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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Nope no baby yet damn child doesn't want to know what the outside world is like lol maybe he thinks he's a fish hmm haha
  2. Still waiting grrrrrr

  3. Interesting way of doing it lol I love scarey movies so that won't work haha I've been told about the raspberry leaf stuff haven't tried it though couldn't find it in our local shops. I'm hoping I'm not in hospital for long don't want to leave Sasha alone for that long lol pretty sad when I'm more worried about my dog then giving birth haha
  4. Poor thing that looks sore Around his lip looks sort of like what my girl gets but not as bad as and that's a reaction to a plant. But from what my vet said when I asked them about it, it looks a lot like what he described they also said they normally have it from early age and they show signs of it then. Sorry I can't help hope you get it sorted soon x
  5. Looks like Link had fun! I can't get over his facial expressions!! I love it he's such a cute goof ball
  6. Haha sleep? What's sleep lol I get maybe 2-3hours sleep a night Thanks
  7. Sasha is starting to become more protective or possessive of food, toys (even if there not hers), she's getting more jealous when ever I or someone plays with Dozer. She has always been a bit jealous of any other animal but never like she is now. Example: mum and I were throwing the ball with Dozer and Sasha was sitting with us getting pats then she jumped down of the step and bit his back and pulled he sort of yelped and swung his head around to her then barked in her face the way she does it isn't like she's being aggressive its more the play with me not them thing if he ignores her and keeps playing with us she takes his ball off him and walks off with it and tries to hide it (not very well mind you but she tries lol). I'm worried that she might hurt him or end up in a fight while we aren't home on Monday (we have to leave for the hospital at 5.30am and no one will be back until the afternoon Sasha, Missy and Dozer will all be out the back). Example of the food: Dozer had some kibble left in his bowl and Sasha was eating it Dozer doesn't mind if she eats them but he wanted his kibble back this time and tried to share like they have done before but she growled at him and went to bite his face this time she was being aggressive. Sasha also growls at people if they just walk passed her while eating and picks what ever food she has up and runs off with it while giving us a look like she's going to eat us instead of the food. She use to do this when I first got her but I got her out of it now she's starting again and I can't work out why unless it has something to do with Missy going near her food bowls but I'm not sure. What can I try? There all fed separately and they don't get go near the bowls until everyone is finished (Sasha is fed in the kitchen, Missy in the laundry and Dozer out the back) unless my OH let's Missy out or let's them out the back to go potty and Dozer hasn't finished all his kibble. There won't be any food out the back on Monday because I know Sasha will start a fight and I don't want to come home to Dozer being hurt or worse. But I'm still scared that she won't understand why she's out the back while no one is near she is always inside when no one is home she gets anxious when she is outside and we are out the front even if she can see us through the fence what can I do to help her? Sasha is fine when she is inside with us (Missy and Delta are Inside as well) she chases them every now and then but its in a playful way Missy doesn't see it that way and goes to bite her throat while jumping in the air but I can understand why she does it Sasha is a giant to her. Any advise is much appreciated I'm at a loss as to what I can do in such a short time space I'd leave her inside but she will be in for over 10hours and that's way to long for her to be in on her own and not be able to go out to potty.
  8. Haha that's cute! Sasha does the same thing to glasses when milk has been in them
  9. Congrats Think I might be convinced of that soon to haha We're having professional photos done not long after he's born going to have Sasha in a few if she will allow it I'm hoping she does I will share them if she allows it haha Thanks everyone hoping it'll be over quickly knowing my luck it won't be haha
  10. Hahaah technically she isn't white she has brown on her as well
  11. If he doesn't before Sunday I get the exciting part of being induced lol really not looking forward to that part It is and it isn't tiring depends if I get more then 2 hours sleep or not lol
  12. I'm getting so frustrated and annoyed I need to rant haha and share. As some may know I'm pregnant I'm now 5days overdue and he is showing no signs of wanting to grace us with his presence I feel massive and look it too. Must be pretty bad when someone was staring at my belly and walked out in front of a car today (she didnt get hit or anything lucky the car was paying attention) lol I go out to the shops and people stare its getting so annoying I don't like being looked at let alone being stared at Really wish he would grace us already! Anyway that's my little rant here is a pic of me and my huge belly (don't mind the look on my face I'm over being pregnant lol) and a pic of our little chubster that wasn't impressed about the ultrasound haha
  13. Well that wasnt what I wanted to hear :( over due and he still doesn't want to come out :(

  14. Looks really nice and that's coming from one that hates white and only owns one white thing and that's our bed haha
  15. Aww poor thing lol. I'm sure there meeting will go well when the time comes I love seeing big dogs play with little puppies lol its soo cute.
  16. Aww such happy doggies! There cuties
  17. Aww she's soooo pretty! And Kodiak is as cute as ever lol Has Kodiak met Kalamity yet? Or is she still to young?
  18. Crossing everything hoping for some good news at the hospital today

  19. Bambi92

    My New Floors

    Looks great! Wish we owned the house were in now I'd get rid of the carpet. The whole house is tiled except for Loungeroom and bedrooms really don't see the point in carpet its a pain in the butt to keep clean
  20. Bambi92

    The Boys.

    Aww there adorable!
  21. Great pics! I can't get over the expressions huskies make haha I love it!
  22. Oh no! I must have one broken husky. Sasha doesn't destroy things unless its junk mail or food lol she doesn't even destroy her toys except her squeaky duck she chewed its leg off lol
  23. Eeww lol looks proud to have poop all over the place haha Sleeping while having a bath? I wish Sasha would do that haha
  24. Aww too cute! If the dogs tail went any faster it would of taken off haha
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