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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Interesting Phoenix has his own bank account already lol we add money when we can but he won't be aloud to touch it until he's 18 at least. I sort of want to do it but from what I've looked at so far it can be anywhere in Sydney that castings would be and I don't drive yet so if there's no public transport he won't be able to get there. He loves the camera already he looks straight at it and poses lol I have heard of comps but never really looked into it might have a look at that thanks
  2. Hi all. Does anyone have a child that does modelling? Or have you done it yourself? I'm asking as we did a photo shoot with Phoenix the other day and seen the results today they are beautiful photos and the person said there company want to put phoenix's photos on there database for other companies to use (with my consent) and he'd make money out of it they also said he's very photogenic and that I should maybe look I to modelling with him but I'm not going to let them use his photo I'd rather him do modelling for a big company not anyone. If I was to put him I to it all money would go into phoenix's own bank acc and would be his money only. Would you do modelling with your child? Phoenix is only 9mths old Once I receive the photos ill post one up and show you what they think is his best photo the one they want to use
  3. Spag bowl or shepherds pie which to have for dinner

    1. Emma


      Spag Bol is quicker but shepherds pie is yummier!

    2. Bambi92


      Ended up with spag bowl lol haven't had shepherds pie in years I'll have to make it some time

  4. birthday in 5 days wonder if I'll get anything :(

    1. mydiamond


      you can bet money I'm gonna give you a virtual cake :D and a hug! x

    2. Bambi92


      Woohoo cake and a hug :D lol

  5. I can see it now you will be sitting In the chip aisle rocking back and fourth saying 'to many to choose from' lol You'll be fine your mum is just worried I'd be to if Phoenix was going to the US I'd probably pack myself in his suitcase once your mum knows you can manage on your own she will see you'll be fine. How long are you going to be in the US? Poor Dime will miss you Have fun and good luck with it all.
  6. Welcome to the pack Lacie is gorgeous
  7. Aww poor baby girl glad she's feeling better now What's pyometra? Never heard of it what causes it? There both still oh so cute Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  8. Awwww he's a very handsome little man! Love the face haha
  9. Ooo tulips are my favorite flower!!!. If this sounds like a stupid question I'm sorry lol How does the windmill control the water levels? I never understood how that work lol Looks like Storm is having a great time! Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  10. Bambi92


    Might have a look at that then at least I can't be butchered with that lol thanks Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  11. Bambi92


    Oh that's interesting does it come out looking like fake nails but on your real ones? Your lucky lol it hurts I didn't end up getting them done will have to wait until I get paid again I would of had to wait over an hour then sit there for as long as it takes I get bored easily haha Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  12. Bambi92


    I didn't know they had stickers lol I'm not one to be girly only time I've really dressed girly was for weddings haha What's shellac? I've heard of it but don't know the difference lol Last time I had them done I had acrylics and they looked really nice felt funny though my nails took a few weeks to go back to what they were normally but they haven't been the same for years I use to be able to just paint and shape my real nails and people would think they were fake haven't been able to do that for ages Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  13. Wow that dress is gorgeous! Can I steal Dime while your away lol he's so damn cute and fluffy Have fun and safe travels xx Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  14. Bambi92


    Does anyone get there nails done? What's your experiences been like? I'm thinking about having my nails done tomorrow the only thing putting me off is the last time I had them done I almost punch the so and so in the face because she cut my fingers and made them bleed and didn't care that she did. I've looked at reviews for a place close by and there all good so I'm thinking about going there and seeing if they can do paw prints. I've only had my nails done twice one was a good experience and the above the bad. What have you had done and how did they look (if you have pics please share ) Sorry for the random thread lol curious to see what the other side of the pond is like Stole a few images from Google that I like but not sure if they could do it I like the first one the most your opinion?
  15. Contemplating getting my nails done tomorrow but last time I had them done I ended up cuts all over my fingers and blood all over the place! To do or not to is the question

    1. Emma


      take a look at online reviews for salon's in your area or better yet, ask someone local (with good nails) where they got them done?

  16. Aww that's awesome! Wish all shelters could be like that.
  17. Ooo that sounds like fun lol that would entertain a drunk person for hours hahaha Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  18. Aww they don't work on the iPad will have to annoy my OH with it on his comp he he are there any others? Ones that are really annoy and will make him think he broke it haha Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  19. My licence from 5years ago I was young dumb and stupid as they say might explain the way I look lol last year using this one anyone that looked at it did the triple take on it haha And my current license I was fat and pregnant lol Sent from my Nexus 5 using Tapatalk
  20. My poor little man is so sick :( just wish he would get better instead of getting worse each day :(

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Bambi92
    3. Carly


      Well I hope he gets well soon, it's horrible when they are poorly, you feel helpless don't you. Hang in there x

    4. Bambi92


      Thanks and yep sure do feel that way nothing I've tried is helping him :( and I'm scared he will end up in hospital again :(

  21. Poor baby! I didn't know that mites did that. Glad you know what it is and can treat it hope it heals quickly x
  22. This thread is great! Lol my first license looks like I was on something funky haha new one is just scarey! Will get a pic later maybe
  23. Congrats again you both look amazing! xx
  24. Oh joy! There putting a damn airport not far from where I live! I really would like to dig a giant hole and built a house underground!!!!

    1. mishkabear


      Going to get very busy around there!! They're building a massive Chinese Theme Park in the next 10 years near me..

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