over his head and a few on his body normally he would run away but not this time I don't know if he wants help or what I should do I don't know who owns him if anyone does they haven't taken him to a very he's friendly and we'll fed I have him some biscuits be only ate a few of them I don't know if I should ring someone or if any one will turn up to help him if I do ring he doesn't seem to be in pain he let me touch the leg he was limping on I couldn't see anything that looked like he'd been hurt what should I do? He's not desexed either Delta hasn't realized he's there yet which isn't normal she normally smells him as soon as he comes into the yard
  17. Agree with everyone you do have to be careful with them. Sasha (husky) and delta (cat) have free roam of the house even when we are not home not saying this is a good idea they have been together for 4-5years now and the only one that's had a bit of blood drawn on them was Sasha because she got to close to delta and she whacked her on the nose. They chase each other around the house delta has advantage because Sasha won't go into two room of the house because of the vacuum and my sons bunk bed and delta knows this somehow. That's what mine are like though a lot of huskies would of hurt or possibly killed delta by now.
  18. If he was the right color he would look better Thanks
  19. Haha I wish I was that talented I made a multicolor raccoon he really doesn't look very good I need to get more colored bands
  20. Haha that's what I thought when I first looked at it. It looked so much cuter when I was watching the video on how to make it haha! I'll have to find something else to make Lee I made a flower bracelet that turned out nice but I lost it Lol hmm what to make next
  21. Oh hmm don't know of I've had that before would it be in taco seasoning?
  22. Oh i need new slippers! My 10 yr old cows are a bit holey haha those are awesome
  23. Happy gotcha day handsome! X
  24. What's cumin? I don't think I have any paprika left my little spice rack thing fell off the bench the other day and broke half of them :'(
  25. Does anyone make rissoles/meatballs there self? What do you put in them? need ideas I decided to make them and hope they stay together haha I was just going to put garlic and onion in them but that seems a bit plain Any other ideas for homemade food welcome as well need new ideas to cook over having the same old stuff!
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