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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Am I confused? How do we enter and is it open for non UK peoples?
  2. Naaawwwwww sooooo CUTE! Love the colour And Congrats on Ronin glad your finally getting a pup now you get to enjoy the mischievous ways of the husky lol
  3. Hi all As some will know Sasha is scared of the vets she refuses to walk in the door unless she's having a really good day, she tries to run for the door every time it opens, she will sit with her with her tail between her legs shaking and when she goes into the room to see the vet she will go to the corner and pace back and fourth watching the vets every move I feel so sorry for her she was doing so well to she would go in without a problem the vet was still a problem but she let him near her this time stuffed it all up On the way out Sasha just wanted to head for the door I had to pay for her meds she stood near my feet then seen the dog in the corner she was there with her newborn pups (which is why I'm guessing she did what she did) Sasha slowly walked towards her this dog sniffed Sasha and wagged her tail then 5secs later she went into attack mode and almost bit Sashas face her owner pushed her down to the ground and held her down around the neck which made her more angry and she went for the 2dogs coming in the door as soon as he released his grip of her neck. I didn't trust the dog so I carried Sasha out she was shaking and scared she couldn't get in the car quick enough (she doesn't like to jump in our 4wd because it's raised 4inch and she's lazy lol). I hope this hasn't scared her even more about the vet I try to avoid the vet unless she really needs to go. On her card is a *WATCH* stamp because she has biten the vet once if she needs to be examined for anything she will need to be knocked out for it so she isn't that highly stressed. The vet said its clear to him that she has been abused with the way she acts and backs into the corner. I wish there was a way to help her be less stressed at the vet without having to get her a sedative before we go (vet said she can have it if need be) does anyone else have this problem? Or is there anyway to at least calm her down at the vet? Everything I try doesn't work I've even tried treats but she isn't interested in treats unless she's at home.
  4. Oooopppppz I listened to it! Never heard of it but now I'll be singing it grrrrrr that's as bad as the crazy frog song! Hehe sharing it on Facebook just to annoy anyone that listens to it hahahaha
  5. The shops here start putting there decorations up around oct, houses there was a house around the corner that started putting there outdoor decorations mid oct but they do there house up really nice and have a Santa, wishing well, bubble machine, and a whole heap of others I'll have to get a pic of it Where my Aunty in law lives one of the people in the street use to do up half the street and the inside of there 3 story house it was absolutely amazing to look at they had thousands of visitors and had a wishing well for a charity We don't put up outside decorations can't afford the power lol we just do Xmas tree usually the 1st dec and take it down on the 1st jean have to find somewhere for it this year might have to be the kitchen table lol
  6. I missed all this damn it! Kalamity is so damn cute so is Kodiak! There so good together how are they doing now? Love her colouring send her my way? Lol If I ever make it over there I'm so going to dog nap them lol I'll bring them back
  7. Bambi92


