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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. The years go by so quick don't they?! Agree with everything you've said to your so good at putting things to words lol so on that note *points at Liv* "what Liv said" lol Congrats for being here so long hope there are many more years
  2. Bambi92


    Aww. Thanks lol S Now I want cake meanie lol
  3. Bambi92


    I didn't even realise that I've been here over a year. The only forum I've joined that I've stuck around and used Thanks to everyone that helps run and make this such an enjoyable place to be! Xxx
  4. Welcome to the pack Ronan is sooo cute love his colour
  5. Its starting to RAIN!! And its making it hotter Grrrrr Sent from my GT-I8530 using Tapatalk 2
  6. Fair enough there not that good anyway lol maybe it will appear one day like the last one it And they put the wrong word in all the time stupid thing
  7. I'll admit to do that a few times haha I'm not bothered by what people to be honest I couldn't care less I find it amusing lol just gets annoying knowing people are standing there judging you when they don't know anything about you.
  8. Its interesting seeing others views. The general view I get from people my age are 'how are you ment to go out and have fun' meaning go out and drink and generally be stupid I did all when I was too young to be doing it and to be honest I regret doing it because I seen something's I never ever want to see again and I don't have an interest in alcohol anymore I've had 3-4 drinks in the last 3years. In saying that the older the people that are commenting the views change to the other side of the scale and it goes to 'what about the child, is the child going to have everything it needs, are you going to do the right thing for the child'' My view was and still is in some ways if your still in school you shouldn't be having kids but at the same time its if you have a kid while still in school and you find a way to finish your schooling and take care of your child at the same time without relying on parents good on you but sadly where I live the area is known for teens having child for the money (we have a baby bonus not sure if other countries do the same we get $5000 for first child and $3000 for every child after this money is ment for getting the child what it needs) but this area they have the kids to get the money for example drugs, alcohol, tvs, ect a number of things that can't help the child in any way what so ever. There are a handful of people that do the right thing by the child and give it what it needs and more but others hang around the shops have multiple children that don't have clean clothes, look under weight and just generally don't look like the normally single mums don't look after them. There is a group that hangs around the back of the shops near me that is mainly made up of 14-18year old with multiple kids mostly single people I was asked by someone I went to school with why I wasn't in that group and I said 'because I'm not single I know nearly all of them in one way or another and to be honest I wouldn't be caught dead hanging around them even if my life depended on it because I know what there like and I would end up abusing them all for what they don't do for there kids (yes I sound extremely judgemental in saying that but I do know most of them personally and if you seen them you'd understand) I believe in doing the best for your child and making sure they have everything they need including the love and affection they need and deserve some people think my son has nothing and he should have more then he does (he has two rooms of the house now as well as his toys in the Loungeroom) we need a bigger house lol I've forgotten things in his bag a few times as well it's not hard to do when your so tired and still adjusting to having a baby I forgot his bottles and formula one day lucky we weren't far from home and could go back for it within 10mins.
  9. Does it not work on the iPad? I can't see any chat bar now I could see it before or am I blind and not looking in the right spot lol
  10. I'm curious what's it like in your country for young mums? I'm 21 and my son is 5 months old every time I go out to the shops or some where like it I get stared at and even have people make comments like 's child raising a child', 'what hope has that poor kid got being raised by her' and the best one of all 'maybe you should have kept them closed and you wouldn't have stuffed your life up like you have' my reply to her was 'we choose to have our Baby he wasn't a mistake andmy life is better now then it was before' with a few choice words in the middle What happens in your countries? Sent from my GT-I8530 using Tapatalk 2
  11. Oh I can relate except it was a female and she chose me for some reason and wanted to 'experiment' with me (still to this day I have no idea why she tried me) lol Off topic: people really annoy me when they stare at me because I'm young (do I look younger then 21?) And have a baby Grrrrr Sent from my GT-I8530 using Tapatalk 2
  12. What has happened to Miska? Haven't seen anything in ages is she ok? Sent from my GT-I8530 using Tapatalk 2
  13. Hi Sorry if this doesn't belong here tapatalk is stupid lol Does this thing tell me what notifications I have some where? I can't find it and I went on my iPad the other day to find I had 34 notifications that I didn't know about Anyone that could point me in the right direction be much appreciated xx Sent from my GT-I8530 using Tapatalk 2
  14. Has the post with finished product been posted up yet? Tapatalk isn't showing me any new topics unless I refresh a heap of times Thanks xx Sent from my GT-I8530 using Tapatalk 2
  15. I'm a bit late and by the looks of it everyone has made very good points and covered pretty much everything but I'll add a bit of my experience anyway I'll admit I didn't do my research before I saved Sasha from death row but I did know that huskies were a handful from seeing them around. Sasha at the time was either 1-2 or 3-4 years old when I got her (I was on my own with my cat) my reason for getting Sasha was 1: I suffer from depression and having a dog helps me a lot 2: when I first seen her I fell in love with her 3: she chose me from the many people that seen her over the weekend I went to see her. I don't understand why people use 'having a baby' as an excuse unless as stated the dog doesn't not like the baby I had my son 5 months ago now and yes I was scared Sasha wouldn't like him as the pound said she hated kids and I was told by a few people that I should get rid of her she is to jumpy and to stupid to be around a baby my reply to that wasn't very nice as you can imagine from someone that's been told has anger issues lol but Sasha sure proved them wrong she loves my son and to be honest I think if anyone tried to hurt him while she was near she would protect him even though she is a little scaredy cat. Over the years I've only had one dog at a time and they have all been small never owned a big dog now I have Dozer (Rottie cross Kelpie) Sasha and my OHs Maltese my cat my rabbit and fish. Sasha loves having Dozer to play with and they both have there times where they need there space Sasha let's me know by barking and standing on the window sill at the back door so she can come in for a bit or they will lay on the opposite sides of the yard. Having this many animals wasn't a plan and I often think what on earth have I gotten myself into but I wouldn't change it for the world it is hard at times and I admit the dogs don't get as much exercise as they should but they do get some and they get everything they need and more. I agree with others you would make a great mummy to another dog and you've done an awesome job with Chula she's happy and gorgeous! I hope my little story did something to help if not oh well its worth sharing lol Xx Sent from my GT-I8530 using Tapatalk 2
  16. Bambi92

    Happy News!

    Yay congratulations xxx
  17. You make such beautiful stuff may I ask what your online shop is id love to have a look if you don't mind Sent from my GT-I8530 using Tapatalk 2
  18. LOL! That's awesomehappy birthday Sarah looks like you had fun haha x Sent from my GT-I8530 using Tapatalk 2
  19. Thanks be better if I wasn't in it lol. Need a pic of you, your family and your cute little pooch lol
  20. I agree its the ears that do it lol there so big and cute just want to grab them and give her kisses and cuddles lol
  21. The only recent photo of me with Phoenix and the doggies
  22. Interesting article. I had what they said was perfect vision and within 2weeks my eyes went funny now I have to wear glasses mainly for reading need to get them checked again though. Get better soon Andy xx
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