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Everything posted by Bambi92

  1. Ouch! That looks painful hope it heals quickly x I haven't been bitten by my dogs that bad only little nips but I did have a dog bite my face that hurt enough
  2. Aww she's gorgeous and so fluffy!
  3. Wow that's awesome. Wonder how long it took to train her to follow like that Sasha would be gone as soon as the lead come off lol That guy is crazy for riding a bike like that haha that's crazy
  4. Dammit we had some carpet in our garage that we got rid of a month ago wish I thought of that earlier it would of been just enough to cover the floor to I need to sit and think about what I can use things for before I get rid of it lol
  5. Prison is too good for these 'things' not sure what the UK prisons are like but if there anything like ours they get everything for free they get to live out there lives getting everything they don't deserve I think torture should come into it (if I'm not aloud to say that here ill say sorry now and please remove if you wish) that's my opinion anyway
  6. I seen this on our news page on Facebook but it was a video of a lady confronting one of the men. I can't say what people like this deserve they should go back to there own country if they are going to do 'stuff' like this. Makes me angry and want to say not very nice things
  7. Haha yeah right he won't do anything unless I get annoyed at him or it has something to do with a ps3 controller lol Ill have to look around and see what there is. And what I can get my hands on
  8. Didnt think of gyprock. We know a gyprocker he might come in handy if we do it that way. Isn't it classed as stealing if you take it from a building site though? Newspaper would be the cheaper option I'd have to check if the roof leaks though or if its just rain coming in through the opening. I can't touch the insulation things because I have an really bad reaction to it for some reason so that's sort of out of the question unless I'm not going to be near it until its completely covered which if I don't do the kennel myself it won't get done I've been asking my OH for months to help me figure out a way to make it better for him and I ended up here asking you guys for advice lol Thanks for all the ideas and advice
  9. Thanks for that that's a great idea. Not sure if he would chew it he chews up some things but not others and if he did chew that up wouldn't it make him sick? I think that sort of stuff is expensive here ill have to look in to it
  10. We have a tarp that I was going to put up not sure how to attach it so he doesn't pull it down and rip it I'm not very builder like lol until I have the money to get another piece of board to put across the front ill put the tarp up see if it does anything and then go from there. We don't have much money so ill have to think of things that don't cost a lot to do. Sasha is the same she hates confined spaces but I think that's got something to do with her past though.
  11. He had one of them originally but he never went in it he preferred the big one I tried to get him to go in with treats and toys but he wouldn't go in he'd only sniff near the opening This is the house sort of kennel thing And that's his bed at the moment he's always on it I want to cover the front of it so its not as open we built this in summer and were going to add the front but never got around to it if we put a front on it with a door big enough for him to fit through it should be warmer I'm not sure if he will go in it then its pretty warm in there if there's no wind but if there's a bit of wind it gets cold and the last couple of nights its been getting to around 9degrees cel its even cold inside the house.
  12. He has a big kennel we built Sasha but she never uses it so Dozer does I can fit in it standing lol it's not that he has no shelter he has plenty he's an outside dog always has been but I don't like seeing him cold didnt think of the hay or stuff like that. I was going to buy him another bed but haven't had the money due to having to buy everything for the baby. The kennel is open at the front though so I was thinking about enclosing the front so its not as cold ill take a pic of his kennel soon and show you what I mean. I've tried towels he does the same thing except he tries to play tug-o-war with them lol ill try the hay I have some here for my rabbit if I put the hay in like an old pillow case or something will that still work? I don't want hay all over he backyard our yard is pretty big. He likes to lay on a towel inside but not outside he tries to bring my pillows out of our bedroom into the lounge room the few times he's come in. If I give him a pillow and he rips it up he could get the stuffing stuck in his tummy if he swallows it couldn't he? I was thinking about getting him one of those heated beds the rspca have them but like you said the safety part of it would be an issue but I'm not sure how they heat up I'd have to look into it some more.
  13. We take all the dogs to Pet Barn for there bathes just haven't had the money to take Dozer yet he stinks two days after having a bath though he needs some doggy deodorant or something haha For the peeing inside he will come in go straight into the lounge room and lay down but will get up a few mins later and sniff around like he's going to mark his territory.
  14. It's been really cold at night and its been cold during the day a bit and the poor bugger is outside shaking because he's cold I put some blankets on his bed in the kennel he has but he keeps pulling them out and putting them on the grass then the blankets get cold and he won't lay on them. I tried to put a coat on him that I had for Sasha but he doesn't want to wear it. What else could I try for him? I would bring him inside but he's really stinky at the moment because he needs a bath and I'm not sure if he will pee in the house if he's left alone for anymore then 5mins he's not desexed yet once we have him signed over we will be getting him done. I was going to put him in the laundry at night but its way to small for his big bum to fit without hitting the washing machine and dryer every time he moves and I don't have anywhere else for him to sleep. I think he might be starting to have problems with his hips as well when ever its cold or he's been laying down for long periods of time he limps he still runs and jumps around like the hyper dog he is when we throw his toys for him. What else could I do to keep him warm? I hate seeing him cold and shaking I want to bring him inside but ill get in trouble lol and we have a house inspection next week so the house smelling like him won't be a good idea as he's not ment to be here. Any tips or advice is much appreciated
  15. Sasha went out to the toilet this morning came back in I thought she went into the lounge room like she normally does but nope she went back to bed lol so did missy. There both still in bed at this present time lazy doggies lol
  16. Wow that big at 12months he's a big boy! And a gorgeous one at that
  17. They won't get him without taking me out first lol as they say if your going to go down might as well make it worth it I can't say what I want too either
  18. Aww poor baby girl love the look in the first pic haha sasha has given me that look a few times. Glad she's feeling better
  19. Thank you so much that's what I needed to hear I think with our laws if he is in there name on the microchip they can take him when ever they want no matter what I've done for him and what they haven't done for him that's the part the scares me the most they wouldn't get there hands on him without taking me out first anyway but if they ring the police we can be done for stealing him I don't think they'd do that because they know they'd have my OHs family after them but its still in the back of my mind. My OH finally got a hold of them and they said they didn't go past our place on there way home so there going to send the papers down to us by mail (what they say and what they do are completely different) but if its not the change of ownership papers from the council there useless to us unless we take them to court which could take forever and cost a lot of money. But we will see what happens if they send them down it'll be a massive relief if they don't well it'll be yet another bump in the road. Fingers crossed they send them
  20. Still haven't heard from them and OH can't get a hold of them if my OH can't get a hold of them today ill be finding out off the rescue group I'm involved with what they called it to go down the path of abandonment. I'm now at the point where I couldn't care less what they say or what my OH says when it comes it how I handle this its not them that have to deal with it, it's me and I now have a few things to do with my pregnancy to deal with the added stress isn't needed. How would you deal with them? Knowing they only fed him once maybe twice a week when they had him and all he got was crap kibble, he had no toys, they hardly ever walked him , he hardly ever had clean water and now they have abandoned him with us (not that, that's a bad thing because he's much happier and he's well looked after) for the last 8-10mths can't remember exactly how long he's been with us its been more then 7mths though. It makes me so damn angry and upset that I just want to scream and cry
  21. Bambi92


    Glad your ok There's someone hanging around our area at the moment that's approached 2 teens in the last few days the police have said to use deodorant, spray and run to the nearest house or home which ever is safest and report it. It might be different over there as to what you can use though. I don't normally carry anything with me if I'm with my OH but if I'm alone as I've been approached and worse before my bag is normally heavy enough to hit someone over the head with and knock them down but then I don't normally carry a bag either.
  22. Hi and welcome there both cuties
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