    That's awesome!
  8. Welcome Jamie and Shadow Shadow sure is a cutie!
  9. Hi Jase. How are you? AAAAWWWWWWW! What a cutie! Can't wait to see pics as he grows up bet your excited. Xx
  10. So glad your little ones doing better its so scarey going through that thoughts are with you and your family hope she continues to improve xxx
  11. :,( RIP Diesel I'm so sorry to hear of your loss he's a beautiful boy thoughts are with you and your family. Run free big boy! Xxx
  12. Thanks everyone made me feel a bit better on my decisions when you have different people in your ear about it all plus being that tired I could probably sleep for 24hrs it does get very overwhelming and dealing with my issues pretty much on my own because I am over being judge about them there's days where I wish I could just walked away but then I look at the beautiful little boy I've had and he's worth every minute of crap I have to deal with it just sux that he gets upset when I'm upset It would be in nice she (OHs mother) would butt out of our lives but that won't happen she's one of these people that have to know what your doing 24/7 another reason I want to move states. I have a brother at times we got along others we fought like crazy but he was always there when I needed him still is I sought of want Phoenix to have that I just don't want to go through it again. As some have said Ill enjoy Phoenix for now he's my main priority I have to do what's right for him so he's happy. Thanks he loves cuddles lol
  13. Thanks for all the replies I already get told he's spoilt rotten but I don't see how when I can't afford to spoil him how I want to as my partner isn't working at the moment and I'm paying for everything. I really don't understand why people feel the need to butt into my life all the time it's always happened ever since I was a kid I must have 'feel free to butt in' written on my forehead lol. My OHs mother said to the sister in law that I wasn't looking after him properly and I shouldn't have him all because he had a little bit of fluff between his toes from his suit that he had on. My sister inlaw is awesome though she told her that he's well looked after and considering what my life is like I'm doing a damn good job of looking after him. She has just had her 5th child so my little man won't be alone and there's plenty of kids in my OHs side of the family for him to interact with. If the birth of my son wasn't so traumatic for me and him I might think about having another but because it was I don't want to put myself or another child through what we went through I still think about what they did to me and Phoenix and I end up crying and wishing it didn't happen I could have beat the crap out of the dr for what they did to Phoenix and if I had another and the same thing happened I probably would hurt them for it. Does my little man really look like he's not looked after properly? Considering I didn't think I'd be a good mother at the end of my pregnancy I must be doing something right if he smiles and giggles at me every time I look at him
  14. Hi all. Random question and reason for asking. -Are you an only child? If you are what was it like for you growing up with no siblings? - did you want other siblings then or wish you had them now that your older? For those with kids - how many do you have? - would you have only one child for any reason? And for anyone - what's your opinion on someone only having one child opposed to those with multiple children? Reason for asking: I have a son who's now 3months old I never wanted children in the first place as I was told I'd never have kids but was talking to my partner about it and decided to bite the bullet and we choose to have a baby I wouldn't change it for the world I love him and he's my world. While I was pregnant I was asked on multiple occasions if I was going to have another child and when I said I don't know I only really want one I got told it was unfair on the child not to have siblings and that I would be a bad mother for it (I was told that by an older female that I'd never met before and I politely told her to jump off a bridge and don't tell me I will be a bad mother when she doesn't know me). Now that I've had him its not that I don't want him to have a brother or sister it's the fact that I'm scared shitless (sorry if I can't say that) of the birth because of what happened with my son which I still have problems from and no one understands that I'm being hounded by my partners mother to have another one because it's not fair for my son not to have a brother or sister she's gone to the extent of trying to guilt trip me into it which isn't working. I'm constantly being judged for not wanting to have another child it's getting that bad that in 6months I'm moving states to get away from it all. It makes me want to cry every time someone asks me because they make me feel bad for being scared to have another baby I know every pregnancy and birth is different but with the damage they caused doing what they did to me I don't want to try again because it will make it worse What do I say to these people that ask when all that goes through my head when they ask is -don't cry and -I just want to tell them to mind there own business in not so nice terms how do I tell them to bugger off and leave me alone without being rude? Thanks in advance for listening/reading my half a rant and for any advise and answers to the questions
  15. Hey guys sorry didnt reply earlier. I hope she will do it at home fingers crossed going to see how much money I have left next week and start buying stuff to make things can't afford to buy the equipment its expensive! Were all good now little man is getting heaps big now it goes by so fast he's already 3months old and at last weigh in 2weeks ago was 7.3kgs (not sure what that is for everyone else) he's learning soo much so quickly too its crazy!. How are you guys doing? Xx
  16. Link is sooo darn puuuurrrrttyyy! Lol love how he sits in the car! Wish Sasha was that good at the vet.
  17. I wish I got the video of her doing it once I work out which way I'm going to go ill get pics and a few vids I'd have to start really small the course she did was for small dogs but she had fun doing it. The rescue centres I know of here don't have agility courses. Sasha hates brooms runs with her tail between her legs as soon as she sees one We took her to Paws In The Park the weekend before last and they had a fly ball comp on wouldn't mind trying that with her but I don't think she would do it she watched them while the dogs were doing it she gets distracted easily though.
  18. Hi all how are we? AS The title says I'm so proud of my baby girl and am now going to invest in some agility equipment. We went to a pet festival on the weekend and for a small donation to the rescue group Sasha could try the little agility course that was there they had ham and chicken as the treats for doing it but Sasha did it all except the tunnel for no treats just a good girl and a big pat at the end I really didn't think she would do it all let alone without wanting a treat afterwards. Sasha even did the see saw thing she hates things that move yet she did I'm so damn proud of her I gave her the biggest cuddles when she did it and she loved it that much she wanted to do it again I'm going to either buy or build an agility course for her and the bonus is I'll get exercise out of it as well haha Any suggestions on what to start with would I be better off buying it or building something? Does any one do agility with there dogs? If so what do you do and where did you start? Thanks for any help in advance:)
  19. Love your dress congrats to you both x Loki looks so cute
  20. Bambi92

