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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Wow that's amazing beautiful place to. I love history and medieval things. It's so interesting how much the world has changed over the years and what we now take for granted they never had anything like it.
  2. Bambi92


    You have otters running around the streets over there? That's cool lol I love otters
  3. Wow that's a lot of weight for a dog to pull I couldnt do that to a dog even if they were built/trained to do it safely.
  4. I've done the Facebook thing all over nsw and qld but nothing I'm sort of iffy about using gumtree and that as he's not desexed and I really do t want him going to someone that's going to breed him and then throw him on the street. I've had several people come upto me when walking him and say 'do you breed him' when I say no they say 'why not you know you'd get a lot of money out of him if you did' I could of slapped them all silly but instead I was rude and said 'because I'm clearly not like you' lol oops. I tried the real estate again but they don't care I even said can he stay until I can find him a home and they said no our property manager seemed a bit frustrated at the fact that the owner said no to that I'd even be willing to pay for half the cost of sending him interstate if I could find someone there. I'm being told to take him to the pound where I got Sasha but knowing how they were with Sasha and me when I got her they didnt ask questions about where she'd be living what I was like or anything they just wanted her out of there and they didnt know much about her everything they said was bull except for she's fussy with food. But Renbury Farm which isn't far from me do all the vet checks, temperament tests and all that and hold them over there times if they have the space and they are a lovely bunch of people that are there so I'm thinking I should try them I might go visit them on sat and see what they say its easier to explain the situation in person then on the phone. Do you think I should try them? My dr has told me I need to stop all the stress or I may cause myself problems which I already have and I may have my baby early which wouldn't matter now anyway. I'm use to be under a heap of stress but its never affected me the way it is now But there is a bit of good news my OH found a job not earning as much as he was but he was offered another job who really want him so hopefully they will offer more money.
  5. Hi and welcome Loki is so darn cute! Love the first pic they find the strangest positions comfy lol
  6. I've had dreams that have come true kind of freaky when I think I've been in the situation before and then realise it was a dream I had a week before happens a lot normally bad things though Seeing your science related posts how do you explain objects being thrown across a room at you while no one is in the house with you? I've had that happen twice and when I was younger I had toys all around my room on shelves and I had them set out to be smallest to largest yet when I woke up some mornings they had moved only ever happened in one house though. I still have all the same toys except for a few big ones but there in boxes lol
  7. I've seen one husky do it but I think it was part mal. They do the scooter races here to but yeah I won't do it lol
  8. Aww too cute! Sasha does that but she woos really softly until someone pays attention then she goes crazy lol
  9. Omg that's priceless I love the face!
  10. Good luck with it all hope everything works out Mishka will love all that room to run around in
  11. Ooooo top gear..... I love that show pitty the Aussie version was so crap though haha
  12. Well my OHs cousin can't take him her real estate won't allow her to have another dog now I have to choose between AWL or a pound:( no rescue groups I've contacted can take him in back to the stressful part of working out which way is better to go this is so sad and hard to deal with I really wish I didnt have to make this choice
  13. Wow some very interesting opinions I believe that there is something else there including aliens as mentioned but also believe some things can be explained through science or other measures I like watching the ghost hunter shows on tv there interesting even though I think most of its made up and cameras and different lighting techniques are used as well as sound. That is rather interesting I'd love to know how to do that I've always wanted to know about the thoughts and stuff of one of my previous dogs and Sasha it would be a bit freaky though specially if you don't know the person lol I'd think you've been stalking me haha I've had someone come upto me and say something that happened in my past yet no one knew about it except for those that were there and this person was from another country and younger then me so couldn't have been there it freaked me right out lol ill admit I ran away from this person pale and screaming haha
  14. There's no way I'd put Sasha in it. She's to lazy even if I wanted to do something like that with her lol It was run by the states malamute club they have a lot of weight pull events throughout winter I'm not sure what they pull though they have different classes from what I can gather some just pull there owners on scooters and it goes up from there I think. I wouldn't be game enough to connect Sasha to a scooter and let her pull me lol she has a bad habit of randomly running off to the side I'd end up flat on my face or in a pole or fence haha
  15. Aww Ares is a cutie Your sister (I think you said in a different post sorry if I'm wrong) is doing way better then I did on the rollerblades haha
  16. Ghosts? I've always been amazed in the 'paranormal' and I do believe in ghosts. I have a photo on one of my hard drives that sort of scared me when I looked at it after a night out. We were on the train around 12-1am one night taking random photos I was sitting in front of a window when my friend took a photo of me when I looked at it later I noticed in the window a figure I zoomed in a bit and it was a little boy with his hands on the window sill with his head in his hands I've had this happen a few times and can't explain it the train was moving and this figure was blurred it was clear as day there was no one in the carriage with us so I can't work it out. Any ideas? I also believe dogs can sense paranormal things as well. It got me thinking one day when we moved into one of our previous houses as soon as Sasha went near the house she acted completely different and at times she would stare and bark at the back fence no one was there and she did it around the same time everyday so I did a little research of the area and found out a father murdered his mother and daughter (I think it was) and then killed himself in the house behind us I always felt like something was wrong from the very first time I went there. Me being me I went to the property behind us just to see what it was like I was speaking to the people that live there and they said every time Sasha was barking she seen two black figures running towards the front door (not sure if it was true but she seemed like she was telling the truth). Have you had any experiences of paranormal things? Do you believe in ghosts? Why/why not?
  17. Haha that's cute in a creepy way. Sasha does that to one spot up the hallway sort of like she's looking at someone but no ones there.
  18. So annoyed there's a weight pull training day on tomorrow not even 5mins (drive) from my house and I can't take Sasha to have a look at what they do. I could walk there but walking Sasha across a busy main road with cars/trucks doing more than 80km/h isn't such a good idea being that I can't run at this present time and its been raining non stop for over a week now really wish I had my licence (I've had my learners permit for 5years now just haven't gone and done the next test haha) Grrrrrrrrrrrrr Does anyone do weight pull? Or been to an event where they do it? And what's your opinion on it good or bad for the dog?
  19. Nice. I have a treadmill used it once and now its for the dogs when I can teach Sasha that its ok to go on it have a home gym thing too never used it though hahA
  20. Aww there gorgeous! I hope my girl is like that when my son is born love seeing them be so good with kids
  21. Haha dam big cars last time I cleaned my ford it took me 6 hours and that was just the outside and vacuuming it haven't cleaned the 4wd yet it'll be fun though haha
  22. Pretty and shiny. Feel like coming to clean my two? Lol one has bat poop on it which is starting to crack the paint and the 4wd is muddy and I can't reach the roof unless I stand on the side steps which doesn't work when the doors closed haha
  23. Ok then thank you ill get her some tomorrow. At this present time she is trying to kill me with her stinky bum lol
  24. An update: OHs cousin hasn't heard from her real estate yet I'm hoping she hears from them before Sunday I don't think I'd push having him here longer then the weekend. But I don't know The real estate never turned up to do the inspection thy cancelled it and never bothered ringing to say so I was so annoyed!
  25. Naaaawww there sooooo darn cute! We went to a bird farm and they had Indian palm squirrels I wanted to take them home there so cute
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