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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Welcome Mya is beautiful. I can't give much advice on crating as my girl isn't crated at all. The shock collars are banned over here (Australia) as far as i know(correct me if I'm wrong if your from aust) and i personally think its cruel to use one on a dog for any reason there are nicer ways to help the dog or train the dog to stop doing something its not ment to. There's a lot of helpful people on here that will chime in soon I'm sure and help you out with what to try sorry I'm not much help and good luck with it
  2. Bambi92


    Hahaha love it! What will you do if they answer you? Lol We use to have a budgie that would answer the phone while it was still ringing lol if we didnt know the number our bird got to answer he'd say 'hello' very clearly they start talking then he'd say 'no don't want' haha took us ages to teach him that. Now I either don't answer or I let them ramble on then hang up or say not interested I do it to people that come to the door as well they get really annoyed because I waste there time haha
  3. Just over a week left really wish he would show his little face already

  4. Poor Sasha is scratching her snout really badly again. And she's biting her back leg and tail which she doesn't usually do she doesn't have fleas and I can't see anything there. She has what looks like a roundish little lump of skin that had two black dots on top of it I thought it was a bit of dirt but it wasn't and it started to bleed a bit. I tried to take a photo of it but it wouldn't work. As far as I can work out it was the plant that was in a pot at our back fence that was irritating her we removed most of it some of it is still there ill have to dig it all up when it stops raining I'm talking her to the vet again to have her needle but it can't be good for her to have it every month can it? Is there anything other then removing all of the plant that I can do? I hate seeing her like this she didnt eat her dinner last night and has only had a little bit of kibble today not sure if its related or she's just being fussy again though.
  5. Naw ADORABLE! People do that all the time to Sasha it sux though I can't have people just walk up and say hello to her because she's not sure of people
  6. Bambi92

    New Pet

    Are they a breed of mouse? They look like the field mice we have around here lol there cute
  7. Sasha is like that too but I don't drink wine so she's out of lucky lol she's an angry drunk though she got to my dads exes wine and drank half the glass (I wasn't at home at the time it happened need less to say I wasn't impressed when I got home) I come home to her growling and wanting to bite me her eyes were all over the place and almost black I had to put her in my room on my bed and make her sleep took a few hours for her to be herself again
  8. Welcome back! I remember seeing the story on the news made me cry and so angry that someone can be so heartless to do that. I hope you get her back fingers and paws crossed here x Sorry to hear about your fur baby Your fur baby and non fur baby are gorgeous
  9. Oh wow I didn't think they were like that lol I thought my cat was crazy with her chasing the dogs and doing back flips on the walls haha poor christmas tree what did it do to the kitties to deserve that haha
  10. Has 2 weeks and 4 days left hmm please hurry up!

  11. Really did get the wrong impression from the title haha Sasha normally is very unlady like unless its cold then she curls up in a ball
  12. I wouldn't be able to consatrate long enough to do that I try and constantrate on things and random songs pop in my head haha I'd love to try it one day though sounds interesting. Sounds similar to something I read in a book one day but the book wasnt about that it was an odd book and didnt really make sense to me but I couldn't put it down lol Thanks for the info on it, its very interesting
  13. $400 that's a lot lol but I guess it'd be worth it with everything they do it'd be amazing to see.
  14. That's pretty cool. Its amazing that being 9 years old Dakota has a new lease to life so to speak and enjoys doing it Thanks for the info about it.
  15. That's pretty awesome to do that I'd love to try it with Sasha but wouldn't have a clue if people do it here wouldn't know where to start looking either lol how do you learn to do it? Is it something to do with being able to shut out the world in a way and focus all your energy on the animal? Things like that fascinate me
  16. Sure why not haha I also forgot to mention I want Sasha to be our ring bearer but OH said no but ill talk him into it That group is awesome! When I was in school we had a group like that come out and show us what they use to do and we got to try on some of the armour some of that stuff is so heavy don't know how they do jousting in it lol
  17. Nope what is that? Lol That has to be one of the most interesting things I've seen in a while I've always wondered how that works.
  18. Thank you I just feel like I haven't done enough because I can't find him a home I know I've done almost all I can but it doesn't feel like enough. What's going to make it worse is Sasha and him are best friends and Sasha doesn't like being away from him she searched the back yard for hours when he wasn't here for a day I hope he can take his two favourite toys with him atleast if I can take him to Renbury farm I don't want him to think I've just dumped him there like his previous owners did here sounds a bit silly but they have feelings too. I hope he finds his furever home and isn't there long though although he would make everyone fall in love with him as soon as they see him with his big goofy smile.
  19. Now your teasing lol we have a collection of swords, daggers and other weapons but I'd love to add those to the collection but I imagine that it wouldn't be very cheap to do so? Only bad part about it is its going to cost a lot to do but it'd be all worth it if it worked out in the end should start saving haha donations to crazy wedding fund welcome hahaha
  20. Does it hurt them in any way? How far do they pull the cart thing? It's amazing how much weight they can pull
  21. That's a bit better then being crazy I think haha
  22. I keep being told I'm crazy, stupid, strange and a number of other things because: I want to have a Medieval/Renaissance Themed Wedding won't happen any time soon but its what I want. Lol I want it complete with a Jousting Team, weapons, clothing, some of the foods from back then and the guests have to be dressed in the clothes from then as well or of renaissance theme. My OH said I can have that as long as he gets to be Ezio from Assassins Creed complete with whole costume including his weapons I agreed because its of Renaissance type which goes with the theme in a way. I admit I love Ezio's costume I'd wear if I could pull it off haha I'm not as crazy or strange as everyone thinks am I? Lol I'm not the type of person do things the way most people would I don't like being the same as everyone else I've always been the odd one out. Would you have a themed wedding or did you have a themed wedding? If so what would/was it be? If I couldn't have a Medieval theme I wanted Lord of the Rings.
  23. Eeww beer lol 630 bottles of beer on the wall .........630 bottles of bbbbbbbeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrr take one down, pass it around, have a swig and fall on the ground!!! 629 bottles of beer on the wall
  24. I love that movie haven't seen it in ages though
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