    Nsw Fires :(

    A few people had to be reminded of that by the police here. If it comes to it the only things I'll be getting is my animals and a few of my sons things that are all close to the front door. It's not worth risking your life or the life of anyone else. Its hot but raining today hopefully the rain helps not likely though They have joined the two main fires together hopefully that doesn't make it worse for tomorrow ment to have really bad weather tomorrow. Not likening all the smoke around not doing my son any good poor little man
  21. Bambi92

    Nsw Fires :(

    Thanks We should be ok where we are but we do have bush land across the road. The worst part is one of the fires was started by 3teens one was just 11 years old makes you wonder what makes them do it Weds is ment to have bad winds and ment to be hot hopefully there wrong that's the last thing this fire needs. There's still 63 fires burning and 17 out of control fingers crossed the poor fire fighters can get them under control.
  22. Bambi92

    Nsw Fires :(

    Hi all haven't been on for a while. Not sure if anyone has shared this or not. This started on Thursday 17oct with almost 3000 fire fighters called in to help with over 100 fires across the state. At 10.30am there were 56 bush fires burning throughout New South Wales (Sydney) 12 of which are uncontained and two of which are 5kms apart and they think may merge with each other in the Blue Mountains. These fires have already caused upto $94 million in damages with hundreds of people that have lost everything and the total is still climbing. The weather is not helping in anyway its 36degrees today and ment to be worse over the next 2 days with wind. I'm not religious in anyway but the hundreds if not thousands of people and the fire fighters need all the thoughts and prayers possible. Looking out my back window at the moment and all I can see is smoke and I'm 40mins away from the worst fire if it merges with the other fire it could well possibly reach down where I am. I did my small part to help the people and donated money I'll be doing my part to help the animals as well by donating some money to there appeal as well. I haven't got much but it all helps there all going to need it no matter how small the donations are. There are now low life scum looting these poor peoples homes. And two 12 and 13 year old girls were caught lighting a fire about 15mins from my place. You really would think that with all this going on people wouldn't be so stupid and careless. Please keep the thousands of people and fire fighters in your thoughts and prayers. Here are a few photos of what it was like yesterday around different areas from the Blue Mountains fire The first 2 are taken from my kitchen window two days ago. These are from yesterday just a few from a news website I hope you don't mind me sharing and sorry if I put it in the wrong section.
  23. I had a proper look last night and she has licked the part where she had the scratch till its almost bleeding. The only problem is she won't let the vet anywhere near her unless my partner holds her head so she can't bite the vet even then there's only two out of 5 vets that will touch her and neither of them are on this weekend ill be taking her back during the week anyway for her leg I have to check it again soon her chin has started to go red again she's not scratching it much yet that's an allergy to something. I can't work put where she got the scratch from it doesn't look like dozers claw the only thing I can think of is she's been near the bush in the corner with big thorns on it if that had something on it that could have done it couldn't it? Ill take her when her vet is on saves the trouble of seeing a vet that's scared of her or won't touch her she must be pretty bad for that lol
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