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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Last week I notice Sasha had what looked like a purple bruise on her belly with a long scratch in the middle of it. She keeps licking it and if I go near her belly or her hips she bites me like she's in pain I took her to the vet he said she could of hurt herself playing with Dozer or she could have the start of Arthritis but he didnt say anything about her belly its not purple now but it looks like its spreading across her belly. I have a photo but its not very good she would lift her leg long enough for me to get a proper photo you can sort of see the difference in colour. Should I be worried about it?
  2. Thanks He's home now they didnt want him picking up anything else at the hospital so they sent him home and told me to keep a close eye on him I thought we would end up back there last night he had a temperature last night but once I gave him some water and cooled him down a bit he slept it off thankfully. I'm still sick as a dog I'm hoping things will start getting better now that the warm (bloody hot some days lol) weather is here fingers crossed it does I really don't know how much I can handle. So far I've only lost control of all my emotions twice which is a big suprise I guess I'm stronger then I think
  3. Another post about hospital. Phoenix is in hospital again with bronculitis my poor little man cant win hes only 4wks and 3days old and this is his 3rd hospital visit to make things worse i have bronc aswell and cant get rid of it this crap is never ending and is so damn stressful i cant stop thinking about what the dr said last time he was in. I need to think positive but its so hard to do. Fingers crossed he gets better soon and doesnt come back to hospital a week after being released. Update on Sasha: she has either hurt her leg playing or she has the start of arthritis hope she has just hurt it though. She peed herself and didnt realise and i went to touch her leg and she bit me a few times didnt hurt me she cuddled up to me as if to say sorry and looked at me like she wanted me to help her. The vet said she might have peed herself because she was to sore to get up. Everything just gets so eventful when there near me everything i touch or go near seems to go wrong in one way or another :-(
  4. Aawwww Kalamity is soooo cute her paws look huge lol glad to hear Kodiak likes hee :-)
  5. Aww cute sasha use to do that until i got her a big bucket and put all her toys in it now she steals her own toys lol
  6. Aww great pics Chula is so darn cute!
  7. Bambi92


    Love the first pic! They look so happy to be running around free!
  8. Bambi92

    Hospital :-(

    Phoenix came home on Sunday afternoon he was happy to be home he settled really well that night Now I'm sick and hoping to heck I don't give it to Phoenix poor baby has been in hospital for 2weeks of his short 3weeks of being born My little man is getting so big now in the first week he grew 3.5cm and put on 600grams, weighed him when he went into hospital this time he was 5.1kgs, weighed him the day before he came home he was 5.310kgs I thought he would of lost weight considering he wasn't allowed to eat for 3days. Little pic of my little man in his favourite position sorry its a bit blurry And one of me and Phoenix poor thing didnt want his photo taken lol Hopefully we will be able to do his professional photos soon will have to rethink the way we want the photos done though he's to long for some of the photos I wanted haha
  9. Yay finally home feels so good to be home :)

  10. Bambi92

    Hospital :-(

    Thanks all Phoenix is hopefully going home today poor little man has only been home for a week and hes only 3weeks old on monday :-( i hope he doesnt end up in here again any time soon. As for the dr my mum and aunty are writing a complaint about him aswell as the way they treated me in birth i know if we choose to have another baby i wont be coming here the nurses are great just the drs that are so and so's. One thing funny happened here yesterday though my little man decided to pee on everything i had here for him and i had to ask the nurse for an outfit she came back with a pink fairy one :-( haha poor little thing must have known it was pink he cried half the time he was in it lol I took a pic of it but i wont shame him.just yet thatll be for his 18th haha
  11. Bambi92

    Hospital :-(

    Hi all hows everyone doing? As you may have noticed i havent been around for bit spent a week at home with my little man and now hes back in hospital been here since sunday night poor little man has bronculitis and adno virus (viral) hes been on oxygen since he came here but hes slowly getting better hes gone from being on high flow oxygen to being on normal and hes almost off it :-) Its been so hard to see him like this but now i get to cuddle him.when ever i want after not being able to hold him for more then 5mins every few hours since he was admitted i cant wait to take him.home! On a side note the dr that he is under has been rather rude and went to the extent of saying to a nurse as he walked out of the room "i didnt think he was going to make it through this" if i didnt have Phoenix in my arms i would of smacked him one up side the head. Why would you say something like that within hearing distance to someone thats already stressed, scared and depressed. He said today that he didnt think Phoenix would be off high flow oxygen this early. Thats been my eventful week that isnt over yet how has everyone elses week been?
  12. Well we are finally home Brought Phoenix home on fri around lunch time only for me to end up back in hospital at 1.30am in servere pain they couldn't work out what it was but I felt a lot better last night after who knows how many pain killers and a bunch of antibiotics they wanted me to stay but I didnt I wanted to be home with my baby. Thank you all I'm so happy now its only been 6 days but he really has done the world of good for me All Sasha wants to do is sniff his feet wag her tail and try to give him kisses I'm so suprised about how she is she's being sooooo good! Will put a few pics up when I have the time
  13. I got mum to take a few things home and let her smell them she was sort of interested hopefully she will be ok when we go home :-) We are hopefully going home tomorrow if his blood tests come back clear we get to take our big boy home :-) im happy but worried at the same time but they think hes good now :-) Cant wait to be home might actually get some sleep lol
  14. Thank you were crossing everything in hope we can take him home in two days if not itll be 5days :-( depends on if he has an infection or not. Poor sasha doesnt know whats going on everyone other then me has been home and i havent been she keeps looking for me :-( i miss her so much to
  15. Thanks everyone :-) Hes still in nicu hes now got breathing problems and they think hes got an infection. If the birthwasnt hard enough i have to deal with thia :-(
  16. Phoenix Lee Our big bundle of joy finally decided to arrive last night st 12.42 and weighed in at 9lbs 8ozs. Need less to say it was a long and painful birth they had to cut me and suction him out which they shouldnt have done he got stuck at the shoulders because of it i should have had a c-section he is now in intensive care as a precaution to make sure nothing else other then his huge lump and missing skin on his head are wrong he had two xrays done today hopefully he will be fine :-)
  17. Wow there expensive! Very cute though lol
  18. Bambi92

    Paige Charis

    Aww beat me to it haha congrats! Paige is definitely a cutie!
  19. That's awesome haha I want one too I'd wear it all the time though haha
  20. Haha it feels like it sometimes! I think he might be working out that maybe he's been in the oven long enough starting to get pains hopefully he will come on his own I really don't feel like being induced I'd like to be able to get up and move but if I'm induced I can't
  21. I would have joined you but I wouldn't have a clue what time that is with the time differences lol
  22. Bambi92

    I'm Back

    Looks pretty! I've always wanted to go to London supposedly have long lost family there would be interesting to see what it's like considering I have English/British (not sure which to call it lol) background Welcome back!
  23. Bambi92


    Hope your ok and everything works out for you xx
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